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BBYIDX | Idea Crowdsourcing Platform. StyleMyLife | Designs. Genius Crowds - Ideas Wanted. Officine Italiane Innovazione - Desiderio d'impresa. Category:Creativity Techniques. This A to Z of Creativity and Innovation Techniques, provides an introduction to a range of tools and techniques for both idea generation (Creativity) and converting those ideas into reality (Innovation). Like most tools these techniques all have their good and bad points. I like to think of these creativity and innovation techniques as tools in a toolbox in much the same way as my toolbox at home for DIY.

It has a saw, spanner, hammer, knife and all sorts of other things in it, they are all very useful, but you have to pick the right tool (creativity / Innovation technique) for each job. This site will try and provide a little guidance along with each tool to let you know whether it's best used for cutting paper or putting in nails. For the future, the aim is to also have sub-categories which will identify Techniques for; Problem Definition - including problem analysis, redifinition, and all aspects associated with defining the problem clearly. Subcategories. Brainrack - Out of the box innovation. IdeaConnection: Solve your open innovation challenges. Challenges. Story and Emergent Design. Tools&Methods « Visualizing the Invisible. Using Large Screens for Brainstoming Posted by Michael Koch in Academic, Tools&Methods on September 21, 2010 Lets start with an interesting project in the ModLab at University Bochum.

As stated in the earlier post, the researchers in Bochum are working on using large interactive screens in modeling workshops. At CRIWG 2010 (see paper in Springer Link: they presented a brainstorming tool to help in brainstorming phases during modeling. The interesting aspects of the tool: integrated in modeling tool (SeeMe) – so you can continue to work with the ideas generated during the brainstorming session in the (process) model workshop participants can use different devices to enter data – whatever they have at hand: laptops (via WiFi), smart phones, iphones … The presentation of this tool made me look for other brainstorming solutions for large (interactive) screens and mobile devices (for data entry). Brainstomring, modlab, seeme, tools. Main Page - FreeMind - free mind mapping software. Welcome - The Creative Leadership Forum - Collaborate - Create - Commercialise & Transformational Change. Abstract. SparkBugg - A blog about sharing bright ideas. Managing Networks of Creativity (Hardback) - Taylor & Francis. Best of Breed Idea Management Software has 10 Key Elements: A Check List For Your Demonstrations. Thinking about getting an idea management system? Here’s your feature/function check list. Of course you should still poll your user community and get their feedback to see what they need. But after you’re done, I bet you a nickel you’ll end up with a list like this one. Print it out and check off the items during your demonstrations. The Key Elements of Ideation: Living in the Ideagora… Terms: Some quick terms you might want to show off that you know…When you get your idea management software system, your collaborative team will be comprised of Innovation Managers and Ideators.

Ideators are the folks submitting ideas. 1. 2. 3. OK, I couldn’t think of a better heading for this section but this is what I’m talking about…You need to be able to bookmark any of the objects in the system (files, ideas, challenges). 4. 5. Thinking about getting an idea management system? 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Speaking of integration, can the idea management software system bring in twitter and RSS feeds? Idea Management - Innovation Management - Crowdsourcing - Suggestion Box - Customer Feedback Software.

Club italiano dei creativi > Home. Brainstorming. The Brainstorming (brainstorm) method is a semi-structured creative group activity, used most often in ad-hoc business meetings to come up with new ideas for innovation or improvement. Members of the group are encouraged to put forward ideas about a problem and how it may be solved, in order to generate as many ideas as possible, even if they are not always usable alternatives. The idea behind brainstorming is, that a group of people can achieve a higher (synergy) level of creativity than the sum of the participants separately. Brainstorming Rules Three major rules for a successful brainstorm session are: Participants should be encouraged to come up with as much ideas as possible, however strange they are (there are no bad ideas). No judgment should be given about any idea, until the end of the session.

Brainstorming hints Some hints for a successful brainstorm session are: Use an experienced facilitator. The effectiveness of brainstorming More Management Methods, Models and Theory. Ideas Culture | Ideas While You Sleep. A Computer-Model for the Creative Process Beyond Simple Brainstorming « Visualizing the Invisible. To build computer systems which particularly support creativity, an abstract process model is necessary. Most creativity support systems used in practice, so far only address a simple gathering of ideas in the style of a less-strict version of the Brainstorming-technique. Our main goal was, to find a more generic model which allows for the instantiation of more complex creativity techniques.

This model will be explained within this article. The creative process is most commonly described as a linear phase model. Figure 1 shows the model which we design especially for the use within a computer system. This entry was posted on September 20, 2010, 10:25 am and is filed under Tools&Methods. Supporting Innovation in SME. WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson. Open Innovation and Creativity Support. Project: Open Innovation and Creativity Support Viele der hier gezeigten Ideen werden im EXIST-geförderten StartUp IdeaClouds fortgeführt. Hier klicken für weitere Informationen Unter "Open Innovation" werden meist Prozesse verstanden, bei denen kooperativ, durch Offenlegung von eigenem Wissen, Technologien (manchmal aber auch von Inhalten), Innovationen geschaffen werden.

"Open Innovation" wird als Innovationsprozess definiert, in dem Wissen aus organisationsinternen Quellen zusammen mit jenem aus organisationsexternen zum Entwickeln einer Innovation verwendet wird. Studien belegen, dass für bestimmte Anwendungsfälle der "Open Innovation" Prozess (dt. offener Innovationsprozess) dem geschlossenen vorzuziehen ist, in dem die Entwicklung einer Innovation ausschließlich innerhalb einer Organisation (z.B. im Unternehmen) stattfindet. Kunden, Partner und Mitglieder der verschiedenen beteiligten Organisationen können somit Bestandteile einer "Open Innovation" Community sein.