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Anica Tričković


Food. Freelancing - za sve one koji ne znaju odakle da počnu. Prethodnih 3 godine živela sam u 5 zemalja, započela 3 startup-a i proputovala svet od Islanda do Izraela potpuno besplatno.

Freelancing - za sve one koji ne znaju odakle da počnu

Studirala sam na FON-u 2 godine i tu sam dobila osnovu, međutim, to nije bilo ni približno dovoljno za kasnije zaposlenje kakvo sam planirala za sebe. Na trećoj godini studija, dobijam UGRAD stipendiju i selim se u Ameriku, gde sam za godinu dana školovanja naučila puno toga radeći u kompaniji VEVO i Estro Communications u New Yorku.

Kasnije me posao vodi u London, Abu Dabi, Kipar, Dubai…Trenutno se bavim marketing consultingom za startupe, jer je tehnologija moja najveća ljubav pored pisanja i putovanja. Uz to pišem za Cosmopolitan magazin, CocaCola Bloggers Network program i trudim se da drugim ljudima otkrivam fazone koje sam ja naučila na tezi način kroz svoje tekstove PRVO PITANJE KADA NEKO ČUJE DA ZARADIŠ >2000e IZ SRBIJE MESEČNO JE: KAKO? Odgovor vas neće začuditi. 1. Traziš posao? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Više o marketingu čitajte kod Dragana Varagića. 8. 9.

Free software

1,000+ Learning & Performance Tools. Tools for Video Editing and Conferencing. Converter Freemake offers freeware in the truest sense of the word: no feature or time limitations, includes Video Converter, Video Downloader, YouTube Converter, Audio Converter and Free Music Box!

Tools for Video Editing and Conferencing

Video editing, animation creation and related tools Animoto can create presentations incorporating images, video clips, music and text. There is an array of tools helps you automatically create unique video pieces. (also from a teacher: Animoto Education: A Fantastic Resource) Share and make videos from your iPhone or Android too. Aviary provides a suite of online tools that allows you to take create images, edit screenshots, edit sounds and create music. GoAnimate is a fun app that lets you make animated videos, for free, in just 10 minutes, without having to draw. Datawrapper Chart Academy. How to create a symbol map. ВЕБЦИКЛОПЕДИЈА: каталог веб-алата. Welcome to the Mathematics Assessment Project. Interactive Video Learning. Turn your phone and tablet into scanner for intelligent document management. Popplet. Fiverr - Professional Logo Designers starting at $5! Learning Designer. Nikola Tesla. Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students.

Welcome to my list of webtools that don’t require student registration. This started off as a simple curation for myself and has ballooned into something that I never thought would get this big. And it is still growing. I started added comments to each link, but that is taking a long time to complete. Please bear with me as I update it. While I do try to verify each link on a regular basis, please be aware that websites do change and some of these sites may no longer be active or may have switched to a paid version. Free. Over the next while, I will be adding labels to each of these to designate whether you can use this site without any registration at all or will need the use of a class code given by the teacher. If you find a bad link, bad site, or any other error, please let me know through the comment section. Index QR Codes Create Decode online ZXing Decoder Online: Decode QR codes online without a dedicated app. Return to the Index Survey and Polls Online Whiteboards/Corkboards.


Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 3 Apps to Turn Your iPad into Interactive Whiteboard. If you are using iPad with your students in class, chances are you might be looking for some apps to turn your iPad into an interactive whiteboard. This is a great way for creating screencasts, tutorials, and guides to help students learn better. Visual explanations tend to increase students comprehension much more than the textual ones. Today, I have handpicked for you three good apps to help you turn your iPad into an interactive whiteboard.

Check them out below : 1- Stage : Interactive Whiteboard and Document Camera Stage is an exciting teaching and demonstration tool that students and educators can use to share ideas and interact with curriculum. 2- Doceri Interactive Whiteboard. Besplatne fotografije za vaše objave. Svima koji se bavimo bilo kojim vidom online posla, neophodne su i besplatne fotografije kojima upotpunjujemo svoje objave, članke, blog postove i/ili dizajn.

Besplatne fotografije za vaše objave

Nekada, prosto, nemamo budžet ili vremena za izradu profesionalnih fotografija, pa nam u pomoć uskaču servisi koji nude besplatne fotografije koje možete koristiti za prezentacije, objave i slično – jedino ograničenje je da se ne smeju koristiti da na njima zarađujete – u smislu da ih predstavljate kao svoje i/ili prodavati. Pojedini servisi možda i dozvoljavaju opciju komercijalne upotrebe – u svakom slučaju, pročitajte pravila i pribeležite negde ovaj tekst, za lakši pristup arhivi odličnih fotografija za svaku priliku. Unsplash Odlična kolekcija kvalitetnih fotografija (10 novih na svakih 10 dana), sa kojima možete raditi šta vam je volja, pa i koristiti ih za komercijalnu upotrebu (primeri ovde).

Bez registracije. Pixabay Direktorijum sa preko 440.000 besplatnih fotografija, vektora i ilustracija na klik od vas. Find A Photo.


Word clouds and languages. Other stuff. Online storage. Desktop publishing tools. Flipped classroom tools. Educational games. STEM. Comics and animation. For tablets. Website tools. eBook tools. Coding. About tools. Organization tools. Collaborative tools. Tools for voting and quizes. Tools for pictures. Mind map tools. Diagram tools. Presentations tools. Timeline tools. Map tools. Infographic tools. Maths recources. Video tools.