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Baked Zucchini Chips. Well I said last week that I'd probably be up to my old tricks by now.

Baked Zucchini Chips

But much to my own surprise, I decided to try another 'healthy' recipe I've been thinking about - zucchini chips! If you ever look at the sidebar of my blog that lists 'popular recipes' you will see that Apple Chips are number one. They have been for a while now, but the funny part is that they are number one by a landslide. Mr. Vittles occasionally looks over my shoulder while I'm reviewing my blog's stats, and he is always so amused by the fact that the Apple Chips completely dwarf every other post. This fact is absurdly evident by a bar graph that shows the top 10 posts' all-time number of views... basically one long bar, with a whole bunch of short ones beneath it.

Up until this week (when Cheesy Bacon Oven Chips suddenly blew up on Pinterest) the Apple Chips had four times more views than the 2nd most popular post. So... in light of people's apparent interest in this recipe, Mr. Original Recipe. Caprichos sin gluten. Super sweet popcorn recipes. Gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free lime drizzle cake recipe. This moist cake tastes sublime and has a crunchy lime icing, which sparkles like a winter frost – but there any similarity with conventional drizzle cake ends, because it contains no eggs, dairy or wheat flour.

Gluten-free, dairy-free and egg-free lime drizzle cake recipe

Try it for yourself and marvel at the alchemy that takes place inside the humble oven. Makes 8-10 slices100g dairy-free margarine150g caster sugar100g ground almonds100g polenta (maize meal)50g gluten-free plain flour blend1 tsp bicarbonate of soda1 tsp baking powder200g plain soya yoghurt2 unwaxed lemons1 tbsp cornflour1 lime25g granulated sugar 1 Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/gas mark 4. Grease a 21cm x 11cm loaf tin with vegetable oil. In a mixing bowl, cream together the margarine and caster sugar. 2 Juice the lemons. 3 Bake for 45–50 minutes until the cake has browned and the sides have shrunk away from the tin. 4 Remove the cake from the oven, but leave it in the tin. What to watch out forBaking powder can have wheat flour added, so make sure that you check the label. Gluten-and dairy-free pistachio bird's nest baklava. Gluten-free alfajores with dairy-free caramel filling. Gluten-free crackers with a dairy-free smoked mackerel pate.

Dulce, Sano y Natural. Índice de recetas Archivos. Diario de recetas. Sin gluten. Sin azúcar. Las 5 mejores leches vegetales. Hoy en día, todos conocemos los inconvenientes de la leche de vaca.

Las 5 mejores leches vegetales

A pesar de seguir siendo una de las más consumidas, los efectos que provoca hace que cada vez más personas busquen una alternativa. Es por ello que las leches no lácteas elaboradas a base de ingredientes vegetales y agua, se alcen por sí solas como la mejor opción. Son saludables y muy beneficiosas ¿quieres conocerlas? Todos lo hemos padecido alguna vez: difícil digestión, mucosidades, malestar, o puede que hasta seamos intolerantes a la lactosa. Yogur casero. Hacer yogur en casa es muy sencillo; supone un ahorro de energía, de recursos materiales y de dinero, y además podemos comérnoslo fresco.

Yogur casero

Para hacer yogur sólo hay que dar leche calentita “para comer” a un poco de yogur que ya tengamos. A una temperatura de unos 45ºC, las bacterias que hay en el yogur producen una fermentación que transforma los azúcares de la leche en ácido láctico. De esta forma la leche se va espesando y convirtiéndose en yogur. El yogur se usa desde la antigüedad.

Deshidratar frutas y verduras: varios métodos y sus beneficios. + 1Email 52.7K 102+ 1231Email Vida sostenible | Hazlo tu mismo Deshidratar alimentos es una técnica de conservación que consiste en extraer gran parte del agua contenida en los alimentos, evitando con ello el desarrollo de los microorganismos causantes de su deterioro y putrefacción.

Deshidratar frutas y verduras: varios métodos y sus beneficios

Métodos caseros para deshidratar frutas y otros alimentos Existen diversos métodos que se emplean para deshidratar frutas y verduras, sin embargo a nivel casero podemos hacerlo utilizando el horno, electricidad o energía solar. 1- Con la ayuda del horno a baja temperatura, podemos obtener nuestros propios alimentos deshidratados. Home - Gluten Intolerance Group. 10 Signs You're Gluten Intolerant. More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley.

10 Signs You're Gluten Intolerant

It's estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed. It is also estimated that as much as 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant. Could you be one of them? If you have any of the following symptoms it could be a sign that you have gluten intolerance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Difference Between Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance. On Sunday, I took a poll on Facebook and asked you all to pick between: A) The difference between Celiac, gluten intolerance/gluten sensitivity.B) I’ve been gluten free for over 6 months and still feel sick, now what?

The Difference Between Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance

C) Please perform a dance about living GF that includes the robot, a forward roll & glitter. Option *A* won the vote this week, but never fear…*B* is next weeks content and *C*…wellllll, there may be some gluten free hip shaking in an upcoming episode. Okay, on the to the task at hand… Gluten Sensitivity and Gluten Intolerance are two terms that can be, and often are, used interchangeably. Gluten Free Certification Organization.