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Self organization and emergence properties. Video Protocols for biotech research. Intro Genetics. - Home. Aquarium. Yellow Slime Mold. The Life Cycle of a Slime Mold Final Animation. Cell culture. Stem Cells. The End Is Nigh -- For Computers, at Least [INFOGRAPHIC] When it comes to our gadgets, we live by Moore's law, which implies that as time goes by and tech gets better, the hardware we use gets smaller and more sophisticated. Now that we've whittled machines that filled whole rooms down to an MP3 player the size of a Triscuit, it's hard to say how much smaller our devices can get — but computing is continuing to evolve. In ten or twenty years, what we now call "computers" and how we do our computing are both guaranteed to be radically different and almost unrecognizable. In this REM-flavored infographic (which will surely get that song solidly stuck in your head for the rest of the day) we take a look at the progression of hardware from its beginnings in research to its future in quantum theory and even our own DNA.

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Cool science stories. Python list comprehension. Genome Consortium Data Sets | Genome Resources for the Fire Ant. Ecosphere. Health and Medicine. Bioinformatics. Bioinformatics tools. A question and answer site for bioinformatics. Statistical Analysis - Stack Exchange. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) Circos - Tutorials. The tutorials serve as a walkthrough through Circos. The course is a more structured set of materials that takes you through creating an image from scratch. The tutorials act as documentation — each lesson presents a specific feature of Circos. Example Image Once you download and install Circos, > tar xvfz circos-x.xx.tgz > cd circos-x.xx try creating the example image that ships with the Circos core distribution. > cd example > . Creating a Tutorial Image You will need to download the tutorials separately.

> cd tutorials/2/2 > ../../.. In each tutorial directory (e.g. tutorials/2/2), there will be several configuration files (*.conf). Creating Your Own Image The first thing you will need is the karyotype for your genome. You can download the karyotype from the table browser or directly for human hg19 (Feb 2009)hg18 (Mar 2006), mouse mm9 (Jul 2009)mm8 (Mar 2006), rat rn4 (Nov 2004)rn3 (Jun 2003), or other species. Quora.