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Different perspectives. Strategies. To develop your resoning. Life skills essay. How to write fiction that comes alive - Nalo Hopkinson. Perfect your punctuation: 4 TED-ED Lessons on commas, semicolons and more. Let’s face it: Punctuation is hard.

Perfect your punctuation: 4 TED-ED Lessons on commas, semicolons and more

Even the most seasoned writers can get tripped up on the rules. Should that comma really be there, or is it just taking up space? Should this apostrophe go before or after the S? Where in the world does the semicolon go? Luckily, TED-Ed has gathered four lessons to help you perfect your punctuation. How to use a comma - Terisa Folaron Let’s start with the basics. How to use a semicolon – Emma Bryce It may seem like the semicolon is struggling with an identity crisis. When to use apostrophes – Laura McClure It’s possessive. Cambridge English Write & Improve. Why Revise? Because You Have an Authentic Audience. Whenever I start talking about the importance of revising our writing with my classes, I show them this photograph: an over-the-shoulder shot of Barack Obama holding a copy of his Inaugural Address from 2013.

Why Revise? Because You Have an Authentic Audience

It's a printed page covered with his handwritten edits. Words are crossed out, arrows go every which way, and there are notes everywhere. My point in showing this to students has always been: "Look how important revision is -- even the President of the United States takes the time to work on writing revision! " However, I used to overlook one key question when discussing the photograph with students: "Why did Mr. Obama care enough to revise his speech so much? " Undoubtedly, the answer is that millions of people around the world would be listening to the speech, and thus he wanted his writing to be clear, precise, and flawless. 5 Inspiring Strategies 1. The world of self-publishing is more than just fan fiction and esoteric sci-fi. 2. Assignment%20 %20To%20write%20a%20text%20adapted%20to%20purpose%2C%20recipient%20and%20situation%20 %20Google%20Docs. Pobble 365 - One picture. One teaching resource. Every day. Utveckla skrivandet på engelska. Pobble.

Utveckla skrivandet på engelska

Student Writing Models. Språkstöttning med stödmallar. Som lärare har vi ibland mer eller mindre nytta av att använda oss av olika stödmallar för att stötta kommunikationen och tänkandet i ett klassrum.

Språkstöttning med stödmallar

Vi är många som framgångsrikt använder oss av det i klassrummet på ena sättet eller det andra. Jag tänkte helt kort bara visa på några stödmallar jag själv använt mig av och som jag rekommenderar lärare att använda i sina klassrum oavsett om de har språk; svenska, svenska som andra språk, engelska, moderna språk eller andra ämnen där de ska kommunicera för att visa om de förstått eller lära sig resonera kring ett innehåll för att utveckla flera olika tankekedjor.

Skrivmallar För skrivandet kan det vara bra med skrivmallar. Text Types Black and White. Planning a writing lesson. But teaching writing is not just about grammar, spelling, or the mechanics of the Roman alphabet.

Planning a writing lesson

Learners also need to be aware of and use the conventions of the genre in the new language. What is genre? Stages of a writing lesson Generating ideas Focusing ideas Focus on a model text Organising ideas Writing Peer evaluation Reviewing Conclusion What is genre? A genre can be anything from a menu to a wedding invitation, from a newspaper article to an estate agent's description of a house. Something-To-Write-About.

Skriftlig interaktion

Cirkelmodellen. Bedömning/Feedback. Feedback.docx. Writing an essay - Google Slides. Personal Narrative. Genrer/texttyper. Meningar med elever » att skapa mening. Instant Grammar Check - Plagiarism Checker - Online Proofreader. Skills. Textanalys med stödmallar. I ett försök att synliggöra olika strukturer har jag låtit mina 7or analysera textsnuttar med stödmallar.

Textanalys med stödmallar

Vi arbetar med crime stories och jag har valt att lägga fokus på personbeskrivningar och miljöbeskrivningar. Lektionsupplägget blev identiskt för dessa två delar. Inför lektionerna har eleverna fått glosor relaterade till ämnet. Jag har valt ut övningar från nätet som de har fått öva på. Länkar till övningarna finns längst ner i det här inlägget. Eleverna fick ett antal textexempel från olika easy readers, där jag översatt ord i fotnoterna. Under samtalet kring texterna kopplade jag också samtalet till läsförståelsestrategin creating inner images. Förhoppningen med denna övning är att eleverna får en större förståelse för vilka olika detaljer som kan användas för att beskriva personer respektive miljöer och att de sedan kan anvnda detta i sin egen skriftliga produktion. När vi om börjar skriva de egna deckarna kommer texterna åka fram igen som stöd i skrivandet. Describing a person. LearnZillion.

Persuasive writing

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - For English as a Second Language. Picture to story. Preparation Prepare a set of pictures that are likely to stimulate the interest and imagination of your students.

Picture to story

Procedure Show the picture to the students and have them work in groups to prepare some questions about the photo. Below is an attachment with an example photo. Here are some example questions the students may ask. Who is the man? Basic Guide to Essay Writing. How to Write a Short Story: 15 Steps. Steps Part 1 Brainstorming Ideas 1Come up with a plot or scenario.

How to Write a Short Story: 15 Steps

Think about what the story is going to be about and what is going to happen in the story. Consider what you are trying to address or illustrate. Creative Writing. © Contributed by Leanne Guenther Introduction: Most children have a natural creative streak but as anyone who has tried it knows, getting an idea out of your head and onto a piece of paper can be very challenging!

Creative Writing

Spark the children's imagination by providing them a picture on which to base their story. Look over the picture. Write a story based on what you imagine is happening. Attention Writers: Never Use These Phrases. Seriously, We're Not Kidding. Skills. Storybird - Storybird for Schools. Music For Writing 2 Part V. Hemingway. Writing Exercises.