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Social Media for Administrators

Social Media for Administrators
As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward. They will be listed under two categories; the why and the how. The articles are listed below: The Why The Need for Courageous Leadership – If new ideas are going to happen and we are going to encourage risks, we need to take risks as well. Here is an example of a principal trying something new and tapping into the best resource in his school; his students. What Digital Accelerates – Many of the fundamentals that were important 50 years ago are still important today. Humanizing Our Organizations Through Social Media – In this post, I share what many organizations are doing around the world and how it is important that in education, we get through our culture of fear and do what we can to connect with those that we serve. The How

10 Surprising Social Media Statistics That Might Make You Rethink Your Social Strategy | Belle Beth Cooper#! Social Media is changing faster than ever, as if that wasn't something everyone already knew! If you're managing social media for your business, it might be useful to know about some of the most surprising social media statistics this year. Here are ten that might make you rethink the way you're approaching social media. 1. The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55-64 year age bracket. This demographic has grown 79% since 2012. Rethink it: Keep older users in mind when using social media, particularly on these three platforms. 2. 189 million of Facebook's users are 'mobile only' Not only does Facebook have millions of users who don't access it from a desktop or laptop, but mobile use generates 30% of Facebook's ad revenue as well. Rethink it: There are probably more users accessing Facebook from mobile devices than you thought. 3. Did you think TV was the best way to reach the masses? Source: 4. Rethink it: LinkedIn is definitely worth paying attention to. 5. 6.

50 Global Edu Leaders You Should Follow On Twitter Education is a constantly evolving organism, with individual humans and institutions making up the cells and organs that keep it running. Some are bad, some are neutral, and some ensure its very survival in ways minor and major. And social media outlets such as Twitter enable them all to keep this crucial discussion about a basic human right constantly flowing. Administrators and Researchers John Robinson: Principal John Robinson loves discussing both policies impacting public schools and education technology from an administrative perspective.Eric Sheninger: He didn’t win the NASSP Digital Principal Award this year because of his tech-fearing tendencies, that’s for sure! EdTech Kevin Corbett: This developer and educator focuses on the learning potential of games and social media, sharing expert advice and articles he believes will push the boundaries of tech in the classroom.Steven W. Higher Ed Nonprofit Organizations and Activists Policymakers and Government Organizations

How To Use Pinterest With Bloom’s Taxonomy Infographic Social Learning Infographics Teacher Infographics Would you like to know How to use Pinterest in the Classroom in a meaningful and relevant way? At the How To Use Pinterest With Bloom’s Taxonomy Infographic you will find 25 ways to integrate Bloom’s Taxonomy with Pinterest. TeachBytes created this awesome infographic. Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog!

Becoming a 21st Century Administrator Effective leaders in 21st century schools consider instructional requirements, the expertise of teachers, and the ultimate needs of students. Today’s teachers face unique challenges never encountered—or even imagined—by their predecessors. Preparing students to thrive in a global, technologically advanced society where they must use digital tools that evolve at a blistering pace to succeed at careers that did not even exist a decade ago is a daunting task! Information processing skills have become a survival skill—nearly ubiquitous access to mountains of Web-based information may expose learners to more information in just one day than those of previous generations would have been able to access in a lifetime. In order to prepare students for their future, teachers must have the support and leadership of school administrators who understand 21st century skills. What outcomes do we want to accomplish in the classroom? Outcomes Tools Preparation Learn something every day. Evaluating Success

5 Ways Social Media Can Inspire Young Artists When we were in school, budding artists lugged around black sketchbooks and convened at informal coffeehouses to share their talents. Today’s kids gather inspiration online via Pinterest and showcase their singing and storytelling skills on YouTube and Snapchat. Here are five ways your students can draw on social media to fuel their creativity. 1. As students work on a project, you might talk about audience in social media terms. 2. Try challenging your students to choose a post, video or pin as inspiration for their own works of art, whether it’s a drawing, piece of writing, graphic or short film. 3. As a class, try browsing the blogs, Facebook pages or Twitter feeds of various writers, artists and performers. 4. 5. Question for you: Have you used social media to inspire creativity in your students?

The Beginner's Guide to Social Media Whether it's keeping up on the latest web memes on Reddit or Tumblr, following your favorite comedians on Twitter, profesionally networking on LinkedIn, or staying in touch with college friends on Facebook, social media has become an integrated and constant part of our everyday lives. To digital natives, it may be difficult to imagine a world where these tools aren't at our fingertips, but the fact is, new users join these services every day. For the uninitiated, check out our beginner's guides to get started on Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn and Facebook. 1. The Beginner's Guide to Tumblr This micro-blogging platform brings together bloggers, brands and tastemakers. If you're already comfortable tumbling, check out these our tips and tricks for power users: 2. It may not be the sexiest social network out there, but LinkedIn now has 161 million members in more than 200 countries, making it the world’s largest professional network on the web. Already have a profile? 3.

A Teenager’s View on Social Media — Backchannel Written by an actual teen I read technology articles quite often and see plenty of authors attempt to dissect or describe the teenage audience, especially in regards to social media. However, I have yet to see a teenager contribute their voice to this discussion. This is where I would like to provide my own humble opinion. For transparency, I am a 19-year-old male attending The University of Texas at Austin. This article will not use any studies, data, sources, etc. I think the best way to approach this would be to break it down by social media network and the observations/viewpoints I've gathered over the years. Facebook In short, many have nailed this on the head. Facebook is often used by us mainly for its group functionality. Messaging on Facebook is also extremely popular among our age group, mainly because they provide the means to talk to those people who you weren't really comfortable with asking for their number but comfortable enough to send them a friend request. Instagram Twitter

21st-Century Learning Using Social Media: Advice from Finland Petri Ahokas works with students in Finland Many teachers believe social media doesn’t have a place in the 21st-century learning environment; it is simply a tool for people to keep their friends up to date with their lives, right? Or is it? Teacher Petri Ahokas, from Turun Normaalikoulu school, Norssi in Finland, explains how he uses social media ethically and legally to engage his eight and nine year old students in learning. By Petri Ahokas When I look at the process of social media it is easy to consider its place in the learning environment. I read messages from other friends and if their communication is worthy I choose to become a ‘fan’. Safe Social Media for Global Learning I have a class of multicultural students, who speak seven different languages between them. As a teacher, I believe that teaching children to understand how to behave appropriately when they are using the internet is an important part of 21st century learning. Keeping safety in mind About The Author markbarnes19
