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Hybrid | Meyer Burger PV Systems. Vtunnel - Web-App. Forscher: Solarindustrie erzeugt mehr Strom als sie verbraucht. Seit dem Jahr 2000 hat der Aufbau der Solar-Branche viel Energie gekostet, insbesondere aus fossilen Quellen. Ironischerweise sei dadurch die Erwärmung des Erdklimas begünstigt worden. Mittlerweile, seit vergangenem Jahr, erzeugten aber die weltweit installierten Solar-Panel mehr "saubere Energie", als für den weiteren Ausbau des Industriezweigs benötigt wird.

Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen laut Mitteilung Forscher des Global Climate & Energy Project (GCEP) der US-amerikanischen Stanford University in Kalifornien. GCEP-Forscher Michael Dale geht davon aus, dass die Solar-Industrie trotz ihrer großen Wachstumsrate Anfang 2015, spätestens 2020 ihre seit dem Jahr 2000 aufgehäufte "Energieschuld" getilgt haben wird, die zum Beispiel daraus resultiert, um Silizium für die Herstellung der Panel zu schmelzen – und zwar hauptsächlich mit Kohle als Energieträger.

Die Forscher rechnen damit, dass im Jahr 2020 rund 10 Prozent des weltweit erzeugten Stroms aus Solaranlagen stammt. 510-dorobantu.pdf. Water Cooled Solar Panels 500w - Buy Cheap Solar Panel,Folding Solar Panel,Folding Solar Panel Product on Alibaba. Water cooled solar panels 500w pure sine wave output,auto switch easy install & upgradeablelong life span:25 years.CE ISO IEC TU water cooled solar panels 1. All solar Systems have LCD digital display which allows you to see the system working, (eg) Charge data,System voltage, Daily power consumption and temperature. 2.

All type of BPS solar system both has AC and DC output. Water Cooled Solar Panels 300w - Buy Folding Solar Panel,300w Suntech Solar Panel,Amorphous Solar Panel 300w Product on Alibaba. Water cooled solar panels pure sine wave output,auto switch easy install & upgradeable long life span:25 years. water cooled solar panels 1. All solar Systems have LCD digital display which allows you to see the system working, (eg) Charge data,System voltage, Daily power consumption and temperature. 2.

All type of BPS solar system both has AC and DC output. Also have AC back up charger function. 3. All solar system have automatic switch , If mains power goes off the system will switch automatically over to battery power,When mains power resumes the system will switch back automatically. The battery's will resume recharging automatically. 4. A New Solar Energy-Harvesting Panel - And it Works During the Night | Energy Efficiency News.

Steven Novack, a technology pioneer employed by the U.S. Department of Energy, announced earlier this week the development of a new solar panel which will nearly double efficiency by collecting solar power from the previously untapped infrared (IR) spectrum, as reported by the New Scientist. Although the project, currently underway in Idaho Falls, ID, has to work through a few snags, solutions may be in place as soon as mid-2011. The element which makes these solar panels so unique is that nearly one half of all available energy in the solar spectrum is in the IR band. Current solar panels, which rely solely on visible solar radiation, are only 25 percent effective. Though these new solar panels may completely revolutionize green energy, there are a few challenges which must be hurdled first.

The second hurdle which exists has to do with the current which is produced by the infrared radiation. Transparent solar cells allow for infrared-harvesting windows. Renewable energy researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have created a solar cell that's nearly 70 percent transparent. It could one day give rise to windows that generate enough electricity to power a building. A team produced a polymer solar cell that makes energy by absorbing infrared -- and not visible -- light. That makes the cell about 66 percent transparent to the human eye, while also being able to achieve four percent efficiency. Four percent might sound like a pitiful amount, but typical panels only manage to harvest about ten percent of the sun's energy. The cell uses near-infrared light-sensitive polymer, and has a transparent conductor made of silver nanowire and titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

Importantly, the cells can be produced in high volume at low cost, the researchers say. Wp-content/uploads/2012/08/smart-window. Fraunhofer black silicon could catch more energy from infrared light, go green with sulfur. Solar power | designboom. Amonix Achieves World Record for PV Module Efficiency in Test at NREL: 36 Percent | Green Energy News.

April 28 , 201 3 – Vol.18 No. 7 Amonix Achieves World Record for PV Module Efficiency in Test at NREL: 36 Percent Amonix, designer and manufacturer of concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) solar power systems, has successfully converted more than 36 percent of direct sunlight into electricity. A module showcasing Amonix’s latest-generation CPV technology has been in outdoor testing from late February to April of this year. During this period, the Amonix module demonstrated a peak operating efficiency of 36.2 percent measured on March 14, 2013 with a DNI of 876 W/m2, an ambient temperature of 16ƒC and instantaneous wind speed of 1 m/s, breaking the previous 34.2 percent peak efficiency set by Amonix in May 2012. This result continues Amonix’s long history of leading the world in solar module efficiency, having been the first to convert over 1/3rd of the sun’s energy in May 2012, and the first to break 30 percent module efficiency in 2011.

Links. Amonix. Microsoft Word - Fakten zur PV - aktuelle-fakten-zur-photovoltaik-in-deutschland.pdf. Nach Solar-Pleitewelle: Strafzölle und europaweite Kooperationen sollen helfen. Der Boom bei Solaranlagen ist rund um den Globus ungebrochen. Doch "Made in Germany" steht heute nur noch selten auf den billig gewordenen Anlagen. Vor genau einem Jahr, am 15. Mai 2012, fand die Krise der deutschen Solarindustrie mit der Pleite und anschließenden Auflösung von Sovello aus Bitterfeld-Wolfen einen neuen Höhepunkt.

Tausende Jobs gingen seither verloren, noch immer sucht die Branche nach Rettung. Aber es gibt neue Ansätze. Im Dreiländereck von Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen, wo die Solar-Branche lange als Job- und Wirtschaftsmotor galt, lässt die Sonne derzeit den Raps für Bioöl auf riesigen Äckern blühen. Photovoltaikanlage bei Freiburg Bild: Schwarzerkater, cc by-nd-2.0 30.000 Arbeitsplätze in der Solarzellen-Produktion sind nach Schätzungen des Branchenverbandes Solar Valley Mitteldeutschland bundesweit seit dem Ausbruch der Krise 2011 vernichtet worden. Die Politik gibt der Branche Rückendeckung. Für Frey hat die Branche aber auch ihre Hausaufgaben zu erledigen.

Solar Cell Central - A Comprehensive Solar Energy Site. Re: Deutschland ist kein PV-Land. | Solarworld schockt mit Hiobsbotschaft: E... | News-Foren.