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Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe for Oral Health

Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe for Oral Health
Related:  Argyle Crossing Spa Creations

On dental effects of brushing teeth with MMS (chlorine dioxide or 'Miracle Mineral Supplement' [Jim V. Humble]): healing abscessed teeth, infected gums and pyorrhea and fixing loose teeth Jim V. Humble, the "man behind MMS" and author of the book “The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century” said in a "Project Camelot" interview available on youtube (transcription by Healing Teeth Naturally): Question: "In terms of the list of the diseases which MMS has been shown to be efficacious against... you're talking malaria, Aids, cancer, ... what else?" To further introduce you to MMS and its possible benefits in teeth and mouth care (I've seen a well-known alternative cancer "health authority" state that he only uses MMS for his teeth while another person stated that "MMS will knock out all tooth decay in a week"), here is an excerpt from the book “The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century”, Part 2, 2nd Edition, by Jim V. Humble. On dental uses and effects of brushing teeth with MMS: healing of abscessed teeth, infected gums & pyorrhea and fixing loose teeth (excerpted from The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, Part 2) Note: toothpaste with MMS

Coconut Oil America's Best Source for Buying Coconut Oil How to Make Lotion Bars- Easy Recipe I’ve finally reached a point where I make all of our toiletry products by hand. I’ve saved a lot of money doing this with bulk ingredients, and I love that I’m not putting any chemicals on my family’s skin. (Finally even replaced my make-up with homemade versions and more on that coming soon!) I’ve made lotion in the past, but was excited to stumble on this great variation, which is solid at room temperature and looks like a bar of soap. There are endless variations on this lotion bar recipe too. These are fun presents, and could be made for baby shower gifts, birthdays, Christmas gifts or for pregnant moms to use to prevent stretch marks. The Ingredients: This recipe can be adjusted to make any quantity that you’d like. How to Make: Combine all ingredients (except essential oils if using) in a double boiler, or a glass bowl over a smaller saucepan with 1 inch of water in it. Turn the burner on and bring water to a boil. Remove from heat and add the essential oils.

Oil Pulling Say “good-bye” to tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, loose teeth, bleeding and receding gums and say “hello” to a bright white smile and healthy pink gums. How is this possible? With oil pulling! Oil pulling is simple. Oil pulling is best done first thing in the morning before eating breakfast. We have billions of bacteria living in our mouths. Despite regular brushing, flossing, and the use of antiseptic mouthwashes, tooth decay and gum disease are major health problems. Data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that by the time you reach the age of 65, your chances of having lost all of your teeth are one out of three! Teeth are meant to last a lifetime, and they will if you take care of them. Studies show that oil pulling at least once a day can significantly reduce dental plaque and gingivitis (i.e. gum disease). Oil pulling isn’t only good at preventing oral infections, but can actively fight them as well.

Strengthen Tooth Enamel Through Re-Mineralization In order to get the teeth enamel to re-mineralize there are lots of factors going on which makes the topic quite complex. Dentists will tell you that enamel can't actually regrow. The enamel itself if dead, and is created by special cells when the tooth is formed. However, your enamel is like your nails. Although they are dead cells, external factors such as sunshine (Vitamin D) and diet can make your nails grow quicker and thicker. Tooth enamel is composed of 96% mineral content and is the strongest substance in the human body. Enamel can be strengthened by a process called remineralization - which is basically adding minerals to the enamel matrix through the saliva. To avoid ever getting cavities you need to stop the process or at least slow down the de-mineralization process and increase the re-mineralization process. It get tricky, because if you don't get both right, it's like filling up a leaky bucket. Add foods that are high in Vitamin K2, Vitamin C and Vitamin D, to your diet.

Etsy Updates Policies on Cosmetics Making Claims - Soap Queen Etsy recently updated their policy on a variety of products that many Soap Queen readers and Bramble Berry customers make: products to help with acne (usually containing Tea Tree Essential Oil), anti-wrinkle creams and serums (often containing luscious ingredients like Tamanu Oil or Seabuckthorn Extract), diaper rash creams (often containing zinc oxide) and anything making anti-itch statements (often with additives like calamine or calendula-infused oils). This move has caused some confusion and frustration in the Etsy marketplace. Bottom line: follow the current, existing FDA guidelines for labeling cosmetics and you will be in compliance with Etsy’s new policy. For the long post details, including actual languaging from FDA Warning Letters, links to the FDA site, statements from Etsy on the issue, continue reading by clicking “more”. You can read Etsy’s full and official policy here. There is a difference between scientific evidence and anecdotal evidence. Full letter here.

- StumbleUpon we blessing sisters have loved notepads, notebooks and all things paper since our first wide-rule pads we bought in gradeschool. we have trouble letting go of even a single sheet of paper, lest we find a use to reuse or recycle it in the craft room! this time, we repurposed our old faxes and paper scraps into notebooks and made them useful again. we pulled out old wrapping paper, books we didn’t mind ripping pages out of, and other odds and ends to make the covers pretty. this is quick and easy to do with what you already have at home, and you end up with a stack of handy, useful pads that might even give you a tinge of back-to-school nostalgia. –bbbcraft sisters CLICK HERE for the full how-to after the jump! Materials: - 8 ½” x 11” scrap paper (from faxes, printing mishaps and mail) - binder clips - scraps of cardboard cut into 1” inch strips OR 2 wood paint mixers cut to size -elmers glue, pvc or a glue gun - paint brush - decorative scrap paper - masking tape and/or decorative tape

Oil Pulling Cures "These are instructions from India in which only 2 types of oil can be used. However, as you will read below in our Reader Feedback section, people are experimenting with different oils, adding anti-bacterial and anti-viral oil essences. Soon we might have a purist vs. renegade oil pulling battle! First thing in the morning, before brushing your teeth, eating or drinking, take 1 TBSP of either sesame or sunflower oil. You can do this 2 more times during the day if you want to detox faster. Follow by drinking 2 - 3 glasses of water. HOW IT WORKS:The oil pulls all mucous, bacteria and toxins from your body through your saliva. Note #1:Keeping the chin tilted up makes sure the oil gets to the back molars. Note #2:The old school says that only sesame and sunflower oils produce favorable results. Note #3:If after meals, wait at least 4 hours before you Oil Pull. Note #4:A worsening of symptoms is an excellent indication that the disease/ailment is being cured.

Paleo 101 The following is geared towards people who want to try out a Paleo diet and who just want to quickly know what they should and shouldn’t do. No background science here or lengthy explanations, only 15 easy rules to follow to kick start your Paleo journey. It’s up to you to decide to what extent you want to follow those rules, but if you follow them 100% you can be assured that you are eating the best food for your body and greatly investing in your long term health and well-being. A Paleo diet should be high in fat, moderate in animal protein and low to moderate in carbohydrates. Calorie counting is not encouraged, neither is portion control.Eat unlimited amounts of saturated fats like coconut oil and butter or clarified butter.

Related:  Teeth