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Workout of the Week (WOW) Archive. Workouts of the Week (WOWs) are part of Primal Blueprint Fitness.

Workout of the Week (WOW) Archive

WOWs will test your agility, balance, coordination, endurance, speed and strength. They’ll periodically incorporate Sprinting and Moving Slowly, but will usually emphasize Lifting Heavy Things. Expect to see variations of the 4 Essential Movements (e.g. lunges, dips, rows, kippings, burpees etc.), plyometrics, and HIIT (both time and task priority). WOWs will often ask you to use added weight. In most cases, the kind (sandbag, kettlebell, dumbbell, slosh tube, plate, etc.) and amount (5 lbs, 20 lbs, 50 lbs, etc.) will be up to you. Anything goes for WOWs, including fun, conceptual Grok workouts (if you don’t know what this means stay tuned!) Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink. Gatorade, PowerAde, electrolyte pumped-up sports drinks…they’re good for you, right?

Make Your Own Electrolyte Energy Drink

You see athletes chugging down bottles of the neon-colored liquid in every ad and real life, surely they do something, and they do. They help you maintain your body’s balance of electrolytes during or after periods of heavier exercise. But when you look closer, you’re really just paying an outrageous price for glorified, brightly colored, sugar water. An overload of processed and refined sweetener (in the case of sports drinks, high-fructose corn syrup) is never a good thing. And while artificial flavors and colors don’t technically do much to your health, a part of me just shies away from the idea of ingesting things that are “fake.” We’ve been led to believe by certain companies that we need an extra-special drink to recover from some sweat. Ingredients: Lemons, limes, oranges, salt, honey, water, coconut water, sugar, strawberries. Lay-Low Recipe You will need… How to build muscle for skinny guys (w/ workouts and meal plan)

Note: If you want a step-by-step proven workout plan for packing on slabs of muscle, I highly recommend checking out Jason Ferruggia’s Muscle Gaining Secrets program.

How to build muscle for skinny guys (w/ workouts and meal plan)

It’s hands down the best system for skinny guys to put on muscle. Check it out here… With that out of the way…I’ve been getting a bunch of email lately with guys always asking me how can skinny guys build muscle. Well here’s a no B.S. program to get you on the right path. It really comes down to three things. Lifting to build muscle I highly recommend checking out Kyle Leon’s Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Program. As usual here at GymJunkies, we’re going to focus on compound movements using barbells (Pull Ups and Dips being the exceptions to the rule). We’re also going to use the superset (doing two different exercises in a row without rest in between) to keep the workouts short and get you out of the gym in 30 minutes or less.

Muscle building workout plans. WOW: The Fight and Flight. Total max reps in 3 cycles of: 30 seconds Decline Pushups 30 seconds Box Jumps* 30 seconds Pullups 30 seconds Shoulder Press Pushups Finish workout with a 15 minute Run This workout is designed to be done with a partner. See the “How-to” section below for instructions. How-to: Warmup: A couple rotations of the Grok Squat and Grok Hang .

With a partner, alternate 30 seconds of moving with 30 seconds of rest. After completing 3 cycles of each of the 4 movements finish the workout with a 15 minute run. *How to Perform a Box Jump: Stand in front of a box, step or other stable, elevated platform. Variations: If you can’t do a proper pullup , decline pushup or shoulder press pushup substitute movements from Levels 1-3 of Primal Blueprint Fitness Lift Heavy Things (chapter 3).

What are WOWs? Workouts of the Week (WOWs) are an optional component of Primal Blueprint Fitness that add a fractal and often fun and playful quality to the basic PBF protocol.