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Consignes en cas de séismes. Lettre du Plan Séisme. MI SEISM'ANTILLES. CPSyst_alerte tsunamisCaraibe.pdf (application/pdf Object) Le Bureau Central Simologique Français (BCSF) Sciences : Depuis 1700, 34 tsunamis sur les côtes françaises. INFOGRAPHIE - S'il n'y a pas eu de vagues meurtrières, la présence des centrales nucléaires sur le littoral pose question. Pas moins de 34 tsunamis se sont produits le long des côtes métropolitaines depuis le XVIIIe siècle dont 22 en Méditerranée, 4 en Atlantique et 8 en Manche.

On en dénombre 28 en France d'outre-mer. C'est le recensement le plus complet à ce jour. Il a été réalisé par Jérôme Lambert et Monique Terrier, du Bureau des recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM). «Le catalogue va continuer à s'étoffer au cours des prochaines années», assure Jérôme Lambert, géophysicien et historien pour la circonstance. Le site où sont présentés les tsunamis est bien fait, accompagné des documents ayant permis de repérer les grosses vagues qui ont léché nos côtes. Il s'agit le plus souvent d'articles de journaux ou de témoignages qui régaleront les amoureux d'histoire locale. Du raz-de-marée au tsunami Tous les 5000 ans Les choses sont complexes.

Les recherches vont néanmoins bon train. Já Viram Desmoronar uma Montanha? Tremblement de terre: scénario catastrophe sur la Côte d'Azur. Il est 6 heures et demie du matin. Nous sommes le 28 juin. La Côte d'Azur française sort de sa torpeur matinale. Au laboratoire de détection et de géophysique de Bruyères-le-Châtel (Essonne), les ordinateurs s’alarment. Une secousse sismique est détectée en mer, à 2 km au sud de Menton, dans les Alpes-Maritimes. Les machines mesurent une magnitude de 6,1 sur l’échelle de Richter. Cinq minutes plus tard, une vague déferle sur la cité méditerranéenne. L ’alerte est donnée à 6 h 50 à la direction de la sécurité civile. Ce scénario catastrophe totalement fictif a été imaginé par le Commissariat à l’énergie atomique (CEA).

«Pour l’élaborer, nous nous sommes inspirés d’un séisme bien réel, celui dit de Ligure survenu le 23 février 1887», détaille Michel Cara, professeur à l’Ecole et observatoire des sciences de la terre. La France métropolitaine est une zone à sismicité modérée. Au XXe siècle, le seul séisme d’une magnitude supérieure à 6 s’est produit en 1909, à Lambesc (Bouhces-du-Rhône). Satellite Photos of Haiti Before and After the Earthquake | Wire. InShare0 The pictures and video from on-the-ground reports in Haiti following the magnitude 7 earthquake Tuesday are truly heartbreaking. But it is difficult to imagine the full extent of the damage to that country and its capital, Port-au-Prince, in particular.

These new satellite images released Wednesday by Google and GeoEye show the devastation from above, giving a new view of the severity of this disaster. We’ve posted some of the images here. You can also scan the entire city with Google Earth. The satellite image above, captured by the GeoEye-1 satellite Wednesday morning, shows the National Palace after the quake. Below is an image from March 2008. Images: Google/Geoeye Pages: 1 2345678910View All. Mozilla Firefox. Earthquakes Cause over 1700 Deaths in 2009 (1/8/2010 11. At least 1783 deaths worldwide resulted from earthquake activity in 2009. The deadliest earthquake of the year was a magnitude 7.5 event that killed approximately 1117 people in southern Sumatra, Indonesia on Sept. 30, according to the U.S.

Geological Survey (USGS) and confirmed by the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). However, the number of earthquake-related fatalities in 2009 was far less than the 2008 count of over 88,000. The high number of fatalities in 2008 was primarily due to the devastating magnitude 7.9 earthquake that occurred in Sichuan, China on May 12. Although unrelated, the Sept. 30 Indonesian earthquake occurred a day after the year’s strongest earthquake, a magnitude 8.1 on Sept. 29 in the Samoa Islands region. The biggest 2009 earthquake in the 50 United States was, once again, in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. In the 2009 year, 17 earthquakes reached a magnitude of 7.0 or higher and one broke a magnitude of 8.0. : Portail de la prévention des Risques Majeurs.

Accueil - AFPS - Association Française du génie Parasismique. Les Zones sismiques en France : Etudes sur les tremblements de t. National Earthquake Information Center - NEIC. Earthquake Hazards Program National Earthquake Information Center - NEIC The mission of the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) is to determine rapidly the location and size of all destructive earthquakes worldwide and to immediately disseminate this information to concerned national and international agencies, scientists, and the general public. The NEIC compiles and maintains an extensive, global seismic database on earthquake parameters and their effects that serves as a solid foundation for basic and applied earth science research.

Earthquake Data Available from the NEIC Share this page: U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. DOI and USGS link policies apply. Fact Sheet 2006-3016: Earthquake Hazards--A National Threat. PAGER - Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response. The PAGER system provides fatality and economic loss impact estimates following significant earthquakes worldwide. Links to PAGER results for earthquakes occurring within the last 7 days are contained below. The earthquakes are color-coded by the higher of two impact scales - fatalities and economic losses. These impact scales are broken up into four categories. Green alerts are issued when our models estimate zero or very minimal human or economic losses. Yellow alerts are issued when our models estimate up to 100 fatalities, or up to 100 million dollars in losses. Information on the extent of shaking will be uncertain in the minutes and hours following an earthquake and typically improves as additional sensor data and reported intensities are acquired and incorporated into models of the earthquake's source.

Southern San Andreas ShakeOut Scenario. ShakeOut VideosSimulations developed by the Southern California Earthquake Center ShakeOut Simulation workgroup. Simulation by Rob Graves, URS/SCEC. Visualization by Geoff Ely, USC/SCEC.Watch on YouTube Ground shaking during a magnitude 7.8 earthquake on the southern San Andreas fault; red indicates areas of strongest ground shaking. The 2008 Great Southern California ShakeOut was based on a potential magnitude 7.8 earthquake on the southern San Andreas Fault— approximately 5,000 times larger than the magnitude 5.4 earthquake that shook southern California on July 29, 2008. It’s not a matter of if an earthquake of this size will happen—but when. And it is possible that it will happen in our lifetime. Dr. In an earthquake of this size, the shaking will last for nearly two minutes.

Such an earthquake will cause unprecedented damage to Southern California—greatly dwarfing the massive damage that occurred in Northridge’s 6.7-magnitude earthquake in 1994. Multimedia Gallery: (Video)--Preparedness Now. Title: Preparedness Now Description: This film takes you on a visceral journey through the USGS ShakeOut Earthquake Scenario.

The film was created by the USGS Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project in cooperation with the Designmatters program at Art Center to depict the physical, social, and economic consequences of the most comprehensive earthquake scenario ever created. The film gives the viewers a sense of what will be happening and inspires them to prepare and mitigate for a faster recovery. The premise underlying the film is that design is a powerful catalyst that can bridge the divide between scientific understanding about damaging quakes, and the ability of the public to feel empowered and to change their behavior in terms of preparedness. Location: CA, USA Date Taken: 11/6/2008 Length: 0:00 Video Producer: Theo Alexopoulos Note: This video has been released into the public domain by the U.S.

Source: File Details: Suggest an update to the information/tags? 2008 Bay Area Earthquake Probabilities. In April 2008, scientists and engineers released a new earthquake forecast for the State of California called the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF). Compiled by USGS, Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), and the California Geological Survey (CGS), with support from the California Earthquake Authority, it updates the earthquake forecast made for the greater San Francisco Bay Area by the 2002 Working Group for California Earthquake Probabilities. The accompanying figure shows the updated probabilities for earthquakes of magnitude 6.7 or greater in the next 30 years.

The overall probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the Greater Bay Area is 63%, about 2 out of 3, which is very close to the probability of 62% obtained by the 2002 Working Group. The earthquake probability is highest for the Hayward-Rodgers Creek Fault system, 31%, or nearly 1 out of 3. The last damaging earthquake on the Hayward Fault was in 1868.