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Lists that help ideas generations

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Richesses. KVA_Emotion.jpg (JPEG Image, 600 × 968 pixels) List of confidence tricks. This list of confidence tricks and scams should not be considered complete, but covers the most common examples.

List of confidence tricks

Confidence tricks and scams are difficult to classify, because they change often and often contain elements of more than one type. Throughout this list, the perpetrator of the confidence trick is called the “con artist” or simply “artist”, and the intended victim is the “mark”. Get-rich-quick schemes[edit] Get-rich-quick schemes are extremely varied; these include fake franchises, real estate “sure things”, get-rich-quick books, wealth-building seminars, self-help gurus, sure-fire inventions, useless products, chain letters, fortune tellers, quack doctors, miracle pharmaceuticals, foreign exchange fraud, Nigerian money scams, charms and talismans.

Variations include the pyramid scheme, the Ponzi scheme, and the Matrix sale. The 6 sides of every customer. Are we all hexagons under the skin?

The 6 sides of every customer

No, I am not talking about some sort of new geometric philosophy. Nor am I making a mock profound assessment of the human condition. Rather, I want to spark a discussion about the consumer data that matters to developing rich, genuine customer understanding -- powerful insights to drive the best possible program results. A person is a lot more than a gaping maw relentlessly focused on consume, consume, consume and/or making a rational and detailed assessment of the options in your category. Les principaux modèles de revenus. Nous allons à présent examiner les types de modèles de revenus les plus courants, auxquels une entreprise peut recourir afin de vendre un produit (bien ou service).

Les principaux modèles de revenus

Ce qui en ressort dès le départ, c’est la grande inventivité dont ont fait preuve les stratèges, dans leur manière de penser la création de richesse. Le modèle One Shot C’est le plus simple. Le client achète un bien ou une prestation, contre un paiement unique. Transformer l'Esprit - 15 Types de pensée distordue. 1.

Transformer l'Esprit - 15 Types de pensée distordue

Vision en tunnel Exemple : "je suppose que ça sera encore une partie de boxe! ". . Ca, c'est être coincé dans une "tombe mentale". Vous abordez toute chose avec le point de vue fixe qui va confirmer votre appréhension d'un préjudice, vous remémorer des préjudices passés et les subodorer dans le futur. 2. Exemple : "je ne supporte pas de retourner dans ce bordel". Ray Bradbury on How List-Making Can Boost Your Creativity. By Maria Popova How to feel your way toward something honest, hidden under the trapdoor on the top of your skull.

Ray Bradbury on How List-Making Can Boost Your Creativity

Susan Sontag argued that lists confer value and guarantee our existence. Umberto Eco saw in them “the origin of culture.” But lists, it turns out, might be a remarkably potent tool for jostling the muse into manifesting — a powerful trigger for that stage of unconscious processing so central to the creative process, where our mind-wandering makes magic happen. In Zen in the Art of Writing (public library), one of these ten essential books on writing, Ray Bradbury describes an unusual creative prompt he employed in his early twenties: He began making long lists of nouns as triggers for ideas and potential titles for stories: These lists were the provocations, finally, that caused my better stuff to surface. The 7 Leadership styles - Jurgen Apollo. These Charts Reveal How to Negotiate With People From Around the World. So you've got a meeting in France.

These Charts Reveal How to Negotiate With People From Around the World

Speaking French is a good idea, but it's also valuable to understand the French communication patterns that will define your meeting. British linguist Richard D. Lewis charted communication patterns as well as leadership styles and cultural identities in his "When Cultures Collide," now in a 2005 third edition. His organization offers classes in cross-cultural communication for big clients ranging from Unilever to BMW.

Memetic Marketing

Geoffrey Moore: Hierarchy of Powers Framework. The Data Visualisation Catalogue. #Inspiration : 7 techniques de Video marketing. Periodic Table of Storytelling. Tableau périodique des Facteurs Clés de Succès du SEO. Periodic Table of Content Marketing. A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods. 5 Places to Hide Easter Eggs in Ecommerce Marketing. Originating as inside-jokes in video games, TVs and movies, some digital marketers have also used Easter eggs to crack up customers.

5 Places to Hide Easter Eggs in Ecommerce Marketing

For the last 2 years, we’ve run Easter features on Easter eggs in ecommerce marketing: How Easter Eggs Can Beef Up Your Marketing and Ecommerce Easter Eggs 2.0. This year we break down 5 places you might hide an Easter egg in your ecommerce site or marketing. There’s only 2 rules – the eggs must be hidden, and should be surprising and delightful to find. Home pages Zappos Who doesn’t love cats? NotCouture hid a featured product and teased customers to find it to win prizes. Product pages. 8 types of Customers (pdf) Computer Maps 21 Distinct Emotional Expressions—Even “Happily Disgusted” Embargoed until 3:00 p.m.

Computer Maps 21 Distinct Emotional Expressions—Even “Happily Disgusted”

ET on March 31, 2014. Computer Maps 21 Distinct Emotional Expressions—Even “Happily Disgusted” Study more than triples the number of facial expressions researchers can use to track the origins of emotions in the brain. The Four Tiers of Loyalty. Much like beauty, true loyalty lies beneath the surface.

The Four Tiers of Loyalty

Surprisingly, many companies continue to only subscribe to the skin-deep definition, simply thinking of loyalty as a customer’s repeated purchase of a product or service. When marketers look deeper, they’ll find distinctly different types of loyalty. Using the scale below (from poorest to best), which level of loyalty is your program currently achieving? Inertia Loyalty: If a brand’s loyalty strategy involves terms like “barrier to exit,” it most likely falls under the “Inertia Loyalty” category—making it hard to leave the program, rather than irresistible to stay.