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Deeper Learning Through Questions - The Right Question. Teaching Metacognition to Improve Student Learning. Metacognition can be a word that gets in the way of students’ understanding that this “thinking about thinking” is really about their awareness of themselves as learners. Most students don’t spend much time thinking about learning generally or how they learn specifically. In order to become independent, self-directed learners, they need to be able to “orchestrate” their learning. That’s the metaphor the National Research Council uses to describe planning for learning, monitoring it as it occurs, and then evaluating both what has been learned and how it was learned. Kimberly Tanner’s excellent article on “Promoting Student Metacognition” expands those three fundamental activities (planning, monitoring and evaluation) into a set of questions that students can use to begin to develop this awareness of themselves as learners.

I worry a bit about giving students all these questions at once. I can see them skimming through the list and quickly deciding there are too many questions to answer. 10 effective questioning methods for your Secondary school classroom. In this blog post, Alex Quigley explores how you can create a ‘culture of inquiry’ in your classroom that opens the minds of your students and provokes truly independent thought.

He explains his top 10 effective questioning methods to use with secondary school pupils: 1. ‘Questioning Monitor’ – involve students in the evaluation and reflection of the questioning process by choosing a monitor to be responsible for tracking how many questions are: teacher or student, open or closed, factual or conceptual. This shows students that you want to improve the quality of your questioning and that of theirs too. 2. ‘Hinge Point Questions’ – these questions can be really useful for formative assessment as they mean the lesson can be taken in at least two different directions, depending on how well the students understand what has been taught so far.

See Alex’s blog for examples of open and closed hinge point questions. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Questioning - Top Ten Strategies. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein Questioning is the very cornerstone of philosophy and education, ever since Socrates ( in our Western tradition) decided to annoy pretty much everyone by critiquing and harrying people with questions – it has been central to our development of thinking and our capacity to learn.

Indeed, it is so integral to all that we do that it is often overlooked when developing pedagogy – but it as crucial to teaching as air is to breathing. We must ask: do we need to give questioning the thought and planning time something so essential to learning obviously deserves? Do we need to consciously teach students to ask good questions and not just answer them? Most research indicates that as much as 80% of classroom questioning is based on low order, factual recall questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Q1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Added Extras: Like this: Like Loading... Hinge-Point-Questions.pdf. 101questions. Teachers toolbox - Professor John Hattie's Table of Effect Sizes. Hattie says ‘effect sizes' are the best way of answering the question ‘what has the greatest influence on student learning?

'. An effect-size of 1.0 is typically associated with: • advancing learners' achievement by one year, or improving the rate of learning by 50% • a correlation between some variable (e.g., amount of homework) and achievement of approximately .50 • A two grade leap in GCSE, e.g. from a C to an A grade An effect size of 1.0 is clearly enormous! Below is Hattie's table of effect sizes. Terms used in the table (Interpreted by Geoff Petty) • An effect size of 0.5 is equivalent to a one grade leap at GCSE • An effect size of 1.0 is equivalent to a two grade leap at GCSE • ‘Number of effects is the number of effect sizes from well designed studies that have been averaged to produce the average effect size. • An effect size above 0.4 is above average for educational research Some effect sizes are ‘Russian Dolls' containing more than one strategy e.g.

Beware Over-interpretation! Ks3_module_questioning.pdf. Assessment_for_learning_info2.pdf. Educational Leadership:Using Assessments Thoughtfully:The Right Questions, The Right Way. SSAT workshop. Clickers: Writing questions + Effective Facilitation | Stephanie Chasteen. Make It Count: Providing Feedback as Formative Assessment. Providing students with feedback on written work can, at times, feel like a burden.

Dozens (perhaps even hundreds) of papers clutter your desk, and commenting on each is nearly impossible. Still, we know, both from our experiences and from research, that feedback is essential. John Hattie, Professor of Education and Director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia, believes that feedback must be timely, relevant, and action-oriented. The good news, according to Hattie, is that "students want feedback just for them, just in time, and just helping nudge forward.

" To that end, he encourages us to "worry more about how students are receiving your feedback . . . than increasing how much you give. " So how can we provide this kind of feedback -- the kind that students actually listen to, understand, and use -- in a timely manner? Feedback as Formative Assessment Feedback in Action The tools available for providing feedback continue to multiply. T&L Questioning. Questioning - Top Ten Strategies. How to move your lessons from good to outstanding | Teacher Network. Where would I be without Twitter? I have decided to elaborate on this AfL strategy, following this tweet from my @TeacherToolkit account on #ukedchat 3.11.11. My tweet said "#ukedchat Missed out tonight, look forward to reading ideas. My favourite T&L strategy at the moment is "Pose, Pause...Pounce, Bounce" #AfL".

Firstly, this concept is not mine. So it is at this point, where I will be honourable and credit a colleague who I think has a money-spinning idea here. The fabulous Mrs Pam Fearnley delivered the session. What is it? It is a simple, yet sophisticated, AfL (Assessment for Learning) questioning technique to help teachers move from good-to-outstanding. Why is it useful? For many reasons. The strategy encouraged teachers to take risks and tease out the "learning" in class. How does it work? I have listed the four-part approach below with additional information that I hope explains the method. . • Give the context of your approach to the class.

This is the hard part. Explore! 1. 2. 3. The 20%: Questioning | M J Bromley's Blog. This is Part One of a new 2-part blog exploring effective questioning in the classroom.In a previous post I talked about the Pareto Principle. I suggested we should focus on improving the 20% of classroom strategies which research shows yield 80% of results. In other words, we should focus on practising those interventions which most expedite student progress.I have already written about the role feedback can play.Now I shall turn my attention to questioning… Questions are bread-and-butter stuff for teachers, a way of extending students’ learning, fostering a sense of curiosity, and assessing the progress being made (or not) by our students.

But not all questions are equal… In an article written as long ago as 1985 – in the days before the National Curriculum and Assessment for Learning, Jos Elstweet observed a lesson and made the following comments: I once witnessed a marvelous science lesson virtually go to ruins. From The right question at the right time by Jos Elsweet (1985) Cbs_askingeffectivequestions.pdf. Feedback for Thinking: Working for the Answer | Edutopia. We run the risk of giving the wrong kind of feedback for students, and it's not because we are bad people. We love our students. We want them to be successful, and sometimes these desires can actually get in the way of a student truly learning. Take a typical situation of a math problem involving money. A student is unable to determine the percentage that he or she should be getting, and is struggling with multiplication of decimals.

Often we notice this struggle and "swoop in" to save the day. As educators, we sit down with that student and show him or her how to do it, pat ourselves on the back, and move on the next student. 3 Strategies for Structured Teaching We need to move away from this type of feedback and toward feedback that causes thinking and metacognition. 1. We all know that asking questions can help us check for understanding, but questions can also be great tools for having students really articulate their ideas in a deeper way, and allowing them to think about it. 2. 3. Bloom's Critical Thinking Questions to Use in Class. A Very Good List Featuring 40 Questions to Develop Students Reflective Thinking.

52MEU_QSC_Webinar_Slides2. It’s a Mistake Not to Use Mistakes as Part of the Learning Process. I recently heard a TED talk from Brian Goldman, a doctor who admits to having made mistakes. In very emotional language, he describes some costly emergency room mistakes, and then makes a strong case for changing the way that the medical profession addresses such things. He believes that medicine will improve if doctors are free to discuss their mistakes, without judgment, allowing them to learn from each other. But, he continued, because doctors are judged by mistakes, they are too afraid to discuss them. Instead, they are often covered up, blamed on others, or ignored. Hearing this talk created in me a great need to examine the many mistakes I have made in my life. I discovered that my mistakes fall into four categories: Those I hid Those I learned nothing from Those I learned from Those I learned from and shared my new knowledge with others.

It’s the last two categories that I think have great potential to increase learning and teaching. Finding Value in Error. Using Student-Generated Reading Questions to Uncover Knowledge Gaps. March 30, 2015 By: Erika G. Offerdahl, PhD and Lisa Montplaisir, PhD in Educational Assessment, Effective Teaching Strategies Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from Student-Generated Reading Questions: Diagnosing Student Thinking with Diverse Formative Assessments, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 42 (1), 29-38. The Teaching Professor Blog recently named it to its list of top pedagogical articles.

As instructors, we make a myriad of assumptions about the knowledge students bring to our courses. These assumptions influence how we plan for courses, what information we decide to cover, and how we engage our students. Within large-lecture courses in particular, instructors have traditionally relied on the use of verbal questions to gauge student learning. Methods The context of the study was an upper-level, large-lecture biochemistry course offered at a research-intensive university in the southwestern United States. Implications for Teaching Erika G. The Question Game: A Playful Way To Teach Critical Thinking. The Question Game by Sophie Wrobel, The Question Game: A Playful Way To Teach Critical Thinking Big idea: Teaching kids to ask smart questions on their own A four-year-old asks on average about 400 questions per day, and an adult hardly asks any.

Our school system is structured around rewards for regurgitating the right answer, and not asking smart questions – in fact, it discourages asking questions. With the result that as we grow older, we stop asking questions. Yet asking good questions is essential to find and develop solutions, and an important skill in innovation, strategy, and leadership. In A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas, Warren Berger suggests that there are three main questions which help in problem solving: Why questions, What If questions, and How questions. Why questions help to find the root of a problemWhat If questions open up the floor for creative solutionsHow questions focus on developing practical solutions. Questioning – Top Ten Strategies.

Asking Questions to Improve Learning | The Teaching Center | Washington University in St. Louis. When you prepare for class, office hours, and help sessions, compose specific questions that you will ask your students (or that you anticipate they will ask you). Doing so will help you increase student participation and encourage active learning. The strategies below will also help you formulate questions for exams and paper assignments. Active learning extends beyond the classroom. When you ask questions in the classroom, you are modeling a process that students can and should use themselves; encourage your students to use the following questioning strategies to assess what they have learned, to develop their thinking skills, and to study for exams.

General Strategies for Asking Questions When planning questions, keep in mind your course goals. For example, do you want students to master core concepts? Responding Effectively Wait for students to think and formulate responses. Why Ask “Open” Questions? 1. What is the most important idea that was generated in today’s discussion? 2. 3. 4. 6.ClassroomQuestioning.pdf. Workshop on Effective questioning techniques.

Workshop: The Art of Questioning and Question making - School of TEFL. The workshop EFFECTIVE QUESTIONING will follow this agenda. It will be in two parts. A) How you the teacher can ask questions more effectively. B) How you can get your students to be more confident at making questions. (practical activities) Both parts will offer activities you can do that will help you see the vital role that questions play both in your classroom and in English fluency in general. Depending on time, we will cover more of A or B -- I'll give those attending some choice! Here is the video we will be watching. Tips to Effectively Question from David Deubelbeiss on Vimeo.

Tags: methodology, professional_development, questioning, questions, workshop Attachments: ▶ Reply to This. 5 Ways to Help Your Students Become Better Questioners. The humble question is an indispensable tool: the spade that helps us dig for truth, or the flashlight that illuminates surrounding darkness. Questioning helps us learn, explore the unknown, and adapt to change. That makes it a most precious “app” today, in a world where everything is changing and so much is unknown.

And yet, we don’t seem to value questioning as much as we should. For the most part, in our workplaces as well as our classrooms, it is the answers we reward -- while the questions are barely tolerated. To change that is easier said than done. Working within an answers-based education system, and in a culture where questioning may be seen as a sign of weakness, teachers must go out of their way to create conditions conducive to inquiry. Here are some suggestions (based on input from question-friendly teachers, schools, programs, and organizations) on how to encourage more questioning in the classroom and hopefully, beyond it. How to Encourage Questioning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.