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Bilanporte unepage CFORP. HT R993 ADV En 29401849 141010 web. Does your school have a growth mindset when it comes to change? Want your tech rollout to be successful? First, you need the right mindset Most educational organizations want to improve teaching and learning by leveraging technology. The terms blended learning and its subset, flipped learning, are touted extensively as useful educational goals. However, there are a number of fundamentals that need to be in place in order to increase the likelihood of organization wide success.

This contrasts with the success of the “lone experimenters”; the innovators and early adopters who will implement change no matter what the environment is like. Fundamentals fall into a number of categories. Believe it or not, there are some mental attributes required for change in the classroom to occur successfully. While reading these points, rate yourself, and then your perception of the total “mindset position” of your organization, on a scale of 1 (Poor) to 5 (Excellent). An individual A less than optimal result follows. The total mindset component of the organization. Amos Daragon - Porteur de masques | Première PLUS. Triggering the Brain with Wonder. The other day I was talking to our high school choir teacher, when she told me about a fascinating brain study involving music. MIT neuroscientists have discovered that music triggers an auditory cortex of the brain that doesn’t appear to respond to other basic auditory sounds like speech.

If our brains have portions that only react to sounds recognized as music, this leads to an important question: Are we really engaging the brain most effectively if we aren’t exposing it to music? The Power of Music Memory A few years ago when my mother-in-law was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, she slowly began losing the ability to track time. Ironically, when I sit down with her at the piano, she can almost perfectly recall the tunes and verses of her favorite hymns. Her short-term and long-term memories often get jumbled, but her music memory is so much more precise. I remember many times when playing the piano has prompted my own creativity in solving problems.

The Art of What You Do Conclusion. Livres audio | Première PLUS. High School ‘Work From Home Day’ Gives Students Taste of Independence. One cold Monday this month, all the students of Park Ridge High School stayed home: wearing their PJs, munching on pretzels and Oreos, hanging out on the couch. It wasn’t a snow day or measles epidemic. It was the school’s first Virtual Day, where in-person classes were replaced with written lessons and real-time video chats delivered online. The idea arose because the school, just north of New York City in Park Ridge, N.J., issued every student a Mac laptop last year, says Tina Bacolas, the school’s head of instructional technology.

The school chose a software system called Schoology that allows students and teachers to communicate by text and video and post assignments. “Once we had that up and running, the idea of a virtual school day was thrown out there” as a way of testing those capabilities, Bacolas told NPR Ed. “Our ultimate goal is to prepare kids for life after high school,” says principal Troy Lederman. Teachers, says Bacolas, were a bit less gung-ho.

Copyright 2016 NPR. The Domino Effect - LeadUpNow. Today’s post is written by Heidi Veal, a passionate educator who serves as an assistant principal for an early childhood school in McKinney, TX. When was the last time you arranged dominoes just for the fun of watching them fall down, one-onto-the-other, collapsing the line into a neatly bowed-down design? For me, I was a child when I last played with dominoes this way. For some, arranging dominoes goes far beyond hobby status, taking it to professional levels at international competitions and exhibitions. Take a moment to think about the cause-effect action of dominoes descending onto themselves. A person carefully arranges the dominoes with meaning behind each placement, expecting and understanding that when they all fall down, their landing is intentional because they were purposefully placed.

How does this connect with leadership you ask? These leaders carefully measure how one decision affects the entire system. Qualities of those who lead with an understanding of The Domino Effect. Learning - 6 Ways to Use Instagram in Your Classroom Right Now. 5 Ways Digital Tools Are Transforming the Education Space. Digital tools are transforming essential elements of the education space. Understanding how they are affecting teaching and learning will help you figure out which tools are useful and how best to implement them.

Online tools: Increase collaboration: Just as social media has given rise to new definitions of community, digital tools are transforming community and the give-and-take between students and teachers. Platforms for Web-based discussion threads and creation of course or class wikis change how students can involve themselves in project-based writing assignments. A piece of student writing can become a diverse and substantive document when it is the basis for a step-by-step exchange of ideas and questions among teacher(s), peers, author(s) and mentors. The most important things to do are to give up control and to trust students and their teachers to use real-world tools to unleash creativity and a passion for learning. Realize that social media is the predominant tool in the world. 216910f. Matching Edtech Products With Neurological Learning Goals.

The word edtech refers to educational technology that includes online learning activities through games, websites, computer-assisted instruction, and other virtual resources. If you're looking for edtech to meet specific goals or carefully evaluating products for use at your school, here are some suggestions to guide your decisions. This post can help you make a list of what you want from edtech digital tools that will best suit your goals and that are most consistent with neuroscience research correlations about how the brain most successfully processes information.

What might some of these goals look like? Closing the gaps in students' foundational knowledge Skill practice to build automaticity in facts and procedures Enrichment beyond mastery Applying learning to projects, inquiries, strategic planning, and other transfer opportunities Strengthening neural networks of executive functions Qualities to Seek in Edtech Products and Programs 1. Buy-In 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Le processus d'enquête et la pensée critique #CFORPTacTIC @CFORP @Pascal_Lef @MelCourtemanche.

Virage à l’ère numérique: premiers pas pour la direction d’école – Partie 1 – innovÉduc. Sketchnote par la talentueuse Marie-André Ouimet () et inspiré par les huite caractéristiques identifiées par George Couros Entamer et soutenir un processus de changement tel que le virage à l’ère numérique relève en grande partie de la direction d’école. La réussite d’une telle mise en oeuvre est beaucoup influencée par le leader innovateur (voir le sketchnote ici haut) et ses caractéristiques: son habileté à pouvoir inspirer les autres, sa motivation, sa capacité à bâtir et maintenir des relations, son attitude, ses compétences, sa vision. Devant de telles attentes élevées, souvent ce qu’il manque à la direction d’école, c’est le COMMENT.

J’aimais donc proposer, en deux billets de blogue, quelques pistes et réflexions qui, je l’espère, viendront inspirer votre cheminement. « Le changement, ce n’est pas quelque chose que l’on fait aux autres. C’est quelque chose que l’on vit soi-même. » (traduction libre), George Couros () La réflexion est au coeur de notre pratique. Se réseauter. Why Creativity Begins With Purpose (Not Passion) – A.J. JULIANI. I used to think all I needed to create something that mattered was passion…I was wrong. It turns out passion might start the engine and get the creative process moving, but purpose is what takes it all the way to the destination (and beyond). Without Purpose the Process Will Stop I learned this the hard way when I started to write my first (would be) book. It was going to be titled, “The Quantified Teacher” (I know bad title right). I wanted to “quantify” the teaching practice and record how much time I spent doing various teaching activities throughout the day.

My ultimate hope was to expose some sort of truth that the teaching practice is much more than standing in front of the classroom, and our jobs require a great deal of creativity and flexibility. I recorded my activities, polled other teachers on what they did on a weekly basis, and looked through a lot of research on the subject, and then I stopped. This wasn’t the only time my passion fizzled out… Learning From Failure 1. 2. 3. Plutino a ajouté : Ateliers Parents. “We Feel Lost” I had the opportunity recently to spend a couple of days with teachers and leaders at a pretty sizable, well regarded, “high performing” district in the US. Today, one of those in attendance sent me the thoughts below that her son had written after a she had a discussion with him about the ideas and themes of my presentations. Apparently they resonated. He gave me permission to share it anonymously as he felt these ideas were more a compilation of he and his peers rather than his alone.

Have a look: We are the lost generation. A couple of quick reactions. First, this pushed my own thinking about how kids find the school experience, not so much deadly and boring as inconsistent. And second, I wonder, somewhat hopefully, if what this student is articulating is being caused in some way by an awakening on the part of teachers to the realities of the moment. Would love to hear your thoughts. Creating Time | gregmiller68. For those who work in education, and like many other industries, there is just never enough time. A few months back, I was introduced to an article “K-! 2 Innovation: It’s About Time“. The author was 2015, Texas Teachers of the Year, Shanna Peeples. As part of the article she wrote, “Some of the most innovative, creative and powerful lessons I’ve ever helped to design were created from collaborations with colleagues in a small group given time to really think through a lesson.”

This reminded me of occasions when I have seen teachers provided with time to meet, plan, prepare, deliver and evaluate learning for students. Image courtesy of Doug Belshaw on Flickr under Creative Commons So, how can we find time for teachers to meet, plan, prepare, deliver and evaluate learning in the classrooms to produce powerful learning for students AND teachers?

(Now, there are a lot of numbers about to be thrown at you, and I am not great with numbers, but please hang in there with me!). Regards Greg. Email_mobile_web_version. New ASCD Book: Questioning for Classroom Discussion Questioning For Classroom Discussion: Purposeful Speaking, Engaged Listening, Deep Thinking, by Jackie Walsh and Beth Sattes, explains how questioning and discussion are important components of classroom instruction that work in tandem to push learning forward and move students from passive participants to active meaning-makers. This book includes Guidelines for developing powerful questions for discussion. Concrete classroom examples of questioning and discussion techniques. Tips to help you keep discussions focused and student thinking sustained. >> See the table of contents and read free excerpts. Read Free Excerpts About the Authors JACKIE ACREE WALSH is an independent educational consultant who partners with educators across the country to enhance teaching and leading in classrooms, schools, and districts.

. © Copyright 2015 ASCD. Questioning for Classroom Discussion. 10 Things to Know about Twitter Hashtags. I notice that some teachers I chat with are confused about how hashtags work. Here is my basic guide to hashtags. A hashtag starts with the pounds symbol (#) followed by a single word (or words smashed together). No spaces. Tag or Topic The hashtag is a tag you might code your tweet with. Is your tweet about math use #math. The hashtag is converted to a live link and is blue in the tweet. In “one word”, what is the topic of your tweet? Notice in the above sample tweet the hashtag of #CCSS is included in the tweet. Not a Sentence A hashtag is not a sentence.

A hashtag is also used to target your tweet at a particular audience. Conference One of the best uses of Twitter hashtags is when you are at an event. Event hashtags allow me to see tweets from people I do not normally follow. Event hashtags also enhance a keynote or conference presentation. School If your school has a hashtag, use the school hashtag in your tweets about the school. Subject Area Interest Hashtags are also searchable. Ask. The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational.

ConnectED. MISSION: To connect future educators with current educators in the classroom via social media and potential face-to-face opportunities. See “Where to Start” below to get ConnectED! In just over two months a team of seven very innovative and connected Ontario classroom teachers (Brian Aspinall, Laurie Azzi, Peter Cameron, Aviva Dunsiger, Allison Fuisz, Sharon Moskovitz and Jonathan So), one pioneering Faculty of Education prof (Barb Van Hatten) and her lucky students have laid the foundations for ConnectED, an attempt to more efficiently and effectively connect Faculties of Educations, teacher candidates, classroom teachers ad their students.

The PILOT Our pilot project, which effectively connected the above team has seen tremendous success. I personally visited a Faculty of Education class to share how I leverage technology in the classroom to give my students a global voice. Where to start? Let the” Educonnecting” begin! Phase 3 Classroom Teachers/Resource Teachers Connected on Twitter. 1er cycle - Résolution de problèmes. Moi aussi je sais faire l’épicerie ! Les élèves doivent faire l’épicerie en respectant un budget de 20$ et en choisissant des aliments qui appartiennent aux 4 groupes alimentaires. Ils doivent également choisir autant que possible des aliments non transformés (cette notion doit avoir été vue au préalable). Les élèves doivent ensuite payer leurs achats en choisissant les pièces de monnaie ou les billets nécessaires pour payer.

Le deuxième fichier est une circulaire Métro d’où les élèves choisissent leurs aliments. À vous d’inscrire les prix qui vous conviennent pour chaque aliment. Par Ariane Valiquette Documents joints Ceci est une activité en lien avec l’alimentation et qui permet de comprendre comment et pourquoi il est utile de construire des graphiques.

Par Caroline Lacoursière Lebouc À ta santé ! Planification permettant aux enfants d’approfondir les notions d’orientation spatiale et le dénombrement. Par Marie-Lou Lefebvre Grégorio le pirate Par Marie-Hélène Massé Par Pascale Simard-Gagné. Récréomath Site de mathématiques récréatives. Top 10 TED Talks That Could Change Your Life. Be a Change Agent. Here are some ideas and links that might help you on your journey. Share your story with the world and start a blog. Forward thinkers often spend a lot of time looking back as well. Reflection is crucial. Here are 5 Ideas to Help You Blog. Try new things with the focus of “what is best for this learner”.

Would you want to be a learner in your own classroom? Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Challenge ideas and ask questions…lots of questions. See yourself as an innovator. Think Different. Notice it ends with a child? You don’t have to do everything that I have listed above. 6 Education Stories To Watch In 2016 : NPR Ed. Implementing Mobile Devices With a Focus on Learning. Implementing Mobile Devices With a Focus on Learning. Education Week. 100 Amazing Mini Habits That Will Make 2016 Awesome. The Innovative Power of Criticism. How to Make Google Chrome Faster, Better & Prettier. 10 conseils pour monter un projet « Tablettes » dans votre établissement. LE NUMÉRIQUE POUR ENSEIGNER ET APPRENDRE.

Apprendre à l’ère numérique. Est-ce que l’école est faite pour l’apprentissage? La vérité dans cette vidéo de Will Richardson. 3897.Rich Seam web. 5 Reasons to Replace Your School Newsletter with a Blog. 21 education technology recommendations for 2016.