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Architecture and design. Die Community rund um das Einrichten deiner Wohnung. DAS GADGET WEBLOG - DIGITAL LIFESTYLE TODAY AND TOMORROW. Mad Gallery - Maximilian Büsser & Friends. Motorworks Apesanteur Hatch &Disintegrating Machinelight The Swissmusic box company The Birdfishelectric guitar Sculptures to play.

Mad Gallery - Maximilian Büsser & Friends

Since 1999 home of design culture, leading independent publication for design, architecture, art, photography and graphics. DIY Design Community. The How-to Manual That You Can Edit. Swedish Fire Torch. Design. Nook Stool & Bench by Patrick Frey for Vial. Korean designer Patrick Frey has created the Nook stool and bench in collaboration with the German furniture brand Vial . The furniture series is made using a unique material called VarioLine®. The material is widely used in automobile and marine industries, but has been used in furniture design for the first time. The VarioLine® is also weatherproof, UV-resistant and easily recyclable. Both stool and bench are made from the single piece of material.

Image Courtesy: Vial. The Sleigh Bench by 6.1 Designers. The Sleigh Bench is multi-purpose furniture designed by Canadian firm 6.1 Designers . In designer’s words, The Sleigh Bench is a piece of furniture with a Nordic flavor. The purpose of the bench is not to slide but to get prepared to slide. In fact, it is designed to be a storage unit for winter boots and to have a seat for lacing them. In respect of the tradition, a warm reversible woolen cushion can also be put on the bench for additional comfort. Its snowflake pattern reinforces the cultural aspect of the furniture. 10 Creative and Innovative Product Design. I like cool looking/functional product… and always keep an eye on them… Hence, I decide to make every Monday, “the cool hunting” day.

10 Creative and Innovative Product Design

In this post, I will present you 10 Creative and Innovative Product Design you found in last week… And hope you also like them… Check our menu, what we have in today’s cool hunting journey: 1. Moonwalk – Cool Lamp 2. Mr and Mrs Hangup Wall Hooks by Black+Blum. Design Juices. Creates timely advantages — incubation. At Creaholic, the majority of our business is focused doing project work for our clients.

creates timely advantages — incubation

However, we also develop our own Creaholic incubation projects. Packaging Water-4-Life A re-usable low cost water filtration unit that can be packed flat. Medical & Health Equipment Björk a locking screw for the orthopaedics industry Software development Crealgo A software tool to help inspire and provoke innovative ways of using patents and patent information. Consumer Goods BallAtag BallAtag is a simple consumer product for personalising tennis balls. Tracking Camera A potential application utilising the miniswys technology developed by Creaholic. 2012 February « SketchbookJack. My only worldly escape, sleep, came clamoring to a bitter end by the clanging, chattering telephone across the room.

2012 February « SketchbookJack

Like some sugared up kid, it was attempting to free itself from the clutches of the hook. The covers, over my forehead protecting my eyes from the piercing morning light, defensively crumpled up against the wall as I gave them a few angered shoves. After slumping off the bed and shuffling across the floor, spears of sunlight pierced through the slated blinds, amplified by the hundreds of beaming cars driven by incompetent, impatient workers and the puddles in the consistent water that loitered on the streets below. Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien - Industrial Design. Mag.des.ind. | 300 ECTS | 10 Semester Curriculum | Lehrangebot Industrial Design wird an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien im Bewusstsein der Verant­wortung für kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen gelehrt.

Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien - Industrial Design

Das konzeptionelle Den­ken und Handeln, der Entwurf stehen in allen Bereichen im Vordergrund. Aufbauend auf ange­wandtem Wissen über Materialien, Fertigungs­möglichkeiten, Darstellungs- und Trans­fer­me­thoden, kennzeichnet ein theoretischer, wissenschaftlicher Teil das Studium. Praxisorientierung ermöglicht den Studierenden, sich auf die Anforderungen einer internationalen Ar­beits­welt vorzubereiten.

Das Diplomstudium Industrial Design gliedert sich in zwei Studienabschnitte. Das Tätigkeitsfeld der AbsolventInnen umfasst Gestaltungsfragen unserer Umwelt, ob sie nun auf Gegenstände, Produkte, Raumgestaltung oder auf temporäre Er­eig­nisse bezogen sind.