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Cancer Convo with Mr. JD O. pt.2

by in
14 may 2013

Cancer Convo with Mr. JD O. pt.2

Sure, you can use my e-mail info . I would like to state for the record that I really believe that the Youngevity products can restore the Pancreas to a healthy state if given the right vitamins & minerals , and enough time. If one has a failing pancreas , and not having a reliable test to detect early cancer you need to be eating natural foods that contain B-17 like: wild blackberry's HIGH IN B17 choke cherry

wild crabapple above 500 mgs cranberry

elderberry nitriliside per apple seeds

apricot seeds 100 grams of pear seeds

nectarine seeds food peach seeds

cherry seeds " plum seeds

prune seeds " fava

mung beans " cassava

bitter almonds " macadamia nuts

bamboo sprouts " alfalfa sprouts

eucalyptus leaves " alfalfa leaves

The PANCREAS is the first line of defense against cancer. The second line of defense is vitamin B-17. In our world we need both.

I have been eating apricot seeds everyday sense 1974. Their is another list of food in the MEDIUM- above 100 mgs. and a list for LOW- below 100mgs. I order my apricot seeds from : This co is highly recommended by G. EDWARD GRIFFIN .