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Fascinating Underground Homes. The Gardens Of Marqueyssac &. Pooktre Tree ShapersCreate floor plans, house plans and home plans online with 50+ High Resolution Free Paper Textures. SpaceCollective. Create Your Own Snowflakes on zefrank.

Roland Tiangco. Roland Tiangco’s dirt poster is blazing a trail across the creative blogosphere and for good reason. Simply put, it’s a brilliant piece of print work that can be appreciated by both design and conceptual advertising minds alike. Kudos Mr. Tiangco. Kaspen prague anagram two.jpg (JPEG Image, 736x500 pixels) Mental_floss Blog » 10 Notable Staircases. Staircases can be so much more than just a means of getting to the next floor. A staircase can be a work of art, a conversation piece, a place to meditate, or a historical marker. Floating on a Wall This floating staircase above by designer Jordi Vayreda looks dangerous, but the steps are made of steel welded to a thick beam inside the wall. The top of the wall can be used as a handrail for the upper half of the staircase. See more pictures and an explanation here .