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Installing Games - OCTGN Game Directory. All games featured on this site utilize the Games Feed feature in OCTGN. In OCTGN, click on the GAMES MANAGER tab.Click ADD GAME FEED button.In the NAME text box, enter a name to describe the feed (such as “OCTGN Game Directory”)In the FEED URL/PATH text box, copy+paste this link: the newly-added feed in the left listScroll through the list of games to install the ones you wish to play. Installed games on this feed will automatically update and install whenever a new version is available. For more information on a specific game, including links to download card images, please click on the link to the game (this list is also on the right-hand sidebar): Like this: Like Loading...

Strambotic. De los creadores de Sonotone, el Desternillador, la Cacharrería y el Mundo Insólito, entre otros muchos fracasos, llega para sus ojos Strambotic. Noticias insólitas. Siguenos en Twitter: @strambotic. La etnografía y el folclore de la antigua Yugoslavia de los años 60 y 70, espejo del crisol de culturas de lo que hoy son países independientes (la eslovena, croata, serbia, macedonia; con minorías húngaras, albanesas, rumanas…), hicieron que la producción musical en aquel país fuera tan vasta como las medidas de censura del régimen bajo el que estaba. Y eso se refleja, sin duda, en esta sucesión de horribles portadas de discos de aquella época. En ellas, como si fuera una batalla frugal entre un pasado histórico tan variado, conviven villancicos deprimentes de pelo desteñido, rodillas sexy pero peludas, lorzas en abundancia, trazas incompatibles con la decencia y unos peinados salidos de la mente de un Llongueras con cistitis, que harían temblar a cualquier dirigente de un partido comunista en su sano juicio.

Y claro, de semejante tifostio de estilos, musicalidades y pensamientos regionales, no podían más que salir cosas tan estrambóticas como estas: continuar leyendo. S P O O K Y P O P : The art of Doktor A. Spookypopshop — New Products. Tarnished Daydreams Feature: Steam Locomotive Perambulator by Doktor A. TOYSREVIL: A customized toy-set featuring your own toys, is a brilliant move. How do you feel about production toys in general? And seeing Doktor A designs made into production pieces? DOKTOR A: "I love making production toys. I would rather make just one off art pieces which are all new constructions or sculpts and production toys, than do toy customs.

Making toys takes a very long time though. Its a slow and sometimes painful process to get right. " DOKTOR A: "This set seemed like such an obvious idea to do that I had to make it. PRODUCT-DETAILS: "Steam Locomotive Perambulator" is a two-piece combination of Mechtorian toys by Mindstyle. WHO: One of Stephan LePodd's adventuring machines. WHAT-IS: TARNISHED DAYDREAMS is a solo show by Doktor A, and opened April 1st @ Iksentrik and exhibits thru April 30th.

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18 Everyday Products You've Been Using Wrong. LISTA A-Z SOLUCIONARIOS. Curvy in HTML5. Curvy is a HTML5 puzzle game using the canvas element. Just rotate the tiles so that like colors connect. Modernizr tells me you don't have canvas support in your browser. Sadly, this game uses technology that's only in browsers with HTML5 support. We've tested Chrome 12, Firefox 4 and Opera 11. Presented to you by FlamingLunchbox is a puzzle, originally for Android phones, using a simple idea. Each Curvy puzzle consists of a grid of hexagonal tiles.

Curvy allows a variety of different puzzle sizes, providing puzzles that can be quickly solved as well as more complex versions depending on the size you choose. Want it on Android? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Piccsy :: All Categories - Most Popular Recently.