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Das Julian Assange-Malbuch bei Glaserei. Über das Julian Assange Online Coloring Book: Love him or loathe him, hero or villain, Julian Assange is probably the most talked about person alive today. WikiLeaks, with Julian as editor-in-chief, has caused quite the stir, and with mirror sites sprouting up around the globe, they will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. “Collateral murder”, “Cablegate”, sexual misconduct charges against Julian in Sweden, calls for his assassination by the CIA, intrigue, suspense, and conspiracy theories – it all makes for pretty serious stuff. So where does the Julian Assange Coloring Book fit in? Well, simply put, it’s not “serious stuff”. It’s a coloring book about Julian Assange (with the occasional WikiLeaks page for good measure).

Coloring in is fun and relaxing – try it and see! (Gefunden bei cakeheadlovesevil) How propaganda poisons the mind - and our discourse - Glenn Greenwald. Last week, on January 3, The Guardian published a scathing Op-Ed by James Richardson blaming WikiLeaks for endangering the life of Morgan Tsvangirai, the leader of the democratic opposition in Zimbabwe. Richardson — a GOP operative, contributor to, and a for-hire corporate spokesman — pointed to a cable published by WikiLeaks in which American diplomats revealed that Tsvangirai, while publicly opposing American sanctions on his country, had privately urged their continuation as a means of weakening the Mugabe regime: an act likely to be deemed to be treasonous in that country, for obvious reasons.

By publishing this cable, “WikiLeaks may have committed its own collateral murder,” Richardson wrote. He added: ”WikiLeaks ought to leave international relations to those who understand it – at least to those who understand the value of a life.” This accusation against WikiLeaks was repeated far and wide. There was just one small problem with all of this: it was totally false. Online - Weiter Wirbel um Wikileaks. Die von Wikileaks ausgelöste mediale Erregungswelle schwillt weiter an und hat ihren Höhepunkt offenbar noch nicht erreicht. Julian Assange wirft den beiden Frauen, die er sexuell bedrängt haben soll, in einem BBC-Interview vor, überreagiert zu haben und wittert politische Motive.

Im Zeit-Magazin gibt Altkanzler Helmut Schmidt seine Meinung zum Umgang mit Assange kund. Und auf Twitter sorgt die Löschung einer Wikileaks-App aus Apples App Store für Aufregung – dabei gibt es dafür offensichtlich eine einfache Erklärung. Gegenüber der BBC hat Wikileaks-Gründer Assange den beiden Schwedinnen, die mit ihrer Aussage das Verfahren gegen ihn ins Rollen gebracht hatten, Überreaktion vorgeworfen. Die Frauen seien wohl "nervös geworden", weil sie Angst vor der Übertragung von Geschlechtskrankheiten bekommen hätten. Der 39 Jahre alte Australier beteuert, der Sex mit den beiden Frauen sei einvernehmlich gewesen.

Apple Removes WikiLeaks App From App Store. Looks like an unofficial iPhone and iPad app that let you view WikiLeaks site content and follow the WikiLeaks Twitter account on the go has been removed from the App app store earlier today. The app used to be available here (here’s the Google cache). From the WikiLeaks App’s description: “The Wikileaks app gives instant access to the world’s most documented leakage of top secret memos and other confidential government documents.” Basically the paid app was selling WikiLeaks content (available for free) for $1.99. Its entry into the app store on December 17th was actually surprising, as Apple is usually quite strict and somewhat vague about its app approval standards. WikiLeaks and founder Julian Assange are quite controversial, to put it lightly but I’m not sure if the app directly violated anything in Apple’s TOS. I’ve contacted both Apple and and the developer for more information and will update this post when they respond.

Thanks: Appsfire. Assange concerned over 'natural justice' in Sweden. 21 December 2010Last updated at 07:47 Julian Assange: "There are some serious problems with the Swedish prosecution" Julian Assange has told the BBC that he is fighting a Swedish extradition warrant because he believes "no natural justice" would occur in Sweden. Mr Assange was speaking in an interview for the Today programme, at the mansion in East Anglia where he is staying under strict bail conditions. The Wikileaks founder suggested the two women who have accused him of sexual assault had got into a "tizzy". Mr Assange denies the allegations and says the case is politically motivated. The 39-year-old is free on bail in the UK while facing the extradition proceedings to Sweden and staying in Norfolk. Mr Assange told the BBC's John Humphrys: "I don't need to go back to Sweden. "The law says I... have certain rights, and these rights mean that I do not need to speak to random prosecutors around the world who simply want to have a chat, and won't do it in any other standard way.

" Legal loopholes. Wikileaks mirror spread — In my previous post I presented a visualization of the Wikileaks mirrors spread of December 8th. While it is interesting to see the spread of a certain day, it is even more interesting to see how the spread is evolving over time. By keeping track of updates of the mirror page on Wikileaks, I was able to collect enough data for an animated version of the spread. My current dataset contains a 7 day period covering December 5th to December 12th.

As some of the commenters pointed out, the edges (curves) in the previous dataset didn’t always followed the shortest path. . * update 21-12-2010 11pm CET * - Got featured on ReadWriteWeb, Thanks! * update 23-12-2010 10pm CET * - Embedded Google Earth web plugin in demo section Mirror spread The result of plotting the spread in a line chart: Top 10 locations An overview of the spread based on country: Germany: 498United States: 394France: 194Netherlands: 152United Kingdom: 72Sweden: 67Canada: 49Spain: 47Switzerland: 36Russian Federation: 32 Online Demo. Bradley Manning. Wikileaksapp. Freed on bail – but US steps up efforts to charge Assange with conspiracy - Americas, World.

The development follows claims by Mr Assange's supporters that a grand jury has been secretly empanelled in northern Virginia to consider indicting the WikiLeaks chief. But the US Justice Department has refused to comment on any grand jury activity. As Mr Assange arrived last night at the East Anglia mansion after his release from a London prison on bail, he said he considered the threat of US legal action to be "extremely serious" even though "they have yet to be confirmed". He told Sky News: "We have heard today from one of my US lawyers that there may be a US indictment for espionage for me coming from a secret grand jury investigation.

"There are obviously serious attempts to take down the content by taking us down as an organisation and taking me down as an individual. " The Justice Department views the chances of a prosecution as far slimmer if Mr Assange was merely the passive recipient of information. Wikileaks und Julian Assange: Anarchy In The IP? Es ist nicht ganz einfach, sich ein Bild von den Wikileaks-Aktivitäten und der Motivation von Gründer Julian Assange zu machen, wenn man der vereinfachten Darstellung, dass die Freigabe bisher geschützter Informationen an sich etwas einzig Gutes sei, nicht ganz trauen mag.

Schließlich weiß auch das Wikileaks-Team selbst, dass Informationen ohne umsichtige Behandlung, ohne Kontext und speziell im Fall von schier endlosen Mengen ohne redaktionelle Aufarbeitung oftmals mindestens wertlos sind: Die früheren Versuche von Wikileaks, die Analyse von Massen-Leaks der Community zu überlassen, schlugen fehl, so gut wie niemanden interessierten die Datenmassen. Erst, als man mit großen Medienhäusern kooperierte und Julian Assange bewusst als Gesicht von Wikileaks mehr in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit gerückt wurde, zeigten die Leaks mediale Wirkung und Wikileaks erlangte größere Bedeutung als zuvor.

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