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Top Ten of 3D Printing. Meet designer James Novak and his stunning 3D printed bike frame. Aug. 14, 2014 We've seen a few examples of 3D printing in the bicycle industry and the possibilities that it could hold for the future.

Meet designer James Novak and his stunning 3D printed bike frame

Back in January, 2014, Flying Machine, a small company based in Perth, Australia, revealed a titanium bike that features eight titanium "lugs" printed by the CSIRO. In the same period, Empire Cycles and Renishaw made the world's first 3D printed metal bike frame. If you are really into cycling, you would love the idea of making your own frame and being able to add whatever custom geometry and extras to your bike. That future is not far, basically it is already here. This week an Australia-based industrial designer has brought an awesome project to the world: a redesigned, custom-fit, 3D printed bike frame that you have never seen before: beautiful mesh texture, light weight, accommodated LED lighting in the rear for safety, the designer's name included within the structure of the frame!

Hence the 3D printed bike frame. Indeed. Kinematics Dress by Nervous System - 3D Printed by Shapeways. Strati. Local Motors, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively "Local Motors" or "We") provide service and content on,, and all other web properties owned or operated by Local Motors (the "Website") to you subject to the following Terms and Conditions (the "Terms").


We may periodically change the Terms without notice, so please check back from time to time. These Terms of Service constitute a binding agreement between you and Local Motors governing your use of the Website and any/all content represented herein. By using and/or visiting the Website, or any other Websites owned and operated by Local Motors, you signify you understand and agree to both these Terms of Service and the Local Motors Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into the Local Motors Terms of Service, and is included in the Website. The Website may contain links to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by Local Motors. The 3D Printed Car (a.k.a. Direct Digital Manufacturing) Local Motors, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively "Local Motors" or "We") provide service and content on,, and all other web properties owned or operated by Local Motors (the "Website") to you subject to the following Terms and Conditions (the "Terms").

The 3D Printed Car (a.k.a. Direct Digital Manufacturing)

We may periodically change the Terms without notice, so please check back from time to time. These Terms of Service constitute a binding agreement between you and Local Motors governing your use of the Website and any/all content represented herein. Akemake. 3D-printed fashion, jewellery and accessories. EKOCYCLE - 3D Systems - EKOCYCLE™ Cube® 3D printer. Recycled.

EKOCYCLE - 3D Systems - EKOCYCLE™ Cube® 3D printer

Remade. Reborn. Introducing the EKOCYCLE™ Cube® 3D printer: it gives you the power to create new objects using post-consumer recycled plastic. Setting a New Standard for How We Make– Each EKOCYCLE Cartridge turns the equivalent of 3 assorted recycled 20oz PET plastic bottles into wearable fashion, music accessories or desktop décor. Users will receive a free collection of 25 fashion, music and sustainably minded accessories, curated by, to have fun 3D printing immediately. Remade Print Experience – Prints in beautiful 70-micron high resolution at fast speeds and up to 6” cubed in size, with ultra-fine supports for complex prints and a choice of easy auto settings or advanced settings.

Unlock the Limits of Style – EKOCYCLE Cube prints in simultaneous, dual color recycled plastic in a curated color palette of red, black, white and natural. Instant Load Cartridge - Instant material loading is now easier than changing an ink cartridge. 3D Printed Sugar. Los 7 usos más innovadores de las impresoras 3D. Una impresora 3D es una máquina capaz de construir estructuras físicas, muy similar a lo que hace un escultor sobre piedra: pensar en un objeto real y materializarlo sobre la mesa.

Los 7 usos más innovadores de las impresoras 3D

El resultado es un elemento completamente personalizado hecho de un solo cuerpo, el que puede servir por sí solo o para ser parte de una estructura más grande y compleja. Se habla de "impresión" ya que el proceso para llegar a eso es similar al que se utiliza hoy en las impresoras en papel, pero en lugar de imprimir tinta sobre una hoja plana se imprime algún material líquido sobre sí mismo, todo para conformar un objeto tangible tal y como se veía en la mente de diseñador y en la pantalla de la computadora. 3D Printer Types. 3D Printing. 3D Printing II. Best of 2012: 3D Printed Objects. Two thousand and twelve will probably be remembered as the year 3D printing broke into the mainstream.

Best of 2012: 3D Printed Objects

While 3D printers don’t yet compete with toasters or DVD players in the home, the dam on the consumer market has been breached as the number of lower priced, easy-to-use models–and those who use them–grows. Part of this trend surely comes from the ever-expanding catalog of 3D printed objects, from the useful to the fanciful. Printing chess pieces and busts of Stephen Colbert is nice, but the range of what people create with their printers grows by the day and in turn inspires others to model and print ever more striking/utilitarian/beautiful/ridiculous/amazing objects.

What follows is a round-up of some of the more compelling items that came across our desks in 2012. As I look at the list it strikes me that it represents a moment in time. 3D Printed Guitar While my friend who makes classical guitars from Brazilian rosewood might disagree, I think this is a beauty. Anatomica di Revolutis. How To 3D Print. 3D Printing - 3D Scanning - 3D Engineering - CDG.

Robots que hacen casas, reto de la impresión en 3D. Aquí, el tamaño sí importa.

Robots que hacen casas, reto de la impresión en 3D

Y entre más pequeño resulta más práctico, más cómodo, más efectivo y de mayor alcance. Son los atributos de la tecnología. No superan los 40 centímetros de altura, pero son capaces de levantar una estructura tan alta como se les asigne. Se llaman Minibuilders y son tres robots que rompieron el mito de la impresión en 3D de que para hacer cosas grandes se necesitan máquinas grandes. Les tomó siete meses sacar adelante este proyecto como investigadores del Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña, en Barcelona (España). Impresión en 3D, el mundo en el que vivimos hoy. Cheap 3D Printers, Best 3D Printers Manufacturer - Qingdao Unique.