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Daily Design. Best Alarm Clocks - 10 Funny Alarm Clocks and Reviews - Womans Day. For most people, getting out of bed in the morning is a bit of a struggle. Luckily, the 10 clocks below are here to help. Some wake you up with an annoyingly loud noise, while others won't shut off until you complete a task--but they all promise to get even the sleepiest sleepyhead up and moving. Start Your Engines It’s full speed ahead as soon as this Genuine Hotrod Hardware drag-racing alarm clock goes off. Hide and Go Seek There's no excuse for waking up late with this alarm clock. Attention! Ever wonder what waking up in the army would be like? Duck for Cover This Sonic Grenade alarm clock is guaranteed to get your sleepy children out of bed. Blast Off The Rocket Launcher alarm clock will really "launch" you from your bed.

Puzzled There's probably nothing more annoying than putting together a puzzle before you've even had a cup of coffee, but with the Puzzle Alarm Clock, you'll have to do just that. Get Up, Stand Up Don’t Drop the Bomb Cock-a-Doodle-Doo It Keeps Going and Going. Two side. Shut Up And Take My Money - Cool Gadgets and Geeky Products. Unique Steampunk Insects. Since the late 1990′s style steampunk is becoming more and more popular, and not only in the literature. Various modern utilitarian objects have been modded by enthusiasts into a pseudo-Victorian mechanical “steampunk” style. And often this stylization gives very unexpected results. Like, for example, art works of american sculptor Mike Libby. His studio Insect Lab make robots from dried insects.

Newest Items | Skyrim Valentines Day Cards Warm Our Frigid Hearts. Valentine's Day is coming up fast, ladies and gentlemen. Aside from being one of the most hated days of the year for most gamers (including myself), it usually brings about some very clever gaming-related Valentine's cards and this year is no different. We'll feature all of the fun ones we see, but the first ones are from Jemma "eatfun" Salume and they're inspired by The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. The Valentine featured above is called Guard, and you'll find Valentines featuring Lydia, M'aiq, Alduin, Belethor, Guard, and Ulfric after the break.

If you could choose one person from Skyrim to be your Valentine, who would it be? If you're having trouble thinking of one, why don't you check out our Skyrim romance and marriage guide?