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Braised Coconut Spinach & Chickpeas with Lemon. Are you in the mood for some comfort food? Of course you are; it's January. In the interest of resolutions and energy, you might, however, be leaning towards something with vegetables — perhaps even a vegetarian dish? I have a proposal for you: Fresh baby spinach and chickpeas seared with ginger, garlic, and onion in a creamy coconut milk sauce, finished off with a healthy dash of lemon.

But it doesn't stop there. No — this spicy, tangy dish of greens was designed to be served over a sweet potato. It's a mess of color and vegetables: Green, tender spinach draped over a big, hot sweet potato. This isn't by any means an especially difficult or even original meal; there are scads of recipes out there for greens braised in coconut milk. Poured over the sweet potato this is powerhouse vegan comfort food, with loads of flavor and solid sustenance from the chickpeas and sweet potato. Braised Coconut Spinach & Chickpeas with Lemon serves 4 as a main dish or 6 as a side (Images: Faith Durand) LEAF: Low Fat, Everyday, Affordable & Fast Recipes | Happy Herbivore.

Grillsósa með kjúkling | Eldhússögur. Ég er ekki sérstaklega hrifin af tilbúnum barbecue sósum í flöskum með þessu týpíska reykta barbecue bragði. En um daginn fann ég uppskrift af grillsósu sem mér fannst líta girnilega út og ákvað að prófa. Þessi sósa passar mjög vel með ljósu kjöti, til dæmis kjúkling og svínakjöti. Ég prófaði hana á grilluðum kjúkling og okkur öllum fannst hún afar ljúffeng. Eiginlega hefði ég þurft að gera helmingi stærri uppskrift til að geta borið fram meiri sósu með kjúklingnum , ég ætla að gera það næst! Uppskrift: 1 lítill laukur, fínsaxaður (ég átti skarlottulauka og notaði nokkra svoleiðis í staðinn)1 msk ólífuolía1 dl tómatsósa2-3 tsk hunang2-3 tsk balsamedik2-3 tsk Dijon sinnepsalt og pipar Steikið laukinn í olíu þar til að hann er orðinn mjúkur. Kælið sósuna. Líkar við: Like Loading... Vestfirðingurinn. Berjavinir | Villt ber í íslenskri náttúru. Blómkál masala með mangó chutney og bananasósu. 1 stórt blómkálshöfuð, blómin eingöngu 1/2 bolli macadamiu hnetur 1 bolli vatn 1 msk. garam masala 2 stk. chunky chat masala (eða garam masala duft) 1 msk. saxaður ferskur engifer sjávarsalt svartur pipar 1 bolli ferskar baunir eða þýddar frystar baunir 1 handfylli af cilantro (kóriander lauf) borðum.

Setjið blómkálið í matvinnsluvél og púlsið nokkrum sinnum þar til smáir bitar en ekki mauk. Setjið hnetur, vatn, garam masala og engifer í blandara - blandið vel í 2 mín þar til slétt (á að líkjast þykkum rjóma). Bragðbætið með salti og pipar. Setjið blómkál, baunir og krem í víða skál og í þurrkofn í 2 tíma, hrærið öðru hvoru. Bætið cilantro í og setjið í vefjur (blaðsalat t.d. kínakál eða lambhagasalat) eða borðið beint úr skálinni. Berið fram með Banana - tamarind sósu og Mangó chutney. Previous Posts - The Fit Cook - Healthy Recipes - Skinny Recipes. Lightened-Up Sundried Tomato Basil Pesto Pasta. Don’t you love when you discover a new food that blows your mind, despite the fact that others have been raving about it for ages?

Some of mine: Avocado (I “hated” avocado until I ate my face off w/ guacamole in Mexico, 2007)Mushrooms (anyplace, anytime)Beets (raw, cooked, juiced, I like them all)Tofuraw cacao powder (a recent baking discovery…I’m obsessed!) Dark chocolate (it took me a while to appreciate the intensity, but now I love it) My latest cooking discovery: Sundried Tomatoes! Where have you been all my life? I can’t seem to stop putting them in my food. My first recipe was Sundried Tomato Cheezy Kale Chips. For some reason, I could not get the thought of sundried tomato basil pesto out of my mind. I made two trials of this pesto using both oil-packed (shown today) and non-oil packed sundried tomatoes. Don’t mind the upside down sea salt. You will need about 20 grams of fresh basil which is equal to a 1/2 packed cup. Ok, maybe itis kinda pretty with the right lighting! Yield3/4 cup. Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken with Fried Rice. I have a DELICIOUS recipe for you all! I am so excited to share this one.

I found this on Mels Kitchen Cafe about a year ago. My family and I LOVE this dish! It has such a great flavor. You could probably trick your family into thinking you picked up some yummy Chinese food at a gourmet restaurant... It is that good, I promise! One of the great things about it is that its baked :) Your not deep frying it like the normal chinese dishes, so your getting tons of great flavor without all the fat and grease.

Baked Sweet and Sour Chicken The chicken coating: 3-4 boneless chicken breasts salt + pepper 1 cup cornstarch 2 eggs, beaten 1/4 cup canola oil The sweet and sour sauce: 3/4 cup sugar 4 tbs ketchup 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar 1 tbs soy sauce 1 tsp garlic salt Start by preheating your oven to 325 degrees. Below is the greatness you will get when it's all cooked: Fried Rice 3 cups cooked white rice (day old or leftover rice works best!) 3 tbs sesame oil 1 cup frozen peas and carrots (thawed)