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Ed Ou Photography. 99% Invisible: Season 3 by PRX, Inc. 99% Invisible is a popular radio show and podcast about design, architecture and all the thought that goes into the things most people don’t even think about. The stories are engaging and conversational, but have a precise sound design that is multilayered and tightly edited. They’re produced to stand up to multiple listens and reveal more each time they’re heard. The ultimate goal of 99% Invisible is to make radio that inspires mindfulness and wonder in all the things in the built world. 99% Invisible is an independent radio program created by Roman Mars and produced at home, usually at night, on a shoestring budget.

Update: The 5000 Backer Challenge Help 99% Invisible get a $10,000 grant from the Design Matters Institute! After we left the money goal in the dust in 24 hours (surprising everyone, especially me), I devised a new goal for the Kickstarter campaign: 5000 backers. If we do this, I guarantee that independent public media will never be the same. Sample Episode: Rewards Notebooks. Foraging workshop at Port Eliot Part I.

Mindfulness for Dummies, by Shamash Aladina. If I could put a book in a drawer in every hotel room across America, across the world, it would be Mindfulness for Dummies by Shamash Alidina. Alidina’s website describes him the following way: “He has taught mindfulness in a secular way for over a decade to adults, and has taught eastern philosophy, physics and mindfulness in a progressive childrens’ school for 8 years.” As an experienced practitioner I was worried I wouldn’t find much new here. Instead, Mindfulness for Dummies is a fascinating, well-researched tour de force. Alidina seems to cover all the important bases with complex and yet simple bullet points of the Dummies series style of writing.

I can’t read books like this cover to cover, but it’s a great book to have around to dip into. Because of the lovely quotes, epigrams, insights, and the wide casting mind that finds many jewels amongst the world traditions, I recommend this thorough and subtle account of the many ways of thinking about mindfulness. Like it? Famous Logos And The Cost Of Designing Them. Introducing Google Input Tools. What Does it Cost to Change the World?


10 Unsung Collaboration Tools — Many of Them Free – GigaOM. Collaboration is in full swing on the web, for both social and work-oriented purposes. Most of us can rattle off the well-known applications that are available, but there are many targeted, useful collaboration apps that are more offbeat. Here are 10 of them, many of them free. Redliner. If you’ve ever tried to collaborate with others on documents over email, you know that version control problems and many other issues can arise. DoingText. Kablink.

Collanos Workspace. PBworks. Socialtext. E-tipi. e-tipi incorporates elements of Twitter, Digg, wikis and blogs to create a shared workspace through which ideas are fleshed out. MemberHub. Colaab. Music collaboration for virtual bands and creative commons online music makers - Web Highlighter and Sticky Notes, Social Bookmarking and Annotation, Social Information Network! Dabbleboard - Online whiteboard for drawing & team collaboration - Interactive whiteboard software.

Six Best MP3 Tagging Tools - ID3 Tag Editors. Corporate Collaborative Problem Solving, ThinkSpace™ Software, Technology Transfers, Buy and Sell Innovations and Inventions. The Social Media Cheat Sheet. Wall Photos. Protests may herald U-turn on coalition's rail fare rises | UK news. Some commuters' season tickets are expected to cost£1,000 more in 2015 than they cost in 2011. Photograph: Bloomberg via Getty Images Passenger groups and unions are stepping up pressure over train fares with a day of action, as the government hinted it may back down over planned rises that would result in some season tickets costing £1,000 more in 2015 than in 2011.

Fares will rise in January by three percentage points above the July RPI figure, which will be announced on Tuesday. That is expected to leave fares between 5% and 6% higher. Passenger groups said train fares were going up three times faster than salaries. With train operators allowed to raise some fares by an additional 5%, some commuters could see double-digit price rises on their tickets next year. The transport secretary, Justine Greening, said she would ask for government money to keep fares down. But Greening said there could be a similar U-turn by the Treasury this autumn if there was "spare money". Tim Patrick's Web Site. America is a uniquely blessed nation. In terms of natural resources, cultural diversity, and basic liberty, the United States has experienced a short yet rich life unparalleled by any other country throughout history. Many citizens see these blessings as something to share with other peoples, making real the “City on a Hill” first mentioned in 1630 by Puritan John Winthrop, one of the earliest orators to comment on America’s influential role.

Unfortunately, there are American citizens who have a difficult time seeing these blessings, and others who, though they may recognize them, are unable to articulate why it is that we find ourselves with such benefits. To address these groups, political commentator Dennis Prager penned Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph.

Published in 2012, the book documents Americans blessings by defining its core values and comparing those values to other competing worldviews. Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map. 01 – route. 8 Tips to Design a Charity Website. A lot of charities rely on voluntary funding. This funding is carefully distributed and there are often more important things ahead of a generous budget for the website. So how does a charity get the most out of its website? It needs to let users find out information about the charity, but the main objective of the site is to get people involved with the charity, usually resulting in the user donating money. In this article, we look at 8 principles that you should follow when creating a charity website.

What makes a good charity website? 1. A mission A quick tagline to sum up what the charity (or charitable event) is about. 2. Let your users know what you do with their money once they sponsor. 3. Help users identify and visualize the people they’ll be helping. 4. The donate button is most likely the most important asset of a charity website so it should be prominent and obvious. 5.

If the website is for a specific charitable event, show how much the charity’s raised to date. 6. 7. 8. Change. Design elements and principles. Design elements and principles describe fundamental ideas about the practice of good visual design. As William Lidwell stated in Universal Principles of Design: The best designers sometimes disregard the principles of design.

When they do so, however, there is usually some compensating merit attained at the cost of the violation. Unless you are certain of doing as well, it is best to abide by the principles.[1] Principles of design[edit] Principles applied to the elements of design that bring them together into one design. Unity/Harmony[edit] According to Jose Contreras, author of The Elements of Graphic Design, to achieve visual unity is a main goal of graphic design. Methods[edit] Balance[edit] It is a state of equalized tension and equilibrium, which may not always be calm. [3] Types[edit] The top image has symmetrical balance and the bottom image has asymmetrical balance Hierarchy[edit] A good design contains elements that lead the reader through each element in order of its significance. Stopdesign. Orange Mountain Bikes // Whistler on MPORA. Sadhguru on NDTV "Big Fight" July 7 - The God Particle.

Fascinating Photos of Abandoned Olympic Sites Around the World. [Editor's note: It's Labor Day, so your devoted Flavorwire team is taking a break. To keep you entertained, we're leaving you with our most popular features of the summer months. This post originally ran August 13th.] The Storefront for Art & Architecture, our favorite Little Italy-adjacent nonprofit organization, has organized a photo exhibition exploring the post-Olympic city. Answering the question, what happens to a city after the Olympics are gone, the show features The Olympic City project, an ongoing collaboration between photographer Jon Pack and indie filmmaker Gary Hustwit of Helvetica design docu fame. As the show’s catalog states, “some former Olympic sites are retrofitted and used in ways that belie their grand beginnings; turned into prisons, housing, malls, gyms, churches. Others sit unused for decades and become tragic time capsules.” 2008 Beach Volleyball Stadium — Beijing, China Image credit: David Gray via The Atlantic.

DH/XC competition. Bike event. Bike tour in black sea. Julian Assange Show: Rafael Correa (E6) How much oil is there left, really? According to BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy (pdf), released on wednesday, we still have 1,333 billion barrels out there to pump, enough for 40 years at current usage. Great – nothing to worry about right now… if you believe BP. According to Jeremy Leggett, BP’s chief economist literally laughed off a question about peak oil at the launch press conference. So do we breathe a sigh of relief, or do we join Britain’s former chief scientist in saying ‘pull the other one’?

Even a cursory browse might put you in the latter camp. Consider for example, that Saudi Arabia single handedly accounts for almost 20% of the world’s oil reserves. The details of how much is in each field is a state secret, but it claims to have 264 thousand million barrels. This is a little strange, since it reported that it had 262 thousand million barrels ten years ago, and 260 in 1989. Since Saudi Arabia hasn’t announced any major discoveries in that time, its stated reserves are scarcely credible. Like this: საქართველო თამბაქოს გარეშე! Tobacco-Free Georgia! Meditation Flash Mob on Roof Top Terrace, City of London. Best Pen Tapper in the world! Julian Assange Historic speech @ Ecuador Embassy 19/08/2012. Craig Murray speaking @ the Ecuador Embassy 19/08/2012. Hitchhiking Yerevan to Tbilisi | Ben Allen. The last in a long line of 11:30am wake up times ended with my alarm jolting me out of the abyss at eight o’clock.

I turned over and moaned at the injustice of having to get up at this unearthly hour. Underneath my bed I could hear the faint snoring of Marilyn, Serine and Sevada’s dog. Every morning I’d wake to find her asleep under my bed. I considered venturing to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Today was different to other days. Fortunately, fate lend a hand. I dragged myself out of bed, made that cup of tea, packed my things for a couple of days on the road (not much: spare T-Shirt/boxers, toothbrush, sleeping bag, camera) and caught a Mashutka up to Tom and Tenny’s place on Komitas Street.

I sat in the crowded van and amused myself with the usual sight of my fellow passengers staring at the strange mashutka-riding foreigner. We took a city bus to the edge of town, to the highway leading to Lake Sevan. Another ride took us into ‘the Switzerland of Armenia’. Like this: the support and advice you need when setting up your own project. Overseas Job Centre | Gap Year, Seasonal Work, Working Holidays & Jobs Abroad. Is this plant edible?: Separate, Contact, Cook and Taste"

Personality Tests and Tools. The Hero and the Outlaw: Building Extraordinary Brands Through the Power of Archetypes: Margaret Mark, Carol S. Pearson: Books. Even more than the other Idealists,Teachers have a natural talent for leading students or trainees toward learning, or as Idealists like to think of it, they are capable of calling forth each learner's potentials. Teachers (around two percent of the population) are able - effortlessly, it seems, and almost endlessly-to dream up fascinating learning activities for their students to engage in. In some Teachers, this ability to fire the imagination can amount to a kind of genius which other types find hard to emulate. But perhaps their greatest strength lies in their belief in their students.

Teachers look for the best in their students, and communicate clearly that each one has untold potential, and this confidence can inspire their students to grow and develop more than they ever thought possible. In whatever field they choose, Teachers consider people their highest priority, and they instinctively communicate personal concern and a willingness to become involved. §. A good and stable relationship between partners is conducive to a happy marriage, and we often don't know what the underlying cause of our conflicts is. The ability to assess the likelihood of a healthy long term relationship is one of the main challenges in dating and matchmaking. Jung Marriage Test™ addresses this challenge. The test identifies potentially successful and potentially problematic matches by comparing and analysing personality types of the partners.

Personality type is defined by the three criteria introduced by Carl Jung: Extraversion - Introversion Sensing - Intuition Thinking - Feeling And the fourth criterion added by Isabel Briggs Myers *: Judging-Perceiving The different combinations of these four criteria define sixteen possible personality types. ENFP - Extravert iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving A high MatchIndex ensures a good and stable long-term relationship. Archetype. The concept of an archetype /ˈɑrkɪtaɪp/ is found in areas relating to behavior, modern psychological theory, and literary analysis. An archetype can be…: …a statement, pattern of behavior, or prototype which other statements, patterns of behavior, and objects copy or emulate; ……a Platonic philosophical idea referring to pure forms which embody the fundamental characteristics of a thing; ……a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present in individual psyches, as in Jungian psychology; ……or a constantly recurring symbol or motif in literature, painting, or mythology (this usage of the term draws from both comparative anthropology and Jungian archetypal theory).

Etymology[edit] Plato[edit] The origins of the archetypal hypothesis date back as far as Plato. Jungian archetypes[edit] Archetypal literary criticism[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ Douglas Harper. Made on a Mac: Eigenharp, the next evolution in electronic music-making | 9 to 5 Mac. No Garden? Here Are 66 Things You Can Can Grow At Home In Containers. By Rachel Cernansky Growing your own food is exciting, not only because you get to see things grow from nothing into ready-to-eat fruits and veggies, but you also don’t have to worry about the pesticides they might contain, and you definitely cut down on the miles they—and you—have to travel. As it turns out, with pretty minimal effort, anyone can be a gardener.

My boyfriend and I are essentially first-timers this season and so far have the beginnings of strawberries peeking out, tomatoes are on their way, the basil’s about ready for a big batch of pesto, and once the last frost hits, the peppers, kale, spinach, chard, and mesclun will be on their way, too. If you’re up to the challenge—and it really isn’t much of one—growing your own food can be so rewarding.

And so much cheaper! Just be sure to choose the right planter or container, learn how to maintain it properly, and go find yourself some seeds! Like this idea? Tree fruits – including apples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Citrus fruits. 48 Hours to stop the big brother law. 97,148 have signed. Help us get to 150,000 Update: 24 August 2012 Today, our community's nearly 100,000 strong petition was formally submitted to the Joint Committee reviewing the draft Communications and Data Bill.

In the coming weeks, the Committee will review the formal submissions, including our massive call opposing the Big Brother bill. Posted: 20 August 2012The government wants to give itself new powers to spy on our Internet and email use in real time -- but a massive national outcry can save the Internet and stop the big brother law. Public outrage has been growing and news reports suggest that Cameron and Clegg are being forced to slow down their march to secure draconian powers to spy on what we do online.

The last time this was mooted in Parliament it failed precisely because of strong public opposition. WikiLeaks and the Global Future of Free Speech. Arthur Sakhkalyan | copypasteculture. Marius Kloppers. Kirtan London Launch Party (part 1) Seek out the good news. Anonymous hacking group target Peter Hain website. Game to destroy CCTV cameras: vandalism or valid protest? | World news. Planning - How do I plan a successful set of travel photographs. Alumni Conversations: Nadav Assor. Switchback - January/February 2013. The real invasion of Africa is not news. Managing Environmental Systems. About Architecture for Humanity.