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Color Psychology. By David Johnson Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. And even in Western societies, the meanings of various colors have changed over the years. Black Black is the color of authority and power. White Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity.

Red The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Blue The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. Green Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. Yellow Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. Purple The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. Brown Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Colors of the Flag Food for Thought. New Research Reveals the Real Causes of Depression. By: Dr. Mercola. Guest Depression is thought to affect about one in 10 Americans.1 In 2010, antidepressants were the second most commonly prescribed type of medication in the US,2 hinting at the severity of the problem.

Contrary to popular belief, depression is not likely caused by unbalanced brain chemicals; however there are a number of other biological factors that appear to be highly significant. Chronic inflammation is one. “George Slavich, a clinical psychologist at the University of California in Los Angeles, has spent years studying depression, and has come to the conclusion that it has as much to do with the body as the mind.

Scientists have also found that your mental health can be adversely impacted by factors such as vitamin D deficiency and/or unbalanced gut flora—both of which, incidentally, play a role in keeping inflammation in check, which is really what the remedy to depression is all about. Inflammation and Depression As discussed in an article by Dr. Dr. 10 Mind-Blowing Theories That Will Change Your Perception of the World | Reality is not as obvious and simple as we like to think. Some of the things that we accept as true at face value are notoriously wrong.

Scientists and philosophers have made every effort to change our common perceptions of it. The 10 examples below will show you what I mean. 1. Great glaciation. Great glaciation is the theory of the final state that our universe is heading toward. 2. Solipsism is a philosophical theory, which asserts that nothing exists but the individual’s consciousness. Don’t you believe me? As a result, which parts of existence can we not doubt? 3. George Berkeley, the father of Idealism, argued that everything exists as an idea in someone’s mind. The idea being that if the stone really only exists in his imagination, he could not have kicked it with his eyes closed. 4. Everybody has heard of Plato.

In addition to this stunning statement, Plato, being a monist, said that everything is made of a single substance. 5. 6. Enternalism is the exact opposite of presentism. Why Stress Makes It Difficult to Change a Habit -- And What You Can Do About It. In their words: Sue Langley & The neuroscience of change - Think and Be Happy. Why do people find it so hard to change when they know it’s good for them? Even when faced with a life-threatening situation, people tend to resist change despite knowing the repercussions. Studies reveal that when heart disease patients who had undergone traumatic bypass surgery were told if they did not adjust their lifestyle they would die, or at best undergo the life-saving procedure again, only nine percent modified their behaviour. The core of the challenge is changing behaviour – yet our brains are extremely effective in tenaciously maintaining the status quo.

At the same time we wouldn’t be human if we couldn’t change. Understanding how the brain works helps manage change resistance and develop strategies to maximise change potential. Comfy habits The design of the brain may predispose us to taking the easy way out. Much of what we do on a daily basis happens without thinking – driving a car, brushing our teeth, browsing the supermarket aisle. Neuroscience & Why Changing Our Habits is Hard. ~ Stephen Light. Change is constant and will always be present in our lives. In fact, the person you are when you start reading this article is different from the person you are after reading it—that is how quickly we change. Medical research has shown that in one year the physical makeup of your body changes 99% and only takes four years to become a completely new you. That means part of us changes every single moment. The big question is: Why is change so hard for us? I believe it has to do with our inability to manage the emotional component of change.

The field of neuroscience reveals some interesting facts about how we deal with change in our bodies and the emotional impact it has on us. As you read, I encourage you to read it through the perspective of a behavior you have struggled to change: people pleasing, getting angry and shouting at people, putting yourself down, etc. Our behaviors become addictions, and addictions are hard to change.

To change these behaviors seems easy on the surface. Dr. The Boy With The Incredible Brain - Extraordinary People - Documentary. Etymology of Neuroscience Terms. List of neuroscience databases. A number of online neuroscience databases are available which provide information regarding gene expression, neurons, macroscopic brain structure, and neurological or psychiatric disorders.

While some databases contain descriptive and numerical data, others include postmortem brain sections or 3D MRI and fMRI images. A list that is regularly updated can be found at the Neuroscience Information Framework database list, which contains over 2500 databases relevant to neuroscience. Other databases[edit] See also[edit] Neuroinformatics External links[edit] References[edit] Neuroscience. Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system.[1] Traditionally, neuroscience has been seen as a branch of biology. However, it is currently an interdisciplinary science that collaborates with other fields such as chemistry, computer science, engineering, linguistics, mathematics, medicine and allied disciplines, philosophy, physics, and psychology.

It also exerts influence on other fields, such as neuroeducation[2] and neurolaw. The term neurobiology is usually used interchangeably with the term neuroscience, although the former refers specifically to the biology of the nervous system, whereas the latter refers to the entire science of the nervous system. Because of the increasing number of scientists who study the nervous system, several prominent neuroscience organizations have been formed to provide a forum to all neuroscientists and educators. History[edit] The study of the nervous system dates back to ancient Egypt. Modern neuroscience[edit] Human nervous system. Neuroscience and Pyschology.