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Read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone online free by J.K. Rowling. Book 01 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. 2007. "Jag brukade sjunga i kören, och vi började repetera.


Jag satt i körbänken i katedralen och gjorde samtidigt utkastet till Flugornas herre. Så snart jag skrivit några meningar var det dags att ställa sig rakt upp och sjunga. Sen satte jag mig och fortsatte att skriva. " Det är William Golding (1911-1993) som berättar hur det gick till då han började skriva boken, som blev en sådan enastående framgång världen över att den snabbt kunde utnämnas till en modern klassiker.

I dag har Flugornas herre (Lord of the Flies, 1954) sålts i över tjugo miljoner exemplar. Det är besynnerligt att först mer än tjugo förlag vägrade att över huvud taget befatta sig med Goldings manuskript. Det sägs att Golding skrev Flugornas herre mest på lek. Berättelsen om några pojkar som råkar hamna på en öde ö är inte originell i sig. William Golding ville ge sina barn en klassisk fostran. William Golding kom från Salisbury i Kent. 1939 var ett ödesår för världen. The Devoted Friend - Question Answers. The Devoted Friend English 2nd Year Notes Q1.

The Devoted Friend - Question Answers

Briefly explain why the story of Hans and the Miller was applicable to the water-rat. Ans. the story of Hans and the Miller was applicable to the water rat because water rat was as selfish as the Miller. The story was, one day the water rat came out of his hole and saw a duck teaching her young’s how to swim. Anne Frank The Diary Of A Young Girl.

The diary of a wimpy kid

Discussion Questions and Projects for Use With Any Film that is a Work of Fiction. Note: In some of the questions we have used the term "major characters.

Discussion Questions and Projects for Use With Any Film that is a Work of Fiction

" Before asking the questions, have the class identify the major characters. In addition, these questions can also be limited to one or more characters. Characterization is delineated through: (1) the character's thoughts, words, speech patterns, and actions; (2) the narrator's description; and (3) the thoughts, words, and actions of other characters. When students analyze character, they should be reminded to have these three sources in mind. Adapted from California English-Language Arts Content Standards - Grade 7, Reading 3.3 1. This question can be modified by naming the character which is the subject of the question. 21. [This question is designed to be asked after question #2.] 4. [This question can be limited to one particular character.] 7. [Try modifying the question by naming the character or a group of characters.] 9.

[This question can be modified by naming one or several symbols as the subject for analysis.]

Billy Elliot

Holes. London Short Fiction: Mud Man. Continuing our series of short fiction set in, or influenced by London.

London Short Fiction: Mud Man

This week’s story by Melaina Barnes is the winner of our competition with the British Academy’s Literature Week to find a new modern fairy tale for London. To explore the Literature Week programme — running 11-17 May — and register for events visit the British Academy’s website. Out he comes, dredged from the canal. The narrow-boat girls pat him, tend him, talk to him. –Mate. Clive has a fitful night with dreams of icy water and miring weeds. The next day, his wife leaves early. Clive takes a sip of tea. Clive wakes from a doze and tells himself he’s been dreaming. Clive lies fully dressed on top of the bed and watches TV. His wife chops onions. Clive’s wife arranges for him to see a counsellor. Londonist is proud to be media partner to the British Academy’s Literature Week.

Copyright, Melaina Barnes, image by Ekaterina Nosenko in the Londonist Flickr pool. Fairy tales The Fingernail Fairy: Do you believe in her? Boktjuven.pdf. The perks of being a wallflower. Selfie. This EFL lesson plan is designed around a short film by Matthew Frost starring Kirsten Dunst, and the theme of celebrity selfies.


Students discuss meeting famous people, roleplay meeting their hero or heroine, watch a short film and discuss selfies and celebrity selfies. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Advanced (C1) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Speaking, performing a roleplay, watching a short film, Topic: Selfies, meeting famous people and modern society Language: Questions Materials: Short film Downloadable materials: selfie lesson instructions Support Film English Film English remains ad-free and takes many hours a month to research and write, and hundreds of dollars to sustain.

Step 1 Ask your students the following question: Have you ever met a famous person? Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6.

The absolute true diary of a part time indian

Foxfire - questions for discussion.