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Pinđur. Pinđur or Pindjur (Bosnian: Pinđur, Serbian: пинђур, Pinđur, Macedonian: пинџур) is a spicy relish form and is commonly used as a summer spread.


Pinđur is commonly prepared in Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia. The traditional ingredients include aubergines, tomatoes, peppers, onion, garlic, black pepper, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Pindjur is similar to ajvar but is generally made with aubergines. In some regions the words are used interchangeably. The creation of this traditional relish is a rather long process which involves baking some of the ingredients for hours, as well as roasting the peppers and peeling them. Marmiton : 53000 recettes de cuisine ! Recettes commentées et notées pour toutes les cuisines. Recette de cuisine. - Accueil - Macarons et Gourmandises. Le goût de l'époque. Vidéos de techniques de cuisine, fiches des trucs et astuces de nos Chefs.