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NaJa & deOstos. Burning Wastelands Moving away from heavy mainstream infrastructures students explored platforming technologies, unconventional laboratories and guerrilla compounds, partly commentary, partly speculative, partly culturally injected.

NaJa & deOstos

We critically reviewed India’s sacred and scientific as well as high-tech and low-tech sides in order to understand and discuss via design the high-contrast scene and processes involved in energy extraction, exchange/transfer, manufacturing, final use/consumption and renewal/feedback loop. Numerous time based prototypes were built throughout the year to test and explore energy relationships, effects and performatic behaviours. STUDIO magazine #03_ ICON. Carnegie Airborne Observatory. Towards the Anthropocene! March Thesis Proposal, ANTHROPLASIA. Towards the Anthropocene!

Towards the Anthropocene! March Thesis Proposal, ANTHROPLASIA

March Thesis Proposal 2012, Feb– – alternate reality, anthropocene, chernobyl, contamination, death of nature, democratic, ecology, politics, pollution, synthetic, temporality, territory, toxicity Geology is in a state of perturbation! Do current levels of human intervention on Earth justify the proclamation of a new geological era: the Anthropocene?

The Unknown Fields Division trajectory from the Ecuadorain Amazon to the Galapagos Islands. “Everything is becoming science fiction.

The Unknown Fields Division trajectory from the Ecuadorain Amazon to the Galapagos Islands

From the margins of an almost invisible literature has sprung the intact reality of the 20th century.” J.G. Ballard A dark menagerie inhabits the pages of Borges’ “Book of Imaginary Beings”. This register of curious specimens forms a zoo of mythology, a miscellany of ‘necessary monsters’ that are imbued with the dreams and fears of those who conjured them. Risikobewertung von Neonikotinoiden für Bienen - AGES. Die generellen Datenanforderungen für die Risikobewertung für Bienen sind in der Richtlinie 91/414/EWG bzw. der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1107/2009 über das Inverkehrbringen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln EU-weit einheitlich geregelt.

Risikobewertung von Neonikotinoiden für Bienen - AGES

Details sind in Annex II, III und VI der genannten Richtlinie, sowie dem Leitfaden zur terrestrischen Ökotoxikologie (SANCO/10329/2002 rev 2 final, sowie in der EPPO-Richtlinie 170 (2010, dargelegt. Die auf den Bewertungskriterien beruhenden Schlussfolgerungen zu Wirkstoffen sind auf der Website der EFSA (European Food Safety Authority, bzw. der EU Pesticides Database ( öffentlich zugänglich. Im Jahr 2012 wurde die vorläufige Version des künftigen Leitfadendokuments zur Risikobewertung für Honigbienen, Hummeln und Solitärbienen zur Kommentierung veröffentlicht: Manche Aspekte der Risikobewertung wurden ebenfalls 2012 in einem Vorläuferdokument behandelt: Richtlinie 2010/21/EU der Kommission vom 12.

Search. Transmogrification by Peter Crump & Bruce Haggart. Two Norwegians' architecture of necessity. Armed with a sense of purpose, two young architects travel the world to practise local architecture that is internationally relevant.

Two Norwegians' architecture of necessity

And they want everything to look good too! THINKERS think and doers do, they say. Ah, but not if you are smart, eager and embrace a never-say-die attitude like Norwegians Andreas Grontvedt Gjertsen and Yashar Hanstad. Founders of award-winning design studio TYIN tegnestue Architects, these barely-out-of-architecture-school design wunderkinds (they graduated in 2010) are not only thinkers who do but who also create do-good designs that are enhancing people’s lives in remote Indonesia, Thailand, and Uganda, as well as back home in Norway. A sampling of their projects, like a cluster of dwellings, a library and a bathhouse for refugee orphans along the Thailand-Myanmar border, and a community library and a playground in Bangkok’s slums, has drawn international attention and accolades.

Yashar Hanstad (left) and Andreas G. The serendipitous path The projects. GravityONE. - OLGV. GravityONE.

GravityONE. - OLGV.

GravityONE. A Choreography for Militarised Airspace. KERB 20 - Melbourne Books. // PURCHASE PREVIOUS ISSUES - Kerb Journal. KERB 21 - Uncharted TerritoriesPURCHASE KERB JOURNAL - $24.95 +P&H FEATURING// Marina Abramovic Christophe Girot Estudi Marti Franch Lateral Office Lucy McRae ReD Associates ...just to name a few!


Practitioners of landscape architecture tread the line between creator and curator. Kerb 21 explores how the global condition is influencing practitioners, their methods and the dynamic that exists in the discipline between the established and multidisciplinary practices. This issue of Kerb aims to initiate a diverse discourse on how different modes of practice are shifting the discipline. What are these modes of practice, and what are they responding to? KERB 20 - Speculative Stories: Narratives in Landscape ArchitecturePURCHASE KERB JOURNAL - $23.95 +P&H FEATURING// Factory Fifteen NaJa &DeOstos Liam Young Unknown Fields Division CLOUDS Architecture Philip Beesely Clark Thenhaus (ENDEMIC) Future Cities Lab Geoff Manaugh (BLDGBLG) Sean Lally (WEATHERS) ....and many more!

Edible Geography. Tomorrow's Thoughts Today. FJP - Why. I built this site because I believe the soul of a product can be found in interaction design. Put another way, design is not just how it looks, it's also how it works. Do you remember the feeling you got the first time you used the iPod click wheel? Or the first time you saw Metro? What about the feeling you have after navigating a phone tree for five minutes before being told to call back during normal business hours? Or when your phone battery dies at 4pm? But those moments can be difficult to describe in words, or are too subjective, so they don't get as much publicity.

And if I do my job right, it'll be a lot more fun to read. CITYVISION MAG 6. Edward Burtynsky: Oil. ANTHROPLASIA.