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Presentation Tools

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PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative. Text 2 Mind Map - Simple mind mapping online. Public Domain Resources. Public domain does not fully describe the types of resources available on this page.

Public Domain Resources

We have provided a list of easy to use resources with few restrictions, whether they are in the public domain, publicly available or available for use by the owners or by the website with limited restrictions. Why This List? The following compilation of resources is intended to connect instructors, researchers, and students to public domain materials and publicly accessible media that are available to users with little to no restrictions. Materials found through these links can be used for individual study or to supplement formal class lectures and, as such, can serve as a resource beyond traditional slides or textbooks. This compilation allows instructors, students, and other researchers to access a wide array of materials without needing to address the copyright issues involved in making one’s own collection.

IgniteCAST. Capzles: Online Timeline Maker. Prezi. HelloSlide.