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100 Most Common English Verbs List - Linguasorb. Past simple exercises - regular verbs. REGULAR VERBS PRONUNCIATION (23 06 2013) Verb to BE - negative form. In the previous two lessons, students learnt affirmative of the verb to be.

Verb to BE - negative form

They learnt the long and the short forms so now it is time to teach the negative form of the verb to be. But before we teach anything new, it is necessary to practise what they learnt in the previous lessons. First, practise the subject pronouns in the following video. It should be easy for your students by now, so you can set the speed of the video higher, to make it more challenging. ADVERT: Second, repeat the affirmative using the following video. Third, revise the short forms using the following video. Fourth, play the following dictation to your students. Fifth, explain the grammar using the following graphic organiser. You can find the printable version of the infographic here: Verb to be negative form infographic Sixth, print the following handout and give one copy to each pair of students.

Seventh, students cut the column 4 and put the pictures aside. Irregular verbs again. I have already published several posts on irregular verbs: Past participles – divided according to the pronunciation and Present perfect tense.

Irregular verbs again

However, a week ago a student of mine contacted me and asked me if I could create a way for him to learn the irregular verbs. He spends a lot of time driving so he asked me to prepare something to listen to in his car. So I did. File 5. The Verb To Be worksheet. Printable Action Verbs Flash Cards. 1.

Printable Action Verbs Flash Cards

Download and Open Download the PDF file for the flashcards. Open the file in Adobe Reader. Other PDF readers may work too, but you should try Adobe Reader if anything displays incorrectly. 2. Print on 8.5 x 11 card stock for best results. 3. Cut out the flash cards with scissors or a paper trimmer. IRREGULAR VERBS. Irregular Verbs? Yes,Please! My son Lucas was complaining he was going to have a permanent crick in his neck from spending hourrrrrs (or words to that effect) trying to learn irregular verbs in English when it occurred to me there might be plenty of sites on the Internet to help students, and my own son in this case, with this seemingly daunting task.

Irregular Verbs? Yes,Please!

And just as I predicted there are some cool sites that offer a nice alternative to the traditional pen-and-paper method of learning irregular verbs. Hard to believe me? Then, try these games and I bet you’ll be delighted next time you are asked to study them. Dear Lucas, this post is for you!!! Jeopardy Quiz Game. Irregular verbs - The cat song. BATTLESHIP: IRREGULAR VERBS. Much to learn, you still have. – Joda.


Despite the evidence that the number of irregular verbs is declining in the English language, there is no danger they will disappear, and the struggle will continue. There are many attempts to find a shortcut in learning irregular verbs, yet with all the options and “magic tricks” available, learning these verbs requires much memorization, drilling and practice. Today I will show how I use the Battleship game to drill and practise irregular verbs in a fun way.

Before the game: Each player will need two 10×10 grids – one with irregular verbs in each square, and one blank grid. Click the Grids to download them. The players then mark where they want to place their ships by circling rows, horizontally or vertically. Each player’s fleet consists of the following ships: 1 aircraft carrier – 5 squares 1 battleship – 4 squares 1 cruiser – 3 squares 2 destroyers – 2 squares each 2 submarines – 1 square each. Have you ever ...? worksheet. Irregular verbs straightforward #2 - Games to learn English. As students reacted very positively to the first post on irregular verbs I am going to continue with teaching the irregular verbs in this way.

Irregular verbs straightforward #2 - Games to learn English

Once again I am going to teach 24 irregular verbs with their past tense and past participle. The verbs are divided into two groups of 12 and there are separate worksheets and videos for teaching them. ADVERT: If you are a teacher you do not have to use all of the activities and worksheets below. However, if you are a student I recommend that you complete all the worksheets and activities. Irregular Verbs Exercise 1. Irregular Verbs Exercise 2. Irregular verbs again. Engelska - Oregelbundna verb I. Engelska - Oregelbundna verb II. Irregular Verbs. So, YAY!

Irregular Verbs

We finally sold our house and moved! What a big job...and time zapper! Thankfully we were able to find a great rental (and by great I mean good neighborhood, clean, good size, etc.) close by until we are able to move closer to home (Vermont!) Of course, with all the moving I've had very little time to blog! However, I took a little time today and got a new product up on TeachersPayTeachers - an irregular verb foldable graphic organizer. To buy this graphic organizer, head on over to my TeachersPayTeachers Store! Learn English ESL Irregular Verbs Grammar Rap Song! StickStuckStuck with Flue... Verbs - Likes. Irregular Verbs — Exercise 1.

Directions: In the exercise that follows, you will read sentences that contain blanks.

Irregular Verbs — Exercise 1

These blanks require the appropriate forms of irregular verbs. To keep track of your answers, print the accompanying handout. If you are unsure which choice to make, consult the rules. Disclaimer: All prizes in this exercise are cyber, which means they have no physical reality and cannot be collected for use in the material world. Helping you through this exercise are the hands of Mr. Start here. Home • Terms • Exercises • MOOC • Handouts • Presentations • Videos • Rules • About • Shop • Feedback. Irregular Verbs Crossword. EnglishSpace. Language Games – Macmillan Dictionary. Lesson C past simple irregular verbs. Regular Verbs List. Irregular Verb Page.'s Irregular Verb Dictionary for English learners contains over 370 irregular verbs used in modern English as well as flashcards and exercises to practice those forms.

Irregular Verb Page

To view our Extended Irregular Verb Dictionary, which contains over 470 verbs including rare and antiquated forms, Click Here. English Irregular Verbs.