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Association internationale pour une politique industrielle des technologies de l'esprit. Collège de france. Ecole pratique des hautes études (EPHE)


CIRP. Cercle de Phénoménolgie de Nice. Cepcap. Logie.


Sommaire: G. van Kerckhoven: La déclaration des choses. Europhilosophie. Plateforme EuroPhilosophie | EuroPhilosophie platform The Europhilosophie platform contributes to the project declared by the Erasmus Mundus training of the European Commission, which is to create the conditions of training of a researchers’ worldwide community.


It uses the Internet tool for this ambition by providing a universal access to work which would stay otherwise reserved for closed academic societies. It allows, as many as possible, the immediate dissemination of research work. [lire ...] NOUVEAU SITE ERRAPHIS : [lire ...]