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Best Web Metrics / KPIs for a Small, Medium or Large Sized Business | Online Marketing Key Performance Indicators. How to make your application viral. Everyone wants their application to “spread virally”. And why shouldn’t they? Viral growth resolves at least part of the expensive and complicated headache of actually marketing your application, by getting the application to grow all by itself. So, then, the question that forms on the lips of any entrepreneur is: “How can I make my application viral?” There’s a misconception built into that question: the idea that virality is something that you can just slap onto any product, like a magical pixie dust that will suddenly grant your application the gift of users. “Making an application viral” is as silly a proposition as “making a car fly”. However, what you can do is set out to build a plane in the first place. Viral basics: the viral loop There are plenty of articles talking about the viral loop, so I’ll cover it quickly in this article.

The cornerstone of all discussion of the viral loop considers the cycle from acquiring a new user to having them invite others. VC = N x P1 x P2 Examples. The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! - Search Engine G. Marketing a website isn't particularly difficult. It's usually just a matter of knowing what to do, how to do it and having the skills and time to get it done.

With that said, marketing a website isn't particularly easy either. There are so many factors and variables in play that at any given time that the job can be quite overwhelming. Obviously I can't address the issue of whether or not you have the skills or time, but I can help you out with the "what to do" piece of the puzzle.

I've always been a lover of checklists, especially when it comes to getting things done. Below is my master website marketing checklist covering over 400 specific items over 23 topics. For the sake of brevity, I have kept each check point to its briefest form providing very little explanation. Over the next couple of weeks I'll provide some additional explanation and insights to the lists below. Download a PDF version The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist Browser issues (click heading for additional details) How Google's Panda Update Changed SEO Best Practices Forever - Whiteboard Friday. It's here! Google has released Panda update 2.2, just as Matt Cutts said they would at SMX Advanced here in Seattle a couple of weeks ago.

This time around, Google has - among other things - improved their ability to detect scraper sites and banish them from the SERPs. Of course, the Panda updates are changes to Google's algorithm and are not merely manual reviews of sites in the index, so there is room for error (causing devastation for many legitimate webmasters and SEOs). A lot of people ask what parts of their existing SEO practice they can modify and emphasize to recover from the blow, but alas, it's not that simple.

In this week's Whiteboard Friday, Rand discusses how the Panda updates work and, more importantly, how Panda has fundamentally changed the best practices for SEO. Howdy, SEOmoz fans. Marketing in the semantic web. What should be the role of marketing in the semantic web? Should there be any? According to the W3C, the semantic web is about common data formats that make it easy to integrate and combine data from diverse sources. It’s about mapping ideas expressed in human language to data in a way that facilitates automatic processing, where software can programmatically comprehend how different pieces of data are related.

It’s a web behind the web of animated banner ads and branded UI designs. Cool stuff, but it sounds very IT-ish, not very marketing-esque. But consider this circular, three-step riddle: Hint: for generating new business in the non-semantic web, findability = ads, PR, word of mouth, SEO, etc.; knowledge sharing = feature sheets, pricing, case studies, white papers, etc. The answer to the riddle: marketing. But marketing in the semantic web clearly won’t be like marketing in the visual web. Part of this job is uncovering existing data. Houston Search Engine Marketing and Optimization Services " If you read Internet marketing and SEO blogs on a regular basis, you undoubtedly come across posts about free SEO tools quite often. While there are a lot of great free tools on the Internet for SEOs, I have recently noticed that almost all of these posts profile the same core set of free tools (such as SEO for Firefox).

Since you most likely already use the most popular free SEO tools, I want to look at five SEO tools today that are very useful, but simply don’t get as much attention as they deserve: Google Insights Bookmarklet: While Google Insights can provide very valuable keyword information, you can waste a lot of time switching from one window to another window in order to use Google Insights.

Social Media Metrics Greasemonkey Plugin for Google Analytics: I know I’m not alone when I say that Google Analytics is one of my favorite analytics packages. Although it’s not perfect, this package can provide you with a significant amount of very useful information. Similar Posts: How to Write Magnetic Headlines.

10 ways to measure social media success | Blog. There’s so much talk about social media that it is easy for people to become cynical, perhaps losing track of the fact that it can have a positive impact on your business. So how can you determine whether a social media strategy is proving beneficial to your business? How do you know that it is working out for you? And is now really the best time to find out? Rather than focusing on individual social media campaigns, I’d like to look at social media measurement from the perspective of a business that a) buys into social media, b) commits to it over a period of time, and as such c) has an integrated social media strategy. Let it breathe The key with social media measurement, I think, is to stand back and take a widescreen approach to measurement. To do this effectively, you’ll need to give your social media strategy time. Take the Skittles campaign.

Social media vs TV advertising Here I want to make a small point on accuracy, and attribution. Take a snapshot 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Seven Inspirational Site Tweaks Used to Raise Online. Review: 5 free apps that make project management easier. Review By Howard Wen June 30, 2009 12:01 AM ET Computerworld - Putting together a project plan can sometimes seem more daunting than completing the project itself.

When you need to track each step of a project, along with your costs, staff, and other factors, you probably need a project management application. Project management applications are usually centered around Gantt charts, where each step in a project is represented as a bar in the chart. These visuals are linked to lists of the resources tied to each task (such as the person, team, company or another entity responsible for doing any given job). It's a simple idea, actually. For example, because of its brand and its place in the market, Microsoft Office Project is a popular choice for beginners. For this roundup, I'll take a look at five free alternatives to using Microsoft Office Project. Although is Web-based, it has no online collaboration features. I really like the tutorial that the site provides. Traffikd. 2011: The Year the Free Ride Died - ReadWriteCloud. Out with the old, in with the new. One of the “old” ways of thinking that finally kicked the bucket in 2011? That users could get a free ride on Web services with no catch. As Robert Heinlein famously said, there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch (TANSTAAFL). This realization isn’t new for some, but the realization should finally be kicking in for mainstream users as well. The combination of Google’s housecleaning spree, relentless Facebook redesigns and privacy gaffes, and popular services being bought, being ruined or just going dark, users should be getting the hint: The free ride is over and the bill is due.

Don’t Be a Free User Services and software that has no revenue model at all makes me nervous as a user. For mature, well-supported and innovative services, you need money. I particularly liked the post by Maciej Ceglowski on the Pinboard blog asking users to join “the anti-free-software movement.” You’re the Product Marshall was being facetious, of course.

Oh, wait. Taking Action. Top Ten Eyetracking Blogs « The Acagamic. 50 Youth Marketing Keywords You Need to Know PART ONE (Graham Br.

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Retail news discussions and analysis. RetailWire ...Plug in. Fre. Publications - Home of MediaDailyNews, MEDIA and OMMA Magazines. Resources for Online Business Owners. How we made $1 million for SEOmoz—with one landing page and a few emails. When we first published this case study, Moz was called SEOmoz. Even though the company has since rebranded, the techniques described below are still as relevant as ever. In this talk, Moz’s CEO, Rand Fishkin, raves about the work we did, explaining how the money that we generated enabled Moz to develop from a membership site into a web app.

Overview Moz is one of the world’s largest providers of tools and resources for online marketing. The company was already highly successful, having a list of Fortune 500 clients as long as your arm. It had also conducted many split tests on its site. In fact, previous Moz split tests were the subject of 14 pages in an industry “best practices” guide for landing page optimization. Nevertheless, in the first split test that Conversion Rate Experts conducted for Moz, we generated a 52% improvement in sales. Within the first four months of work, we increased annual revenues by $1 million.

Here are some of the methods we used to analyze Moz’s visitors: 1. 2. Econsultancy | Community of Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Prof. Small Business CRM Resource Centre - Your Free Guide To CRM Help.