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What Would I Say? Facebook App. How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell. Our favorite lesbian/bi moments from "Will & Grace" -, Page 2. By Erika Star | Known for being the first sitcom to include a gay male lead and heralded for its quick-witted dialogue, Will & Grace spanned eight seasons making for nearly a decade of TV. And while they found praise for their positive representations of gay men, they also faced criticism for arguably reinforcing stereotypes of the gay community. Luckily, the gays have a notorious sense of humor for just such occasions. Mining lesbian content in the series has also been up for debate seeing that while Will, Grace, Jack and Karen managed to bring serious human rights issues to primetime, the lesbian storylines served mostly as comic relief. Turns out, there are plenty o’ lesbians in the now classic series.

So many in fact, that this list goes to 11. 1. Yup, she’s a nun. 2. ”Girl Trouble” (Season 3/ Episode 4) 3. The episode in which Rosie O’Donnell plays herself, er I mean, Bonnie, the single mother to Jack’s son. 4. 5. 6. The 12 Types of Procrastinators. The Great Language Game. In a meeting some time ago. Turn into typography.