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Insomnia REST Client. Supercharge your API workflow. RESTful Authentication – IneatConseil. Temps de lecture : 11 minutes Lors du derniers Ch’ti JUG présenté par David Gageot sur le thème du Cloud, plusieurs services et frameworks ont été présentés ce soir là.

RESTful Authentication – IneatConseil

Parmi ceux-ci, il y avait notamment GitHub-Pages, le framework javascript AngularJS et la plateforme d’application Heroku. Le framework javascript AngularJS entrainant avec lui son lot de questions concernant l’authentification des utilisateurs et de leurs requêtes REST. Nous allons ici vous présenter les différentes techniques que vous pourriez utiliser afin de sécuriser vos services REST. Nous commencerons par les plus simples, et nous les améliorerons au fur et à mesure pour nous approcher des choix d’API robustes tels que celle d’Amazon Web Services. Sans entrer dans les détails (car ce n’est pas l’objectif de cet article), une architecture de type REST (« Representational State Transfer ») permet de rendre toutes informations accessible via une URL.

Les principales méthodes HTTP utilisées sont les suivantes : GET ? Advanced REST client. REST test test... CodeIgniter4 - Starting with RESTful API Resources. Chriskacerguis/codeigniter-restserver. Tutoriel Vidéo PHP REST. Dans ce tutoriel je vous propose de parler un peu de REST.

Tutoriel Vidéo PHP REST

REST décrit une architecture de communication Client / Serveur. Très normalisé il permet de créer une API qui fonctionne de manière uniforme et ce, peu importe la technologie utilisée sur le serveur (PHP, Ruby, Java...) Le fonctionnement est caractérisé par 2 facteurs. Le système de ressources Le but de l'API sera de rendre accessible des ressources (resources en anglais) qui correspondent aux données de votre applications (users, posts...)

Les entêtes (Request Method) Plutôt que de nommer les différents endpoints de notre API avec des verbes (get_last_posts par exemple) REST propose d'utiliser les entêtes pour indiquer les actions à effectuer. GET : Récupération POST: Ajout PUT/PATCH: Modification DELETE: Suppression. How To Create An Advanced PHP Rest API – Davison Pro. We will be creating an advanced version of How To Create A Simple REST API in PHP?

How To Create An Advanced PHP Rest API – Davison Pro

Step By Step Guide! By This is an advanced way to structure an api and all we will do in this article is to go through the main files in this project. Download the source code of this project available on Github. The project has lots of amazing functions and classes that you should really take a look at and use in your future projects. RESTful Web Services: A Tutorial. More than a decade after its introduction, REST has become one of the most important technologies for Web applications.

RESTful Web Services: A Tutorial

Its importance is likely to continue growing quickly as all technologies move towards an API orientation. Every major development language now includes frameworks for building RESTful Web services. As such, it is important for Web developers and architects to have a clear understanding of REST and RESTful services. This tutorial explains REST architecturally, then dives into the details of using it for common API-based tasks. While REST stands for Representational State Transfer, which is an architectural style for networked hypermedia applications, it is primarily used to build Web services that are lightweight, maintainable, and scalable. Features of a RESTful Services Every system uses resources. Representations Messages URIs Uniform interface Stateless Links between resources Caching Representations Listing One: JSON representation of a resource. Messages HTTP Request or. Working with RESTful Services in CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is becoming well known for its power as a PHP based web application framework, but it's not often that we see examples of it being used for anything else.

Working with RESTful Services in CodeIgniter

Today we'll learn how we can use CodeIgniter to create a RESTful API for your existing web applications, and demonstrate how to interact with your own API or other RESTful web-services, such as Facebook and Twitter. Program: CodeIgniter, CodeIgniter REST server and CodeIgniter REST client Difficulty: MediumEstimated Completion Time: 30 minutes If you have been following the CodeIgniter From Scratch series you will know by now that it is relatively quick and easy to put together simple web applications, such as blogs, CMS systems, brochure sites, etc. One thing you may not have thought about is using CodeIgniter to create an interactive API.

This tutorial is broken down into two parts. Firstly you need to download the codeigniter-restserver code from GitHub and extract it and move the code to your server. Philsturgeon/codeigniter-restclient. Codeigniter-restserver/ at master · philsturgeon/codeigniter-restserver.