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Social Media in Education

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Why Introducing Young Students To Social Media Is So Important. Last year my grade 1 students were uploading videos to their personal blogs and to youtube, tweeting from our classroom Twitter feed, face timing, skyping and participating in Google Hangouts with peers, soon to be teachers, teachers, experts in a certain field, and the class down the hall.

Why Introducing Young Students To Social Media Is So Important

We participated in global projects like the Global Read Aloud and created our own global projects. Why? There are many great reasons why we have embeded social media into our daily classroom routines. The two most important to me are, the increased excitement and engagement I have experienced in my students and because I think it is imperative that we model appropriate digital citizenship at a young age.

Guide to Using Twitter in Your Teaching Practice : KQED Education. Are you interested in using Twitter or other social media as a teaching tool?

Guide to Using Twitter in Your Teaching Practice : KQED Education

Our culture has transformed significantly where online distribution of ideas has become commonplace. Our students’ needs have shifted and they require digital citizenship skills. We’ve seen all sorts of creative use cases, but here are the most common forms: Teachers and students use Twitter for communication and conversation so they can keep the in-class discussion going after class! Twitter is a great way to add context to content especially when students need to study a topic and find experts in the field and ask them questions on Twitter!

Below, you will find some great resources for your school community to help jump into using social media, specifically Twitter, as a learning tool. Social Media for Administrators. As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward.

Social Media for Administrators

They will be listed under two categories; the why and the how. The articles are listed below: The Why The Need for Courageous Leadership – If new ideas are going to happen and we are going to encourage risks, we need to take risks as well. Here is an example of a principal trying something new and tapping into the best resource in his school; his students. What should a networked educational leader tweet about?