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Ombro & pescoço. Jejum. Depressão. Psicologia. Tabagismo. Cravos & calos. Cabeça. Sexual. Feridas nos cantos dos lábios. Joelhinho.... 15 Natural Home Remedies for Folliculitis Cure – Signs, Symptoms & Treatment. Folliculitis is a kind of bacterial problem (acne or herpes) that appears on the skin.

15 Natural Home Remedies for Folliculitis Cure – Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

Folliculitis can be centered on hair follicles – it is a form of infection or inflammation that spreads to the surface of your skin all over your body. Some common areas most likely to get affected are: ScalpGenital/pubic areaLegsArmpitButtocksFaceNasal area Folliculitis can develop in animals and humans alike. Given below are a few types of folliculitis: 6 Reasons Your Butt Is Red and Itchy. Surprise—this STD doesn’t only strike the mucus membranes of the genitals and mouth.

6 Reasons Your Butt Is Red and Itchy

“It’s not uncommon for herpes to infect the skin of your bottom, and the signs would be similar to that of an oral or genital herpes outbreak, including one or more tiny blisters grouped close together,” says Sarika M. Ramachandran, M.D., assistant professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center. The treatment is also the same: diagnosis by your derm or ob-gyn and then a script for antiviral meds, which will speed healing. “This is the same fungal infection as athlete’s foot and jock itch, but it shows up on your behind,” says Ramachandran. Fungi thrive in moist, dark places, which is why this infection tends to occur on body parts that rub together, creating lots of heat and friction (hello, butt crack!). 7 Yoga Poses You Can Do at Your Work Desk to Relieve Stress. While the 60 to 90 minutes you spend on your yoga mat a few days a week certainly helps, it is no match for the chronic stress and tension you place on your body during the rest of the day in your desk job.

7 Yoga Poses You Can Do at Your Work Desk to Relieve Stress

Sitting at a desk for hours on end places unnecessary strain on the lumbar spine, overstretches the mid to upper back, and shortens the chest and hips—leading to neck, shoulder, and low back pain. Try this simple office yoga sequence when you cannot get to your favorite class. 1. Seated Crescent Moon Pose Credit: Yoga Destiny The side body tends to collapse when hunched over a computer, contributing to neck and shoulder discomfort. Lift your arms overhead and stretch your fingers wide. 2. Credit: Fit Day. The chemicals in your skincare products – Clued In – Medium. Ever had a weird reaction to a new lotion, lipstick or shave gel?

The chemicals in your skincare products – Clued In – Medium

Yeah, you’re not alone. Chemicals are in all the products we use on and inside our bodies. O corpo na dor: automutilação, masoquismo e pulsão. DOI: http//

O corpo na dor: automutilação, masoquismo e pulsão

Formas naturais e eficazes para eliminar gases intestinais. Existem várias formas de eliminar os gases intestinais presos, porém uma das mais simples e práticas consiste em tomar um chá de funcho com erva-cidreira e caminhar durante alguns minutos, pois desta forma é possível estimular o funcionamento do intestino, eliminando os gases de forma natural.

Formas naturais e eficazes para eliminar gases intestinais

DELIVERY. All orders received from Mondays to Saturday before 5:00 pm are shipped out on the same day following payment confirmation.


Orders received on Sundays will only be shipped out on Monday by 1:00 pm latest. Deliveries will only be made once payment has been received. Any order placed after 5:00 pm will be dispatched the following day except otherwise. All orders are shipped in double vacuum sealed containers to conceal smell and disguised packaging to eliminate any possibility of suspicion. No cannabis related information will be found on the package. For clients within the USA offer next day delivery, 2 days and 3 days delivery. For clients, outside the USA, orders generally take 3-5 days to get delivered. Upon receiving your order, If you discover that the goods are faulty or package has been tampered with, please notify us by email or telephone within 2 days of receiving them.

There are no products to list in this category. Enviromedica. Culture and History of Clay Consumption In fact, eating clay is a global practice that has existed among humans since their evolution from primates, and one that continues today among traditional ethnic groups as well as numerous animal species.


The practice of eating clay has been studied in present and traditional cultures from areas across continents, including present-day Arizona and California, Central and South America, Sweden and Sardinia, sub-Saharan Africa, Indonesia, and Australia. Historically, clay eating has been associated with treatments for cholera and bacterial infection. In a practice dating back to Greek and Roman times and later absorbed by Christianity, holy clay tablets were widely distributed and traded throughout the Mediterranean region and Western Europe for use in religious customs and rituals, and as cures for poison and the plague.

These clay tablets, blessed by the Roman Catholic Church, were listed in pharmacopeia as late as 1848. References Hunter, J. Enviromedica. Além do Lab. Desde a pré-história o homem usa argilas para fins terapêuticos.

Além do Lab

Há indícios de que o homo erectus e o homo neanderthalensis usavam misturas de argila e água para curar feridas, amenizar alergias e limpar a pele. Acredita-se que eles adquiriram esse hábito ao imitar os animais, que instintivamente se banham em lama com esse tipo de finalidade. Argila bentonite (desintoxicante potente) Never heard of bentonite clay before?

argila bentonite (desintoxicante potente)

Well, then you may be very surprised to hear that it’s a “healing clay” that cleanses and heals the body.