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Social Media Case Studies SUPERLIST- 18 Extensive Lists of Organ. Are you using content marketing as part of your digital strategy to grow your business? If so, you're not alone. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the lion's share of marketers (some 92%) report using content marketing. In the fast moving world of digital strategy, things are always changing. What should you expect in 2014 to change in the world of content marketing? Hana Abaza of Uberflip has put together an infographic detailing five key content marekting trends for the coming year.

In summary, they are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 451 Heat » Top Social Media Strategists to Watch in 2010. The 451 Team compiled the following list of the top social media strategists. We admire their work and look forward to what they’re going to come up with in 2010. This is not a comprehensive list of the great social media strategists out there, so we invite you to contribute with the names of any strategists you admire with a brief description of their work for us to post! Chris Abraham (@chrisabraham) is the President and COO of social media marketing firm, Abraham Harrison LLC. He focuses on how memetics and emergence affect culture. Abraham specializes in Web2.0 technologies including content syndication, online collaboration, blogging and consumer generated media. He also works as an internet analyst, web strategy consultant, and adviser to the industry’s leading firms.

David Armano (@armano) is a senior partner at Dachis Group. Josh Bernoff (@jbernoff) is the SVP of idea development at Forrester Research. C. Adam Cohen (@adamcohen) is a partner at the digital agency, Rosetta. B.L. 5 of the best social media and marketing blogs that you should r. Yes, Social Media is Powerful. No, It's Not as Powerful as. The author's views are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. It's late. I'm just back from a week of travel and crazy amounts of email (note to other CEOs, when emailing 120K people with a special offer, be wary of putting your email address as the reply-to).

I had a terrific time at the Online Marketing Summit - great people, many of whom I'd never met before, an impressive turnout of more than 500 (even in a down economy; wow!) And some terrific networking parties (the conference even featured catered dinner for the attendees, which was really nice). One of the subjects that arose, as usual, was the emergence and power of social media, and I had some quick thoughts to share. Social media has emerged as a "next big thing," but in fact, it's been around since the dawn of the Internet.

Social media is great for: But it can't do what search/SEO does: You should probably concentrate on those first. P.s. Twitter has made Dell $1 million in revenue » VentureBeat. Everyone loves talking about Twitter’s business model — because there isn’t one yet, and they’ll keep talking about it until there is one. But it’s becoming more clear that while a business model is of course important, Twitter is perhaps the perfect example of a company that can afford to take its time in finding the one that is perfect for it. That’s because other businesses are building so much on top of the micro-messaging service and using it for their own services. If worst came to worst, and Twitter had to sell, there would probably be a bidding war of a magnitude that would make it seem like this country wasn’t in the midst of a recession. InternetNews has a good rundown of the Twitter/business phenomenon. Less altruistically, some businesses have discovered that Twitter is an effective way of communicating with consumers.

If Twitter has made Dell $1 million in revenue, imagine how much it’s making for all of the companies it helps promote. Social media site inspection | Online PR and social media consul. Social media site inspection December 1st, 2008 by Lloyd Gofton Welcome to a new regular feature on Liberate Media’s blog: the social media site inspection. Inspired by NMA’s long-running site inspection, which has graced the back page of the magazine for many years, we will be looking at four websites from a different sector each month.

This month’s chosen sector is technology. The chosen few will be reviewed by members of the Liberate Media team and scored on four key aspects of social media: - Social media components - Sharable content - Social bookmarking score - Freshness of content We will also add an overview of how we rate the site in its current form, where improvements could be made and generally give feedback on our impressions. We hope you enjoy the reviews, and please let us know your thoughts on the sites or our ratings – we would welcome the feedback. Cisco Social media components – 23/25 Sharable content – 20/25 Freshness of content – 25/25 Social bookmarking - Comments. Being Peter Kim: A List of Social Media Marketing Examples.