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Teach Games | Game design & development resources for educators. Game Design Concepts | An experiment in game design and teaching. Teleporting the Player - CryWiki. From CryWiki Teleporting the Player This tutorial will teach you how to use the flowgraph feature to teleport a player when he steps inside a proximity trigger. Setting the Destination We are going to use a AI TagPoint to specify where we want the player to be beamed to. In the RollupBar, click the AI button under the Create tab.

Then select TagPoint and place it where you want the player to teleport to. Once you're done, name the tagpoint beamplace Setting the Start Position We are going to use a ProximityTrigger to detect when a player has entered an area. In the RollupBar, click the Entity button. Create the Flowgraph Now, click the Create button under the property editor's Flow Graph section. Name it Teleport. Creating the Nodes Now we need to add a ProximityTrigger node to our flowgraph. Then, add a Localplayer node to our flowgraph by right clicking and selecting Add Node→Game→LocalPlayer from the popup menu.

Using the same steps, add the following nodes Connecting the Ports Results.

Training for games

UDK. Sound. Main. Apps4class.wikispaces. AliceLessonPlansatDukeUniversity.