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How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally- Diet and Herbs to Support Teeth. Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe for Oral Health. Oil Pulling Cures. "These are instructions from India in which only 2 types of oil can be used. However, as you will read below in our Reader Feedback section, people are experimenting with different oils, adding anti-bacterial and anti-viral oil essences. Soon we might have a purist vs. renegade oil pulling battle! First thing in the morning, before brushing your teeth, eating or drinking, take 1 TBSP of either sesame or sunflower oil.

Put the oil in your mouth, tilt your chin up and slowly swish, suck, chomp and pull through the teeth. Do this for at least 10 minutes. 15 - 20 minutes is better. You want the oil to become a thin, white foam when you finally spit it out. You can do this 2 more times during the day if you want to detox faster. Follow by drinking 2 - 3 glasses of water. HOW IT WORKS:The oil pulls all mucous, bacteria and toxins from your body through your saliva. Note #1:Keeping the chin tilted up makes sure the oil gets to the back molars. Note #6:Will your dental fillings fall out? Oil Pulling. Say “good-bye” to tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, loose teeth, bleeding and receding gums and say “hello” to a bright white smile and healthy pink gums. How is this possible? With oil pulling! Never heard of it? Well, it’s about time you had. Oil pulling is simple. You put a spoonful of vegetable oil into your mouth and swish it around for a period of 15 to 20 minutes.

Oil pulling is best done first thing in the morning before eating breakfast. We have billions of bacteria living in our mouths. Despite regular brushing, flossing, and the use of antiseptic mouthwashes, tooth decay and gum disease are major health problems. Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that by the time you reach the age of 65, your chances of having lost all of your teeth are one out of three! Teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and they will if you take care of them. Oil pulling isn’t only good at preventing oral infections, but can actively fight them as well. Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil to Transform Your Dental Health. I love it when I learn new things from the comments people leave on my site.

About two weeks ago, I wrote an article about coconut oil – an awesome tropical oil with many health benefits. A few people commented that they use coconut oil for something called Oil Pulling – which is kind of like using an oil as mouthwash. Apparently, there are quite a few studies that support this process and a lot of people swear by it. It is claimed to whiten your teeth, make your breath fresher and lead to massive improvements in oral health.

I have now been doing this every morning for about 10 days… and I am impressed. What is Oil Pulling and How Does it Work? Oil pulling involves swishing oil around the mouth and has been used for thousands of years as an Indian folk remedy. In order to oil pull, you put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, then swish it around for 15-20 minutes. The main benefit of doing this, is that it reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth. The way oil pulling works is simple.