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There is an alternative: the vision of participatory economics. In this interview, Michael Albert — co-founder of Znet — reflects on the vision of participatory economics, and how it could take us beyond capitalism. 100 Websites You Should Know and Use. Entertainment Meet David Peterson, who developed Dothraki for Game of Thrones.

100 Websites You Should Know and Use

Order Fulfillment Service for eCommerce. Ecommerce Software – Online Store Builder & Hosting Solutions – Free 30 Day Trial by Shopify. 8 Startups That Are Changing the World. From life-changing technologies that reduce poverty and disease to online volunteerism for busy professionals, the Startups For Good Challenge contestants proved they had more than just a great business idea: They also are working to make a positive impact on the world.

8 Startups That Are Changing the World

We're thrilled to announce the eight finalists for the Startups For Good Challenge. These finalists will compete on stage during the Social Good Summit on September 22 for a chance to win $10,000 for their company. The winner will be selected by judges, including representatives from Mashable, the UN Foundation, 92nd Street Y and guest judge, Yossi Vardi, who has helped launch more than 60 high-tech companies such as ICQ, a popular instant-messaging system. Project Realise - Ideas. Crowdfunding: comment obtenir des financements des internautes. C'est une révolution.

Crowdfunding: comment obtenir des financements des internautes

Le 5 avril 2012, le président américain Barack Obama signait à la Maison-Blanche, le Jobs Act, un plan de relance doté de plus de 400 milliards de dollars destiné à stimuler l'emploi aux Etats-Unis. Parmi les mesures adoptées figure un programme visant les start-up, qui peuvent désormais se tourner plus lar­gement vers des investisseurs en ligne pour trouver des capitaux.

Un pied de nez aux banques ? Pas seulement. Car le crowdfunding (littéralement " financement par la foule ") est en passe de devenir un véritable business modèle. Avec le Jobs Act, les entreprises de crowd-funding américaines sont en mesure de ­lever jusqu'à 50 millions de ­dollars en actions auprès de 1 000 actionnaires. Livret Zesto. Financement participatif en direct entre entrepreneurs et investisseurs. KissKissBankBank. Sélection. What is a B Corp? B Lab is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that serves a global movement of entrepreneurs using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.

What is a B Corp?

B Lab serves these entrepreneurs through three interrelated initiatives that provide them the legal infrastructure and help them attract the customers, talent, and capital to scale. Certified B Corporations B Corp certification is to sustainable business what LEED certification is to green building or Fair Trade certification is to coffee. B Corps are certified by the nonprofit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Today, there is a growing community of more than 800 Certified B Corps from 27 countries and 60 industries working together toward 1 unifying goal: to redefine success in business. Passing Legislation Benefit corporations operate the same as traditional corporations but with higher standards of corporate purpose, accountability, and transparency.

Bootstrap your Business. Bootstrap.pdf (Objet application/pdf) How TaskRabbit works. Bootstrapping With $15K Even Though He Has Millions? – with Jorn Lyseggen. How does a small Norwegian startup that bootstrapped with just $15K generate over $100M in annual sales?

Bootstrapping With $15K Even Though He Has Millions? – with Jorn Lyseggen

I invited Jorn Lyseggen to talk about how he grew his company Meltwater Group with the philosophy “We are not a chicken-shit company” and took it global without any outside funding or debt. In this interview you’ll see how creating bootstrap DNA within a business pays off even after it’s grown to 57 offices around the world. Jorn Lyseggen is the scrappy Norwegian entrepreneur who founded Meltwater Group, a SaaS company that helps businesses manage their reputations, streamline recruitment, run online marketing campaigns and more. Andrew: Hey, before we get started, if you need a web app built, or a mobile app built, who do you call?

Check out Center on Business and Poverty. The Art of the Start and My Authentic Story - Manage To Change. Eight Critical Value Points of a Futurist. Inside the Mind of Your Buyers. A look at what motivates customers to buy -- and six ways to tailor your sales pitch.

Inside the Mind of Your Buyers

No two customers are the same. To a small-business owner, that truism means paying close attention to what motivates people to buy. Customers approach buying with their own agenda, says George W. Dudley, chairman of the Behavioral Sciences Research Press, a Dallas, Texas-based research and development firm focused on sales productivity.

For example, they could be shopping for specific product features, hoping to build a long-term relationship with the seller, or seeking a strong commitment to reliable service. That means you should tailor your sales technique based on the primary reason your customer wants to buy. Here are six ways to close a sale by focusing on what motivates your potential customers to buy. 10 Tips to Kick-start Your Sales Skills. Learning to sell yourself, and your product or service, is one of the biggest challenges as a startup.

10 Tips to Kick-start Your Sales Skills

How to Make a Personal Connection with Customers. Seven ways to build relationships with prospects that lead to more sales.

How to Make a Personal Connection with Customers

Editor's note: Is your business in need of a sales boost? We're here to help. Join us for part two of our live online chat with sales expert Grant Cardone, who will share his best strategies for closing a sale. Just log on to on Weds., Dec. 14, at 3 p.m. EST and bring your questions. It isn't always enough to create and promote an outstanding product or service. The Basics of Alternative and Nonbank Financing. The good news is that despite the dismal credit environment, there are many nonbank and alternative financing options available to companies that need a cash infusion, whether to beef up working capital or help facilitate growth.

The Basics of Alternative and Nonbank Financing

Ten Rules for Bootstrapping Your Business. When the going gets tough, the tough go bootstrapping Walk a Mile in These Bootstrapped Shoes.

Ten Rules for Bootstrapping Your Business

Much the way nature has evolved, the world of business operates in fluid balance with money serving as its breathable oxygen. And in much the same manner as nature, businesses feed off the less fortunate, using their superior strength to suffocate and feed off of the revenue streams of their daily prey, walking casually away to find their next meal. Welcome to the startup business playground, where some of the best and brightest talent in this country has been burned at the stake.