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Hitchwiki - The Hitchhiker's Guide to Hitchhiking the World. Help Exchange: free volunteer work exchange abroad Australia New Zealand Canada Europe. Couchsurfing Alternatives. Today’s post picks up and expands on some of the resources mentioned in Monday’s article, “How To Burst The Tourist Bubble“.

The theory that almost everyone on Earth is connected to anyone else via a small number of acquaintances seems to hold true for backpackers, too. The rapid uptake and access to the world wide web has helped people become better acquainted with their world—and with one another. As the technology has evolved, it has brought ordinary people with common interests together from different parts of the world to make it a smaller place. Backpackers and independet travelers have proved to be quick to adopt new means of communicating and meeting with one another. WWOOF - World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms.