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Vilka digitala verktyg skulle underlätta ditt dagliga arbete i skolan? Se språket i ämnet. 10 Tips for Blogging Teachers by. Last week, I shared my 10 Tips for Tweeting Teachers which (surprisingly) was well-received by teachers from all four-corners of the globe!

10 Tips for Blogging Teachers by

As part of my weekly blogposts throughout the summer, this week I share my 10 Tips for Blogging Teachers. Before I go into details for this post, as a result of my tips for teachers on twitter, I was delighted to be contacted by colleagues in the USA, who work at USC Rossier School of Education. They have just published this guide, shared by USC Rossier’s online EdD, which contains a wealth of educational information and advice from the founders of EdChat. It’s worth a nose … So, without any further ado, pull up a chair and get comfortable. 10 tips for Blogging Teachers: This 10-tips list is designed for teachers around the world, those who consider themselves newish to blogging.

Beginners: Choose a relevant platform to host your teaching blog. There are many choices, but you must choose one that suits you. Image: Intermediate: Advanced: Do Educators Really Need Blog Posts? Way back in the 20th century when a collaborative-spirited administrator would come across a helpful article in an education journal about some new methodology or pedagogy, he or she would share it with the faculty -- if possible.

Do Educators Really Need Blog Posts?

The methods of collaboration were not as sophisticated or convenient as today. Often the replication of an article fell to a typist who could type on a mimeo sheet for the purpose of reproducing copies for the members of the faculty. Later in the century, the thermo fax enabled copying the document directly to a duplicating sheet. Distribution of the article then relied on someone placing a copy in each faculty member's mailbox in the main office. It was a time-consuming project not practiced by many and used sparingly by those who did.

Sharing Their Voices Technology through the years has made the entire process much easier. Today's technology has taken us even further. A World of Ongoing Dialogue Access to education blogs is fairly easy. PedagogiskaBloggar. 1 – 2 – 3 – Word Cloud! Word Clouds (wordle to most) can be a dynamic tool for visualizing text and for presenting a group’s thinking.

1 – 2 – 3 – Word Cloud!

They are AMAZING! While planning for the Future of Learning conference at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, I wanted to capture and share our participants’ views on “What are the key features of 21st Century Learning”. At first, word clouds didn’t cross my mind because in past experiences I had entered a historical speech, lecture notes or asynchronously generated google docs. All these use cases would be ineffective for our needs. But then it dawned on me, Socrative could aggregate our real-time responses. Here’s the system. 1.

What 3 words best describe your summer? * have students answer in all lower case so there is consistency in the word cloud. ** Import the quiz that includes these questions using SOC-337830 2. A Short Answer question’s responses will populate your teacher screen. 3. 4. Wordle – The most well-known word cloud tool. What will you do with the visual? Lärmodul om läsförståelsestrategier i faktatext. Denna lärmodul eller mini-studiecirkel är också publicerad i Facebookgruppen Lärmoduler för kollegialt lärande och på KvUtiS | Utbildning – Alla ska lyckas!

Lärmodul om läsförståelsestrategier i faktatext

- Svedala kommun Av Åsa Söderström Flera studier har visat att särskilt de elever i olika åldrar som behöver mest stöd drar nytta av en strukturerad och explicit undervisning om läsförståelsestrategier. Denna undervisning innefattar inte bara svenskämnet, utan alla skolans ämnen, framför allt de naturvetenskapliga och samhällsorienterande ämnena. Moment A individuella förberedelser Den mest kända modellen för undervisning i läsförståelsestrategier kallas reciprokal teaching - RT. Att förutspåatt ställa frågoratt reda ut oklarheteratt sammanfatta.” Transaktionell strategiundervisning -TSI - har utvecklats ur RT, och bygger på samma fyra grund-strategier, men är inte ett lika strikt program. TSI utmärks av: Texterna bör bearbetas gemensamt. ”Vad säger oss bokens titel? Caves-campfires-wateringholes.pdf.

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Svenska skolbloggar. IKT-skafferiet. Inspiratörer.