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Auvergne Patrimoines - S. Champeyrol

Freelance Auvergne Patrimoines Négociateur en immobilier de caractère pour l'Agence Patrice Besse

Auvergne Patrimoines

Marketing culturel. Marketing Touristique. The W3C Markup Validation Service. Cheatsheet. The encoding used for an HTML page that contains a form should support all the characters needed to enter data into that form.


This is particularly important if users are likely to enter information in multiple languages. Databases and scripts that receive data from forms on pages in multiple languages must also be able to support the characters for all those languages simultaneously. The simplest way to enable this is to use Unicode for both pages containing forms and all back-end processing and storage. In such a scenario the user can fill in data in whatever language and script they need to. You should also try to avoid making assumptions that things such as the user's name and address will follow the same formatting rules as your own. The AMP Validator.

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Webmarketing. Webmaster. Webdesign tests UI / UX. Webdesign. 2.0. Automatisation. Recherches web. Droit du patrimoine culturel. Archéologie. Lutte pour la protection des culturels.