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Anthropology of Religion

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Ten Interesting Facts About Iran. 1.

Ten Interesting Facts About Iran

Iran is one of the few countries in the world where a couple can have a “temporary marriage.” These “marriages” can be valid for as short as an hour. 2. Iranian transsexuals are allowed to undergo sex-change operations through a decree passed by the founder of the Islamic Republic himself, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. 3.

Religions of the African Diaspora

Museum of Anthropology, College of Arts and Science, University of Missouri. Minigalleries Home [links below open in new windows] The History and Meaning of Prayer Beads.

Museum of Anthropology, College of Arts and Science, University of Missouri

Brief Anthropological Approach to the Study of Religion. Anthropological studies of religion have long constituted some of the most important thinking in the development of religious studies as a field; to some extent, all major theorists of religion can be considered "anthropological" because they all in some way seek to compare and understand "religious" phenomena of various cultures.

Brief Anthropological Approach to the Study of Religion

The anthropology of religion has often centered on those sociocultural elements that are frequently identified as religious: myths, rituals, magic, beliefs about gods and divine beings, taboos, and symbols. Introducing the Anthropology of ReligionThe history and theory of a number of movements in the anthropology of religion—including the theories of Marx, Freud, Weber, and Durkheim—are detailed in Brian Morris’s Anthropological Studies of Religion: An Introductory Text.