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Bloggar & sociala nätverk

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Jag heter Johan Lindström och jobbar som skolledare. Alla synpunkter i bloggen är mina egna. @Aland72 på Twitter. Checklista för sociala medier. Hur används dina personuppgifter i sociala medier?

Checklista för sociala medier

Vad händer med det material du har publicerat? Kan du avsluta ditt medlemskonto? Skolverket har ställt samman en checklista med ett urval frågor som kan vara bra att ställa innan du börjar använda en tjänst, i skolan eller privat. Under senare år har det blivit populärt att använda sociala medier i skolan, som ett inslag i undervisningen eller som ett sätt att hålla kontakt med kollegor. Sociala medier är snabba, lättanvända och hjälper dig att omvärldsbevaka, kommunicera och dela material med elever, föräldrar och kollegor. Det finns dock en hel del att fundera kring innan du börjar använda en social medietjänst. Olika tjänster ställer också olika krav på dig som användare, och kommer också att använda dina uppgifter på olika sätt. Why I Believe Teachers Should Blog, and They Should Blog EVERY DAY (On Creativity) There’s a lot of talk in the education community about using technology to enhance professional development, grow you PLN (personal learning network), and to stay up to date with what your students are using and how you can enhance your teaching.

Why I Believe Teachers Should Blog, and They Should Blog EVERY DAY (On Creativity)

You will find no bigger proponent of using tech to do all of those things than little ol’ humble me. I’ve always said that technology is the Great Equalizer, especially in the times we live in where anyone with an idea can create incredible meaningful, beautiful, and relevant content that can change people’s minds, inspire their hearts, and in some cases make them a boatload of cash. I’m in the middle of reading Teach Like a PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator by Dave Burgess right now and I can tell you that my inner spirit is resonating with the words written in this book.

If you haven’t read it and you’re a teacher, you just need to buy a copy right now and read it. Blog, Wiki, or Website - Key Points to Consider. The Top 50 Education Blogs Every Teacher and Educator Should Know about. I have seen several lists featuring 'top education blogs' but I never dared cite them here because their authors do not have the recommended authority in the field for them to compile and rank educational blogs.

The Top 50 Education Blogs Every Teacher and Educator Should Know about

However, today the case is different. We are in front of a platform that is ranked 6 in Google Page Rank and is widely known among the educational circles as being one of the trusted ranking platforms out there; it is Teach100. Teach100 is a web service that ranks and scores hundreds of education blogs. It uses a complex set of algorithms to rank education blogs based on a number of data including social media popularity and Google rank. Teach100 has always been my favourite go-to platform for exploring new and emerging educational blogs. Förstelärarbloggar.


10 Must Have WordPress Plugins of 2013 Every Blogger Should Know About. How many of you think that having a lot of WordPress plugins slows down your site?

10 Must Have WordPress Plugins of 2013 Every Blogger Should Know About

That’s only true if you use poorly coded WordPress plugins. With over 26,000+ WordPress plugins in the repository, it’s hard for bloggers to pick the right WordPress plugin. I own and mange the largest free WordPress resource site WPBeginner, so I get to test and review tons of free and paid plugins on a regular basis. The site runs over 40 plugins, and it is very fast. Myth Debunked…”Plugin quantity doesn’t matter” In this article, I will share the 10 must have WordPress plugins of 2013 that every blogger should know about. #1.

Most social media plugins for WordPress are slow and bloated. Floating Social Bar is easy to use with its drag-drop interface, and its eye-catching floating display allows you to maximize your social shares. #2. Yoast’s WordPress SEO is the most comprehensive SEO plugin for WordPress. Each of the above are a must have for every site. . #3. . #4. . #5. . #6. ”Lärarnas guide till sociala medier” Three Ways to Turn Your Blog Into a Book. The end of the school year is quickly approaching.

Three Ways to Turn Your Blog Into a Book

If your students have been blogging all year one way to show them, their parents, and others how much they've written is to turn the blog into a book. Here are a few methods for turning a blog into a book. 1. If you have a relatively small number of posts (25 or so) you could just copy and paste the text into a Word, Pages, or Google Drive document.

Inspiratörer. Kursen “Det utvidgade kollegiet” Skollyftet kommer i höst att dra igång en s.k MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) för “Det utvidgade kollegiet” och är en öppen digital fortbildning som vänder sig till skolsveriges alla lärare, skolbibliotekarier, skolledare m.fl som genom sin medverkan bidrar till att skapa det digitala lärarlyft vi som verkar i skolan vill se och behöver och som i sin tur är förankrad i Lgr 11:

Kursen “Det utvidgade kollegiet”


Bloggar. Utländska bloggar. Junior / Nordplus - Nordplus. Developing International School Partnerships.