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Approaches. Stenden Curiosity vanuit Bildung. PsychofCuriosity - Loewenstein.pdf. The Learning Process - Building a Philosophy. Habits of Mind. In the last three posts I've been mapping some of the core ideas that are guiding my current thinking about thinking. When I work with my students, or when I'm trying to be more disciplined or purposeful in my own thinking, I often return to some of the strategies I've listed, and I try to test the work being done against at least the standards I've listed. Neither of the lists is complete. Both of the lists have evolved over time, and my sense of which strategies or standards are most useful or relevant often shifts from year to year, class to class, task to task. I believe that is as it should be. But what I am trying to do, in my teaching life, in this blog, and, to the extent that it is possible—although this is always the hard part—in the conduct of my life, is to be thoughtful, and flexible, and competent, and attentive, and compassionate.

What are the habits of mind that would define this "certain kind of person"? Evidence: How do we know what's true and false? Hetkind. Prof. dr. Luc Stevens bezocht in 2004 enkele scholen in New York en Boston, behorend tot de Coalition of Essential Schools (CES). Niet het curriculum, maar Ten Common Principles vormden het uitgangspunt van leren en leven op deze scholen.

De centrale vragen, voor kinderen én schoolteam: waar werk ik naar toe? Wat is relevant? De Principles vormden een inspiratiebron voor de vertrekpunten van het platform van hetkind. In dit artikel vertelt Stevens – mede-initiatiefnemer van hetkind – over de ontstaansgeschiedenis, de overeenkomsten en de betekenis. –> Dit verhaal is ter inleiding op de dagelijkse verslaggeving van de tiendaagse reis die Rikie van Blijswijk momenteel maakt met 13 onderwijskrachten langs Essential Schools.

Leraren op huidige scholen van de Coalition of Essential Schools – vaak in achterstandswijken gelegen – hadden het belang van onderwijs altijd wel ingezien. In één team of binnen een klein clubje van scholen is het niet zo ingewikkeld om je visie vast te houden. Noten. The CES Common Principles. Schools for Life. My first experience of a ‘school for life’ was as a volunteer gap year student in 1999 at Glengarry — a spectacular outdoor campus set in the sumptuous Kangaroo Valley, Australia.

Yes, there were a lot of kangaroos. Since then I’ve followed and been involved with a number of innovative education projects. It is interesting how strong the sense of ‘mission’ the leaders of such projects are. I admire them hugely. So, here are my ten favourite ‘schools for life’. Please add yours. 1. The greatest natural resource Africa possesses is young people. These young people need more role models. Right to Dream is a residential academy based in Ghana that seeks to discover and nurture role models through education, sport and character development.

Why it made my list: Developing role models is a generational project. 15 years in (and I’ve followed from the start) and it feels like this academy is just getting started and yet its results are already very impressive. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Why? 9. 10. Presentatie Toetsing in het modulair onderwijs 7 maart.pdf. Leraar met hart en ziel door P.J. Palmer. Reflectiecyclus van Korthagen. Faseverloop van de cyclus[bewerken] Schema[bewerken] Fase 1: handelen (=fase 5 vorige cyclus) Wat wilde ik bereiken? Waar wilde ik op letten? Wat wilde ik uitproberen? Fase 2: Terugblikken op het handelen Wat gebeurde er concreet? Leerlingenperspectief Wat wilde ik? Te vermijden valkuilen[bewerken] Voor elk van de reflectiefasen zijn naast de vermelde vragen specifieke begeleidingsvaardigheden aangewezen waarbij fouten moeten vermeden worden. Bibliografie[bewerken] Korthagen, F., Koster, B., Melief, K & Tigchelaar, A. (2002). Externe link[bewerken]

Blendspacehandout.pdf. :: Welkom op de website van de Stichting Didactisch Coachen! :: Small private online course. A Small Private Online Course (SPOC) refers to a version of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) used locally with on-campus students. University of California -Berkeley Professor Armando Fox first coined the word in 2013 to refer to a localized instance of a MOOC course that was in use in a business-to-business context.[1] Use in Blended and Flipped Classroom Learning[edit] SPOCs support a current trend in education known as blended learning. Blended learning, sometimes called hybrid learning or flipped classroom learning, combines online resources and technology with the personal engagement between faculty and students that in-classroom teaching provides. Early research results point to improved learning and student outcomes using this blended model.[2] For example, in spring 2013, edX and MITx piloted two blended classroom implementations of 6.00x, Introduction to Computer Science and Programing at Bunker Hill and Mass Bay Community Colleges in the Boston area.

References[edit] Learning Models. Differentiated Instruction Strategies. Jessica Hammer | changing the rules of the game. Glossary of Hattie's influences on student achievement. This Glossary explains influences related to student achievement published in John Hattie’s Visible Learning for teachers (Hattie 2012; 251ff). You can find an older list of influences related to student achievement in Hattie (2009) Visible Learning. 1. Student Self-Reported Grades Self reported grades comes out at the top of all influences. Children are the most accurate when predicting how they will perform. In a video Hattie explains that if he could write his book Visible Learning for Teachers again, he would re-name this learning strategy “Student Expectations” to express more clearly that this strategy involves the teacher finding out what are the student’s expectations and pushing the learner to exceed these expectations.

Example for Self-reported grades: Before an exam, ask your class to write down what mark the student expects to achieve. Hattie cites five meta-studies: 2. The Piagetian stages include: 3. 4. 5. Hattie cites two meta-studies: 6. Hattie cites four meta-studies: 7. 8. Visible Learning. Building learning power. MindSet: A Book written by Carol Dweck. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports.

5 Tips for Flipping Your PBL Classroom. I am of course a huge project-based learning (PBL) nerd and advocate. I am also an advocate for the flipped classroom, yet at the same time I also have my concerns about flipping a classroom. This model still hinges upon great teachers, and engaging curriculum and instruction. So why not combine PBL and the flipped classroom? It can be an excellent match when you consider some of the following tips. Even Salman Khan believes that the flipped classroom can create the space for PBL. 1. Short Content Videos The key piece here is short. 2.

I love it when students assign their own homework. 3. Flipping isn't just videos, because -- let's be honest -- videos can get boring after a while. 4. If you are concerned with students taking an excessive amount of time in actually constructing the PBL product, give a technology choice or choices as an element of the final product. 5. Not all of our students have access the technology. PBL and the flipped classroom model can play well together. The dumbest generation? No, Twitter is making kids smarter.

Part of an occasional series about the way digital culture affects the way we think, learn and live. Sara: Haha there was a weird comercial for computers that had flying sumo wrestlers John: Hahaha saweeeeet I’m still tryin to picture how that works Sarah: Haha yeah so am I this opening ceremony is so weird John: It must be Sarah K: Now there’s little kids doing karate This is a typical teenage text exchange captured by an academic. Add five hours or so a day spent online, where the most common activity is yet more typing away on social networks. This outpouring often produces an anguished outcry, particularly in September as kids head back to school and screen time starts competing with homework: Technology, pundits warn, is zombifying our young and wrecking their ability to communicate clearly.

But is this actually “the dumbest generation”? In fact, there’s powerful evidence that digital tools are helping young people write and think far better than in the past. Literate? It hadn’t. What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World’s Most Captivating Presenters. Why Finland's Unorthodox Education System Is The Best In The World - The Coming Depression. Finnish children don’t start school until they are 7. Elinag / (Source: NYtimes) They rarely take exams or do homework until they are well into their teens. The children are not measured at all for the first six years of their education. There is only one mandatory standardized test in Finland, taken when children are 16. All children, clever or not, are taught in the same classrooms. Finland spends around 30 percent less per student than the United States. 30 percent of children receive extra help during their first nine years of school. 66 percent of students go to college.

The difference between weakest and strongest students is the smallest in the World. Science classes are capped at 16 students so that they may perform practical experiments in every class. 93 percent of Finns graduate from high school. 43 percent of Finnish high-school students go to vocational schools. (Source: TNR) Finland has the same amount of teachers as New York City, but far fewer students. Instructional Design. 21st century learning. MOOC's. EDCMOOC. Lschel. Josephine Lappia. Oratie Jan van Tartwijk: Toegepaste onderwijskunde - Sociale Wetenschappen. Leergang voor onderwijskundig leiderschap - Home UU.