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Turning the tanker: lesson grading. I spent a good part of the past year or so railing against the injustices of lesson grading: My impatience with some Ofsted inspectors 24th July 2014Ofsted: The end of the (lesson grading) affair 4th June 2014Should Ofsted judge ‘quality of teaching’? 26th May 2014A horror story: Does Ofsted get it wrong again? 23rd May 2014Ofsted inspectors continue to do whatever they like 21st May 2014Watching the watchmen: Is Ofsted fit for purpose? 16th March 2014The mystery of Oldfield School’s missing Ofsted report 17th March 2014What inspirational teaching looks like according to Ofsted 18th February 2014What I learned from my visit to Ofsted 19th February 2014Are we any clearer?

Ofsted explain what they do and don’t do 21st February 2014Ofsted’s Evaluation Form: the next skirmish! 22nd February 2014The shocking mediation of Ofsted criteria by ‘rogue’ inspectors 10th November 2013Who inspects Ofsted? 5th February 2012 – who indeed? The good news is that Ofsted listened: Pick up your wand. National Teacher Enquiry Network | Teacher Development Trust. There is huge pressure on schools and colleges to improve the quality of teaching and create better learning outcomes for young people. Research shows that the most effective way to achieve these goals, while also improving staff morale and engagement, is through high quality professional development. However, while this is easy to accept it is very hard to implement. The National Teacher Enquiry Network has been created to support organisations that are facing up to these challenges. It is a collaborative partnership of schools and colleges focused on innovation and improvement through highly effective and evidence-based staff professional development and learning.

It has been developed alongside schools, in consultation with experts, through a series of pilots supported by the National College for Teaching and Leadership and the National Union of Teachers. Our members shape and develop our work and are committed to the principle of peer-to-peer support.