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US History Lesson Plans. Teacher Resources. Library of Congress Home. National Council for the Social Studies | Social Studies: Preparing Students for College, Career and Citizenship. Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies | American History. Best of History Web Sites. Current Events « World History Review. While viewing this TED Talk by Mike Rowe (“Dirty Jobs” host on the Discovery Channel) I could not help but think of the Hindu (& related) philosophies.

Traditional Hinduism places great emphasis on people living their lives within groups that they were born within. These groups, or Castes, can be further subdivided into specific occupations: Teacher, Mortician, Domestics, etc. You are taught to pursue livelihoods in those fields. So important is this rule to stay within the group of your birth, that to violate it has religious, and thus eternal, ramifications. In the Western World, we think of these traditions as uncivilized, primitive, demeaning, misogynistic, abusive, etc.

South Asia, home of the Hindu philosophy, has been one of the most-invaded places on Earth. Mike Rowe’s talk made me think of all this. Yes, it is true: History teachers have no social life. I guess that’s all for know. Like this: Like Loading... World History for Us All.