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Mer mag. After Jon and I had been married for a few years Jon's parents went on a trip to Europe.

mer mag

Knowing our love of theater, puppeteering and European toys in general, they returned home with two pop-up puppets for us. I have loved having them around (as have the boys) and have often looked over at them, and thought, "you know, I really need to make my own version of one of these". And after I made these Halloween paper mache puppets, I knew right away, I wanted to do a version of these in pop-up form.

So for Easter this year, that is just what we did. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. (The template is larger than an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper and was created for an 11x14 size paper. After printing the template I then traced it onto rigid chip board (actually taken from a stay flat mailer I use for shipping my prints in my shop, but you can use any sort of rigid chip board you might have lying around, such as a thick cereal box, etc.). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. And little A is quite the fan as well. BOOK - print workshop. If you are stocking the print & pattern fabrics we can list your shop here.

BOOK - print workshop

Yarn Love. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2012 | Comments: 98 Spell out your feelings with this easy-to-make sign of love.

Yarn Love

To make this you will need: wire reinforced clothesline (available at home improvement & hardware stores), yarn & wire clippers. Clip off a length of clothesline (it took about a yard to make this) and shape into the word, "LOVE". Tie or hot glue end of yarn onto beginning of wire and start wrapping the entire word with yarn. When you reach a point where two wires cross each other, wrap yarn around both wires to stabilize the design and hold the word in place. Wrap yarn all the way to the end of the word and tie a knot or add a dab of hot glue to secure. Crafts. Lace Wrapping Paper. Natural dye for homemade playdough. By Kate on July 16, 2010 I‘ve discovered lately that its really easy to dye homemade playdough with natural ingredients. We dyed ours using raspberries, rose petals, beetroot, blueberries, turmeric and oak tree bark. Check out the results in the picture below. Pretty good eh? As well as creating some great playdough it’s also a lovely way to teach kids that some of the most beautiful dyes can be found in your own back yard.

First of all you need to extract your dye: Raspberries and strawberries Put a big handful of raspberries and a cup of water in a pan. Rose petals Roughly tear up the petals from about six red roses and put in pan with a cup of water. Making a Tissue Paper Flower Bouquet with Scallop Circle Nestabilities. I've been really interested in paper flower making this summer.

Making a Tissue Paper Flower Bouquet with Scallop Circle Nestabilities

DIY Tissue Paper Flower Garland. Brace yourselves for paper flowers galore!

DIY Tissue Paper Flower Garland

Hillary created tissue paper flower wreaths to be used for one of her brides’ wedding as centerpieces. We’re in awe of the color burst of paper craftiness. DIY Twist Ties. I saw some of the cutest twist ties at the craft store last week.

DIY Twist Ties

I decided it would be simple enough to make DIY twist ties. So I gathered my supplies and got to work (I had everything on hand so they were free.) I cut the paper 4 3/4″ long and a little over 1/4″ wide. I used 26 gauge wire and cut it the same length as the paper. Then I stuck double sided tape to the back side of the paper and peeled the protective cover off. Glittered IZZE Bottles. The next thing I wanted to do to the IZZE bottles was glitter them.

Glittered IZZE Bottles

You can check out how I drilled the holes in the back of the bottles here. I used Goo Gone to take off the sticky residue that was left over from the label. It also removes stamps that are on the bottles. Then I taped off the area I wanted to glitter. I taped it off where the neck of the bottle starts to get skinnier. I brushed mod podge on the bottom part of the bottle then sprinkled on the glitter. Monday's Cup of Creativity: Beaded Baby Spoons. I got this wonderful idea from one of my favorite bloggers, Anna from Your Little Birdie.

Monday's Cup of Creativity: Beaded Baby Spoons

I thought it was so cute, I had to try it for my friends Becky and Garrett and their new little baby girl (who will be born any day now!!) I also added my own little twist and put the baby's name on a couple of the spoons. Here's How I did it: Materials: Baby spoons-I used these adorable spoons by Munchkin-they are BPA free and already come adorable with the pastel coated heads and the hearts cut into the ends! Fun with Photoshop!! Fun with Photoshop… It hasn’t rained here all summer in Houston Texas, so we made a photo to show our faith that it is going to RAIN soon!!

Fun with Photoshop!!

Outdoor Crafts for Kids - Outdoor Craft Projects. This photo originally appeared in FamilyFun Magazine Total Time weekend projects Ages school-age These bright and funky eggs are a blast for kids to make -- and they're a great party decoration too.

Outdoor Crafts for Kids - Outdoor Craft Projects

If packed away carefully, they should last for years. What you'll need. Ask Design Mom: Teacher Gift. Ask Design Mom Question: Hello Design Mom. I’m looking for inexpensive but useful teacher gift ideas. Got anything up your sleeve? Thanks in advance. Courtney C. Design Mom Answer: Great question, Courtney. “This upcoming week is the last week of school for my kids. -I bought the soap at Target… on sale for $1 per bottle. Click here to download the free label template — just add the name and a simple illustration. Water Soluble Paper – Using a Silicone Baking Tray. I was going through my old photos, cleaning out my sadly overstuffed Flickr account, and found these photos.

While this was one soap that didn’t make the final taping for the Microsoft Small Business Summit (didn’t see this series back in 2008? Check it out here), I wanted to share the technique with you. This is a good way to embed larger photos using Water Soluble Paper. Step One: Pour a thin layer of Clear Melt and Pour Soap down. Don’t spray alcohol. Optional Step: 24 hours before embedding your Water Soluble Paper page, lightly spray with a very fine drizzle of hairspray to help set the color on the paper. Make Your Own Stationery: Pop-Up Cards. Since you've already mastered heat embossing, it's time to move on to the next big thing in creative stationery: pop-up cards!

Though they can be a bit time consuming, pop up cards aren't all that difficult, and the same principles apply to all manner of cards. Though the ones I've made are all colorful and cheerful, you could also make something a bit more subdued by subbing in white paper (a white-and-red "I <3 U" card would be really cute). Interested? Dust off your X-acto knife, crack open a fresh glue stick, and let's get started. But first things first: materials. How to Make a Small Origami 3-D Heart. Happy Valentine’s Day! » Kristen Duke Photography. I LOVE holidays!

I love making the most of them through fun food, colorful decorations, and bringing a smile to my kids’ faces in any way I can. Mission accomplished this morning with balloons, heart pancakes, and a trail of chocolates leading my kids to a festive table. VINTAGE PAINT WINE BOTTLES. Hi y'all, tomorrow is Easter (I can't believe we are already on middle of April) I still have so many thing to do and I'm here today to share an idea, a project you can make either as a favor or decor. It's quick and ease to make, just follow these steps and you're good to go!

The good thing is, you can recycle all those bottles of wine you have home or you can give to someone a bottle of wine with style, how cool is that? Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget. While I was in England my sorority Big Sis and one of my best friends in the whole wide world had her birthday. RECYCLING CARDBOARD BOXES + EDITABLE LABELS. DIY Cookie Cutters » The Beat That My Heart Skipped – A blog dedicated to daily design inspirations. By Rohini Wahi.

Did you spot Nikole Herriot’s adorable cloud cookies last week? Five Fun Bath Time Activities for Kids. DIY ombre trash bin. DIY Mirrored Art....PB knock off. Make your own Chalkboard Paint. DIY Tile Coasters. Make some for yourself. Anthropologie Floral Necklace DIY. Anthropologie Bonheur Necklace Tutorial. Tutorial: Springy Rings. Washington DC Wedding Blog ~ DIY Inspiration. Classic Felt Flowers – Tutorial. Tutorial: Felt Rosettes. Tapas de botellas / Caps / Flaschendeckel. Toy Animal Rack. Ladybug Advice Board. Homemade Finger Paints. Lego Polymer Clay Box. Mini Storage bottle (fits in the pocket) Creepy Creature Canisters. DIY wooden picture. How-to recycle those crayon stubs into a swell homemade gift. Personalized Journal and Crayons. Weaving. How To: Lavender Teabag. Hand-stamped valentine kit. Sewing 101: recycled paper basket.

DIY: Glitter Shoes. Before and after: Pink coffee tables. Heart wall lamp. No-fuss foam roses. Bean and soda pop bottle vase. No-fuss paper roses. Papa's got a brand new disc. Cut-out felt table runner. January Jumpstart Inspiration: Melissa's DIY Projects. Simple Stylish Project: DIY Hanging Planter Song & Dance. Make Your Own Canvas Portrait! Yearbook Votive D.I.Y. DIY: Indie Mix Tape Project. Magnetic Spice Storage: Weekend Project. Make Your Own Red Saddle Shoes. 10 Ways to Make a Garland. Heart Jeans D.I.Y. Loose Leaf Tea? Make Your Own Tea Bags! DIY jr: Mod Flower Hairpiece. DIY Dinosaur Lamps. I dig the diy dinosaur lamps. Electrified Fox Lamp Tutorial and Giveaway! DIY: Light Clouds. Paper Lanterns. How to Build a Lamp: 5 steps. Felt Tote Bag.