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Argumentation & Persuasion

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The 6 Elements of Persuasion (Infographic) Join us live at Entrepreneur's Accelerate Your Business event series in Chicago or Denver. Secure your spot » The word "influencer" gets thrown around a lot in business, but how does the power of the persuasion really work? An infographic from U.K. -based virtual phone service Everreach, explains the elements companies can utilize to impact their customers and get to "yes.

" The list is based on the teachings of Dr. For businesses, the principles of "reciprocity" and "scarcity" are big factors in the persuasion game. Related: Want to Gain Influence on Social Media? Customers are also big on trust. For more on how to influence your customers and potential clients and the importance of consensus and finding common ground, check out the infographic embedded below. Click to Enlarge+ Related: How Companies Can Leverage Influence to Create Trust Get Your Valuation Do you know what your business is worth? The Science of Persuasion: How To Get People to Agree with What You Say. 7.1K Flares 7.1K Flares × “A large state does not behave at all like a gigantic municipality” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb What does this statement make you think?

Disagree at all? When I first read that line, I thought “Oh really? But it’s not the author’s fault: persuasion is hard. Studies have shown how little people generally trust strangers. This exacerbates the divide between stakeholders with different perspectives. If something is against your self-interest, it rarely matters whether it is true or false, you are much more likely to be mistaken with your choice. Thus, credibility, data, and familiarity are not the only, or most effective, tools for persuasion. So, let’s rephrase Nassim Taleb’s statement from above: “A large state does not behave at all like a gigantic municipality, much as a baby human does not resemble a smaller adult.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb “Wow. Why Drawing Comparisons with Analogies and Metaphors are key to Persuasion Credit: Daniel J. “Wow. Perfect Persuasive Messages.

Craft messages that change minds using these 20 principles of persuasion, all based on established psychological research. Perfection is hard to achieve in any walk of life and persuasion is no different. It relies on many things going just right at the crucial moment; the perfect synchronisation of source, message and audience.

But even if perfection is unlikely, we all need to know what to aim for. To bring you the current series on the psychology of persuasion I’ve been reading lots of research, much more than is covered in recent posts. Here are the most important points for crafting the perfect persuasive message, all of which have scientific evidence to back them up. Multiple, strong arguments: the more arguments, the more persuasive, but overall persuasive messages should be balanced, as two-sided arguments fare better than their one-sided equivalents (as long as counter-arguments are shot down).Relevance: persuasive messages should be personally relevant to the audience.

How To Win An Argument. The Ten Golden Rules of Argument. ​​“You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.” — Anonymous Arguments are tricky. We spend a lot of our time trying to persuade others. We think that if we show them the facts that we have they will, logically, reach the same conclusions we did. Unfortunately that’s not how it works. Sometimes we don’t want to argue. In his book, How to Argue, Jonathan Herring outlines positive ways of understanding and looking at arguments.

They needn’t be about shouting or imposing your will on someone. We should treat the ability to argue as a skill that needs to be practiced and developed. ​​ “The aim of an argument, or of a discussion, should not be victory but progress.” — Karl Popper Arguments, and for that matter discussions, should be about seeing things through the other person’s eyes. With that in mind, here are what Herring calls the Ten Golden Rules of Argument. 1. Make sure you know the essential points you want to make. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Keep it simple and clear. 8. 9. 10. La minute management : Convaincre son public: les leçons de Jaurès. The 6 Scientific Principles Behind Influence and Persuasion. At the core of much of our marketing activity is one simple desire: to influence and persuade our audience. How does it actually work, though? Are we just throwing things out into the universe and hoping that someone, somewhere will find our content influential and persuasive? UK-based virtual phone service Everreach took a deep dive into the science behind these oft-used but little understood terms, based on the teachings of Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. They were able to identify six universal factors that guide decision making. Customers are heavily influenced by authority, for example.

Employing the consistency principle is another fantastic tactic for building persuasion. Learn more about the science of influence and persuasion and how you can use this knowledge to build your business in the infographic below: Illusion cognitive, la dépendance au contexte. Vous avez déjà rencontré sur ce site certaines illusions classiques. On peut y ajouter également la très fameuse illusion de Müller-Lyer demandant de comparer la taille de deux traits : Ces illusions ludiques nous renseignent sur les erreurs systématiques que commet notre cerveau lors de l'interprétation d'une image. Cependant, vous saurez qu'en tant qu'erreur du cerveau, des illusions peuvent affecter l'ensemble de nos sens voire directement le raisonnement même. On parle dans ce dernier cas d'illusion cognitive. Et tout comme les illusions standards, ces illusions cognitives sont très difficiles à reconnaître et à éviter.

Même en en prenant conscience, l'illusion persiste comme dans le cas de Müller-Lyer. Le problème, c'est que les illusions cognitives touchent à la prise de décision et peuvent de ce fait avoir des conséquences très concrètes. L'illusion qui va m'intéresser aujourd'hui concerne la dépendance au contexte. Bien sûr, c'est la première proposition qui est visée. Tip top ! 25 techniques de Désinformation. Décodage de 25 techniques de désinformation Voici quelques techniques courantes utilisées par différents organes de pouvoir – publics ou privés – cherchant à occulter des vérités qui dérangent.

Il est utile de garder ces concepts à l’esprit lors de la lecture d’informations relatives à des sujets controversés (ils sont nombreux) … pour autant, règle n°1, que vous sachiez même qu’ils le sont. Faites le test. Vous serez sans doute surpris de constater à quel point ces procédés percolent au travers de nombre de propos tenus par des instances officielles, des "experts" et par extension de nombreux médias. Technique n°1 : Evitement Ne pas écouter la controverse, ne pas la voir, ne pas en parler. Technique n°6 bis: Attaque ad hominem Très appréciée et souvent utilisée. À imprimer. Arguments Rhétologiques Fallacieux.