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Secret Society's

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Former worker of Bohemian Grove speaks out about the club and its members. Senator Rubio Confronted on Bilderberg. This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World. So-aut-mail-r2012. Bilderberg 2012: A Complete Failure of Secrecy. Who Are The BILDERBERGS? Adam Parfrey: 7 Fascinating Secret Society Photos (PHOTOS) Just about every single village, town and city in the United States has at least several buildings used as secret society lodges, hidden in plain sight: various forms of Freemasonry, Odd Fellows, Shriners, Woodmen of the World, Improved Order of the Red Men, Jesters, Druids, subordinate orders meant for women or children of these groups--Rebekah, Order of the Eastern Star, Job's Daughters, DeMolay or one of six hundred different orders that ran strong in this country.

It might come as a surprise that the banal business and patriot groups, like the Lion's, Optimists, Elks, Eagles, and the Rotary Club are also secret societies who are joined by initiates who swear secret oaths. At the turn of the twentieth century, several well-regarded insider books on fraternal orders claimed that as many as one-third the population of the country belonged to among six hundred different secret orders.

Now that's a mother lode of secrecy. What's the attraction of belonging to such groups?