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Arts de Vivre

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Login du client. Ville de Bry-sur-Marne. L'auteure - Comment l'ambition vient aux filles?Comment l'ambition vient aux filles? Turquie - France-Diplomatie - Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international. This Is The Most Brilliant Exposed-Wood Furniture I’ve Seen. It Totally Took My Breath Away… | ViralSpell. Yes, I am truly blown away by the brilliance of a master craftsman. His name is Greg Klassen and once you’ve seen his furniture, you will never forget it — you can trust me on that one! Mr. Klassen creates intricate exposed-wood designs mostly for tables, but also for other objects, and adds a twist by embedding with them “rivers” and “lakes” made of glass.

The artist is inspired by his native Pacific Northwest and works with leftover pieces from discarded trees. In fact, Mr. Once he has obtained his raw material, the artist proceeds to mimic the jagged shores of the ocean, rivers and lakes. And here is the video: For more of Greg Klassen’s work, go here, and you can shop here. H / T Colossal. Share Greg Klassen’s beautiful creations with your friends below — they might want to get a table for themselves. C'est moi qui l'ai fait ! Artips Inscription.